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Maryland Manual, 1987-88
Volume 183, Page 813   View pdf image (33K)
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Culbreth, John H. ............................ 708
Culbreth, Thomas ............................ 721
Culhane, Frank M. ........................... 580
Cullen, Eileen................................ 577
Cullen, Elizabeth W. .......................... 369
Cullen, Mabel................................ 629
Cullen, Steve................................. 620
Culler, Carl L. ............................... 588
Culley, E. Rosemary .......................... 577
Cullison, Leon A., Jr. ......................... 618
Cullison, Robert.............................. 404
Cullison, Ruth ............................... 565
Culotta, Salvatore J., Jr. ....................... 282
Culver, Robert L.............................. 629
Cumberland, Laurence W. B. ................... 425
Cumbo, Ruth T............................... 610
Cummings, Alexander L. ..... 389, 469, 479, 483, 715
Cummings, Elijah E. ............... 38, 53, 102, 356
Cummings, William E., Jr. ...................... 31
Cummins, Paul Z., II ......................... 361
Cunningham, Charles J. ....................... 362
Cunningham, Diana........................... 374
Cunningham, Lynda S. ........................ 434
Cunningham, Wilber E......................... 557
Cuomo, Mario ............................... 463
Curcio, Frank G. ............................. 551
Curfman, Eugene C. .......................... 574
Curl, Langston ............................... 605
Curlett, Royden R. ........................... 614
Curiey, Thomas J., Jr................. 478, 506, 550
Cun-an, A. Jeanette ........................... 260
Curran, G. Richard ........................... 566
Cun-an, Gerald J................ 39, 41, 54, 102, 324
Curran, J. Joseph, Jr. .... 25, 145, 318, 326, 327, 356,
367, 368, 369, 371, 372, 376, 389, 396,
409, 432, 433, 436, 705, 709
Cun-an, Martin E. ............................ 557
Curran, Neill ................................ 626
Curran, Robert W............................. 531
Cun-an, William.............................. 709
Currie, Ulysses ........................ 39, 52,103
Curry, Anna A. ......................... 409, 562
Curry, Herrel, Jr.............................. 579
Curry, Rupert G.............................. 430
Curtis, Arthur V., Jr. ......................... 245
Curtis, Caria M............................... 267
Curtis, Francis P.............................. 712
Curtis, Paul Douglas .......................... 319
Curtis, William E. ............................ 438
Cushwa, Victor.................. 37, 38, 49, 86, 439
Custer, Franklin.............................. 591
Cutler, Paul L. ............................... 632
Cyr, Robert A................................ 209
Dabney, Roy I., Jr. ...................... 418, 611
Dabney, Thomas B., Jr. ....................... 426
Dabrowski, Walter G. ......................... 242
D'Adamo, Nicholas, Jr. ....................... 531
Dadson, Jeanette Nathan ...................... 559
Daffin, Diane ................................ 353
Daffin, James L............................... 623
Daft,Jack R. ................................ 285
Dailey, Richard D. ........................... 547
Daily, Sanford W. ............................ 314
Daldakis, Peggy .............................. 561
Dale, Harry ................................. 617

Name Index/813

Dale, Meredith M............................. 299
D'Alesandro, Thomas J., III.................... 728
D'Alesandro, Thomas, Jr.................. 724, 728
Daley, Thelma T., ............................ 452
Dallam, Richard ............................. 708
Dalsemer, Gordon H. ......................... 370
Daly, Maurice ............................... 588
Daly, Owen, II............................... 405
Dancy, Bonita J. ............................. 556
Dandridge, Roger A........................... 547
Daniell, Howard.............................. 532
Daniels, Henry C. ............................ 285
Daniels, Samuel T............................. 560
Daniels, Stanley .............................. 620
Dannecker, Robert B. ......................... 294
Dante, Martha T.............................. 625
Dantes, Phillip G. ............... 224, 324, 329, 356
Darby, Albert D.,Jr........................... 547
Darcey, Kenneth E............................ 612
Darcey, Roland ..................... 161, 175, 611
Darcy, Cornelius P. ........................... 355
Damall, Donald J............................. 400
Damall, John ................................ 698
Damell, Nancy Ruth.......................... 402
Dashiell, Marie A. ............................ 629
Dashiell, Norris A. ........................... 620
Dashiell, Shirley.............................. 629
Daspit, Richard W. ........................... 622
Datcher, Delores C............................ 392
Date, Donald R. ............................. 588
Daugherty, James H........................... 396
Daugherty, John T. ........................... 260
Daugherty, Timmerman .................. 416, 532
Daugherty, William ........................... 620
Daughhetee, Scott ............................ 229
Davey, John P................................ 608
David, Bette Stein ............................ 559
David, Davidson ............................. 707
Davidson, Janet ............................... 31
Davidson, John ......................... 706, 707
Davidson, Phil ............................... 591
Davidson, Richard J........................... 401
Davidson, Rita C. ............... 486, 714, 715, 716
Davidson, Robert............................. 357
Davidson, Robert C. .......................... 728
Davidson, Sandra W........................... 535
Davidson, Sara Jane .......................... 613
Davidson, Virginia............................ 579
Davies, Robert W. ............................ 286
Daviess,Jacob G.............................. 728
Davila, Sonia J. .............................. 610
Davis, Alan.................................. 625
Davis, Arrie W. ................. 360, 474, 493, 555
Davis, Arthur K.............................. 563
Davis, Charles D., Jr. ......................... 532
Davis, Charles E.............................. 618
Davis, Clarence .................... 39, 40, 54, 103
Davis, Delbert M., Jr. ......................... 629
Davis, Elijah................................. 711
Davis, Evelyn ................................ 559
Davis, Frederick E. ........................... 581
Davis, Gregory A. ............................ 441
Davis, H. Chace, Jr. .......................... 562
Davis, Harold M.............................. 424
Davis, Harry J................................ 605


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Maryland Manual, 1987-88
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