892/Maryland Manual
Spending Affordability Committee ................ 44
Sport, State................................... 17
Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission ............ 304
Sports and Recreation Division ................. 289
Sports and the Economy Advisory Commission.... 422
Sports Promotion Office ....................... 180
Spring Grove Hospital Center .................. 222
citizens advisory board ...................... 222
Springfield Hospital Center ..................... 222
citizens advisory board ...................... 222
Stadium Authority............................ 431
Staff Development and Training Office, DHMH ... 215
Standardbred Race Fund Advisory Committee .... 288
Star-Spangled Banner, adopted ................... 12
State Assistance Programs Catalog .............. 333
State Canvassers Board ........................ 389
State capital ................................... 3
State Capital Council.......................... 432
State Central Committees ................. 531, 534
State Debt Commission ........................ 351
State Development Council..................... 367
State Development Council Task Force........... 367
State documents. See State publications
State Documents Division...................... 144
State Employees Deferred Compensation Plan ..... 311
State Employees Health Insurance Council. ....... 310
State Employees Supplemental Retirement Plans
Board, Teachers and ........................ 437
State Employees Surety Bond Committee ......... 432
State House Trust ............................ 432
State Law Library ............................ 483
State-Owned Real Property Inventory ............333
State Planning, Department of.................. 331
State Police.................................. 315
State Police Barracks and Detachments ..........317
State Police Local Division ..................... 317
State Prosecutor Office ........................ 433
State Prosecutor Selection and
Disabilities Commission ..................... 433
State Publications Depository and
Distribution Program ....................... 434
State Publications Depository and Distribution
Program Commission ....................... 434
State Rail Plan ............................... 338
State Reporter ............................... 479
State Retirement Agency....................... 435
State Retirement and Pension Systems
Board of Trustees .......................... 434
State Use Industries Advisory Committee......... 324
State Use Industries Program ................... 324
State's Attorney, County....................... 540
State's Attorneys' Coordination Council .......... 436
State's Attorneys' Coordinator .................. 436
Statewide Cost Allocation Plan ................. 171
Statistical Service, Agricultural.................. 164
Statutory Revision Division ..................... 45
Stormwater Management Program............... 306
Student Advisory Assembly .................... 408
Subdivision plats ............................. 386
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Initiative ......... 304
Subsequent Injury Fund Board.................. 437
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Institute ......... 444
Suicide and Associated Mental Health Problems
Task Force ................................ 350
Sundry Claims Board ......................... 328
Superintendent of Schools, County .............. 542
Superintendent of Schools, State................. 187
Supplemental Security Income
Eligible/Disabled Children's Programs ......... 228
Surface and Groundwater
Appropriations Program..................... 305
Surplus Property Agency ...................... 448
Survey Services Division, DHMH ............... 233
Surveyors Registration Board, Land ............. 287
Susquehanna River Basin Commission ........... 463
Susquehanna State Park Advisory Board ......... 299
Talbot County
descriptive data ............................ 621
legislative district map ....................... 78
offices and officials ...................... 621-623
property tax assessment appeals board ......... 424
Tall Learning Resources Center, Lida Lee ........ 416
Tawes-Bland Bryant Nursing Home ............. 223
Tawes Garden Advisory Board ................. 295
Tax base, State, 1916-1986 ..................... 645
Tax Court................................... 437
Tax-General Article Committee .................. 46
Tax Reform Joint Committee .................... 45
Taxable base, 1981-1985 ....................... 646
Taxpayer information, State .................... 139
Teacher certification .......................... 188
Teacher Salaries and Incentives Commission ...... 360
Teachers and State Employees Supplemental
Retirement Plans Board ..................... 437
Technical Services Program, DEN............... 197
Teen Pregnancy Task Force .................... 375
Telecommunications Division ...................210
Telecommunications Master Planning Committee .. 375
Telecommunications Office ..................... 209
Television, public. See Public Broadcasting
Television Development Office,
Motion Pictures and ........................ 174
Television Division, Instructional................ 188
Television stations, listed....................... 741
Testing Laboratory ........................... 168
Theaters, State ................................ 18
Thomas B. Finan Center....................... 220
citizens advisory board ...................... 220
Thomas J. S. Waxter Children's Center .......... 413
Three Mile Island Committee................... 361
Tidal Fisheries Advisory Commission ............ 304
Tidewater Administration ...................... 302
Time-shares.................................. 144
Tobacco Authority............................ 165
Tobacco Report............................... 164
Tobacco Research Farm ....................... 447
Toll facilities................................. 341
Tourism and Promotion Division................ 178
Tourism Center Committee, Lower Eastern Shore. .417
Tourist Development Office .................... 179
Towns and cities ............................... 5
incorporated............................... 635
Towson State University ....................... 441
Toxic Substances Council ...................... 195
Trade Policy Council.......................... 175
Trademarks and service marks .................. 143
Traffic and road condition reports ............... 342
Transit Authority, Washington
Metropolitan Area.......................... 464