880/Maryland Manual
Business Occupations Article Committee .......... 46
Business Resource Council, Vietnam and
Disabled Veterans'.......................... 361
Butterfly, Baltimore Checkerspot ...............'.. 17
Cabinet, Governor's. See Executive Council
Cadastral maps............................... 388
Calvert County
descriptive data ............................ 566
legislative district map ....................... 62
offices and officials ...................... 566-569
property tax assessment appeals board ......... 423
Canvassers Board............................. 389
Capital, State .............................. 3, 10
Capital Budget, Annual........................ 333
Capital Budget Planning Project, DNR........... 293
Capital City Commission ...................... 390
Capital Debt Affordability Committee............ 390
Capital Development Program, DNR ............ 294
Capital Improvements Program, Five-Year. ....... 333
Capital Program Planning Division, DSP ......... 333
Capital Programs Administration, DNR.......... 293
Captive Wildlife Advisory Committee ............ 299
Cardiovascular Risk Factors Commission,
High Blood Pressure and Related ............. 239
Caroline County
descriptive data ............................ 569
legislative district map ....................... 63
offices and officials ...................... 569-572
property tax assessment appeals board ......... 423
Carroll County
descriptive data ............................ 573
legislative district map ....................... 64
offices and officials ...................... 573-576
property tax assessment appeals board ......... 423
Carter Center ........................... 219, 413
citizens advisory board ...................... 219
Casualty Claims Unit, DOS .................... 204
Catastrophic Liability Insurance Fund and
Maryland Insurance Exchange Joint Task Force .. 44
Catch a Fortune Contest....................... 303
Catoctin Furnace Local Advisory Board.......... 295
Cecil County
descriptive data ............................ 576
legislative district map ....................... 65
offices and officials ...................... 576-579
property tax assessment appeals board ......... 423
Census information ........................... 334
Center for AIDS-Related Educational Services .... 218
Center Stage Theater ........................... 18
Central Accident Records Division ..............316
Central Collection Unit........................ 171
Central Committees, Democratic ................ 531
Central Committees, Republican ................ 534
Central Laundry Minimum Security Unit......... 323
Central Payroll Bureau ........................ 138
Central Purchasing Bureau ................ 171, 201
Central Services Office, DGS ................... 205
Certificate of Need Program, DHMH ............ 235
Certification and Accreditation Division, SDOE ... 188
Certifications................................. 144
Certified Adult Residential Environment Program.. 266
Certified Nurse-Midwives Advisory Council....... 243
Charitable organizations ....................... 144
Charles County
descriptive data ............................ 579
legislative district map ....................... 66
offices and officials ...................... 579-582
property tax assessment appeals board ......... 423
Charles H. Hickey, Jr. School .................. 412
citizens' advisory committee.................. 412
Charter counties......................... 539, 540
Charter of Maryland ...................... 10, 745
Charters, corporate ........................... 388
Chemist, State ............................... 168
Chesapeake Bay ................................ 3
Chesapeake Bay, Governor's Council on.......... 350
Chesapeake Bay Commission ................... 458
Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Commission .. 292, 293
Chesapeake Bay Critical Areas Committee, Joint.... 42
Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research
Reserve Committee ......................... 304
Chesapeake Bay Trust......................... 391
Chesapeake Biological Laboratory ............... 447
Chief Medical Examiner Office.................. 216
Child, Teenage, and Young Adult Suicide and
Associated Mental Health Problems
Task Force ................................ 350
Child Abuse and Neglect Council ............... 393
Child Abuse and Neglect Task Force ............ 365
Child Care Interagency Council................. 266
Child Support Enforcement Administration ....... 269
Child Support Enforcement Advisory Council ..... 365
Child Welfare Office .......................... 265
Children, Clearinghouse for Missing .............317
Children and Adolescents Unit ................. 217
Children and Youth Advisory Committee......... 392
Children and Youth Office ..................... 391
Children's Councils ...................... 392, 543
Children's Program Awards Committee .......... 393
Children's Programs, Supplemental Security
Income Eligible/Disabled .................... 228
Chiropractic Examiners Board .................. 237
Christmas Tree Growers Wholesale Directory. ...... 164
Chronic and Rehabilitation Facilities Office ....... 226
Circuit Court ................................ 473
biographies of members ..................... 490
clerks .................................... 539
resident judges ............................. 539
Cities and towns................................ 5
incorporated............................... 635
Civil Defense Agency ......................... 313
Civil Division ................................ 146
Clam Advisory Committee ..................... 304
Clearinghouse for Intergovernmental Assistance ... 333
Clearinghouse for Missing Children ..............317
Clerical Training Institute...................... 309
Clerks of Court of Appeals, historical list......... 715
Clifton T. Perkins Hospital Center .............. 220
citizens advisory board ...................... 221
Closing Costs Task Force, Real Property ......... 374
Coastal Resources Advisory Committee .......... 304
Coastal Resources Division..................... 303
Coastal States Organization .................... 459
Coastal Zone Management Program ............. 303
Code Home Rule Counties ................ 539, 540
Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) ........ 144
Code Revision Division ......................... 45
Collection Agency Licensing Board .............. 278
Colleges and universities .................. 407, 732
COMAR.................................... 144