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Maryland Manual, 1987-88
Volume 183, Page 822   View pdf image (33K)
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822/Maryland Manual

Gallagher, Frank X. ................. 429, 556, 557
Gallagher, Gennaine .......................... 292
Gallagher, James L............................ 571
Gallagher, Violet T............................ 571
Galley, Jon P................................. 322
Gallion, Charles, Sr. .......................... 610
Galloway, Sarah.............................. 397
Gamache, Marion P. .......................... 606
Gambatese, John F............................ 574
Gamble, Richard L............................ 392
Gambrill, Matthew ...................... 438, 568
Gambrill, Richard N. ......................... 553
Gambrill, Stephen W. .................... 723, 724
Gann, Florence .............................. 415
Gannon, Sylvia J.............................. 459
Gantt, Benjamin L. ........................... 712
Gantt, John Mackall .......................... 713
Garber, Herbert .............................. 221
Garber, John ................................ 292
Garber, Marie M. ....................... 368, 376
Gardiner, Beatrice Marie ...................... 618
Gardiner, Hugh C., Ill ................... 581, 582
Gardiner, William P........................... 580
Gardner, Betty K. ............... 391, 417, 628, 629
Gardner, H. William .......................... 550
Gardner, James F. ............................ 403
Gardner, John K.............................. 323
Gardner, Maureen O'Ferrall.................... 151
Gardner, William............................. 614
Gargani, Mary A. ............................ 571
Garinther, Georges R.......................... 194
Garletts, Merle............................... 591
Garman, George P. ........................... 591
Gannatz, Edward A...................... 724, 725
Gamier, John H. .................... 478, 507, 563
Gamer, Charles .............................. 299
Gamer, Elizabeth L. .......................... 580
Gamer, Lawrence R........................... 615
Gamer, William I., Jr. ........................ 282
Gamett, Katharine M. ........................ 535
Garraway, J. Elizabeth ................... 407, 409
Garrett, Judson P., Jr.................. 46, 145, 370
Garrett, Nell-Marie ........................... 568
Garrett, Wallace T. ........................... 554
Garrett, William P. ........................... 604
Garrison, Gene A. ............................ 629
Garrison, Lynn ...............................358
Garrison, Sylvia .............................. 552
Garrity, John J. ..................... 469, 488, 716
Garrity, John P............................... 597
Garrott, Idamae ..................... 37, 42, 51, 88
Gartland, James F., II......................... 580
Gartrell, Eugenia ............................. 575
Garver, Ralph ............................... 626
Garvey, Lucy Ann............................ 556
Garvin, Sharon L. ............................ 594
Gary,James A. ......................... 704, 727
Gary,John G. .................... 38, 53, 108, 374
Gary, Myra L. ............................... 182
Gaskins, Selena H........................ 481, 594
Gass, Frederick N............................. 617
Gassaway, John .............................. 711
Gassner, Herman S............................ 535
Gates, Alice M. ...................:.......... 614
Gates, Francis W. ............................ 420

Gates-Ruehl, Elma............................ 220
Gatewood, Askew W., Jr. ............. 476, 507, 556
Gatto, James R. .............................. 602
Gatton, John 0., Sr. .......................... 282
Gaudreau, Gerry ............................. 563
Gayler, Robert ............................... 194
Gazaway, Annis.............................. 552
Gearhart, Roy A.............................. 423
Gebhardt, Joseph D. .......................... 532
Gebken, Richard J. ........................... 199
Gee, Donald M............................... 423
Geer,Jane................................... 242
Gehrman, Richard ....................... 263, 265
Geise, John V. ............................... 528
Geitz, William D. ............................ 454
Gelineau, J. Larry ............................ 204
Gell, Robert L................................ 578
Gelrud, Susan................................ 616
Gelston, George M............................ 711
Gemmill, M. Robert ..................... 258, 599
Genn, Gilbert J........................ 39, 51, 108
Gentry, James ............................... 363
George, Calvin S., Jr. ......................... 423
George, Dorothy G. .......................... 395
George, John C............................... 587
George, William.............................. 584
Gephart, George W. .......................... 245
Gerace, Nancy H. Rehmeyer ................... 244
Gerald, Phillip L.............................. 619
Gerard, Kenneth F............................ 568
Gerber, Norman E. ........................... 565
Gerlach, James............................... 285
Gerling, Kathryn H. .......................... 277
German, Men-ill R. ........................... 442
Germanos, Emil.............................. 279
Gerred, Frank ............................... 617
Gershowitz, Sonya Z. ......................... 349
Gerstung, Robert J. .................. 476, 507, 556
Gerstung, Siegfried ........................... 225
Gesner, Beth P. .............................. 528
Gettleman, Judith R........................... 238
Getty, Ann D. ............................... 396
Getty, James S. ..................... 480, 489, 716
Getty, James S., Jr. ........................... 547
Getty,Joseph M. ............................. 535
Getz, Jannette ............................... 424
Getz, Stanley ................................ 426
Geyer, John ................................. 361
Ghiselin, Reverdy ............................ 707
Gianforti, Toni............................... 371
Gibbons, Michael C. .......................... 319
Gibbs, Julian ................................ 553
Gibson, Charles H. ...................... 719, 723
Gibson, Doris L. ............................. 567
Gibson, Frank W. ............................ 229
Gibson, Joseph L., Jr. ......................... 426
Gibson, Josiah A.............................. 280
Gibson, Marshall S., Jr. ....................... 569
Giemalczyk, Stephen.......................... 449
Giffen, Sallie A. .............................. 444
Giffin, William E.............................. 624
Gifford, Kirk ................................ 162
Gilbert, Ana ................................. 606
Gilbert, Esmine .............................. 548
Gilbert, Joseph K. ............................ 441


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Maryland Manual, 1987-88
Volume 183, Page 822   View pdf image (33K)
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