II. whereas, our well beloved and right trusty Subject
dom of Ireland. Son and Heir of GEORGE CALVERT,
Knight, late Baron of BALTIMORE in our said Kingdom of
Ireland, treading in the Steps of his Father, being animated with
a laudable, and pious Zeal for extending the Christian Religion,
and also the Territories of our Empire, hath humbly besought
leave of US, that he may transport by his own Industry, and Ex-
pense, a numerous Colony of the English Nation, to a certain re-
gion, hereinafter described, in a Country hitherto uncultivated,
in the parts of America, and partly occupied by Savages, having
no Knowledge of the Divine Being, and that all that Region,
with some certain Privileges, and Jurisdiction, appertaining unto
the wholesome Government, and State of his Colony and Region
aforesaid, may by our Royal Highness be given, granted, and
confirmed unto him, and his heirs.
III. know ye therefore, that WE, encouraging with our Royal
Favour, the pious and noble Purpose of the aforesaid Baron of
Baltimore, of our special Grace, certain Knowledge, and mere
Motion, have given, granted, and confirmed, and by this our
present CHAPTER, for US, our Heirs, and Successors, do give,
grant, and confirm, unto the aforesaid C^CILIUS, now
Baron of BALTIMORE, his Heirs, and Assigns, all that Part of
the Peninsula, or Chersonese, lying in the Parts of America, be-
tween the Ocean on the East, and the Bay of Chesapeake on the
West, divided from the Residue thereof by a Right Line drawn
from the Promontory, or Head-Land, called Watkin 's Point, sit-
uate upon the Bay aforesaid, near the River of Wighco, on the
West, unto the Main Ocean on the East; and between that
Boundary on the South, unto that Part of the Bay of Delaware
on the North, which lieth under the Fortieth Degree of North
Latitude from the aequinoctial, where New-England is terminat-
ed; And all the Tract of that Land within the Metes underwrit-
ten (that is to say ) passing from the said Bay, called Delaware
Bay, in a right line, by the degree aforesaid, unto the true Merid-
ian of the first Fountain of the River of Pattowmack thence
verging toward the South, unto the further Bank of the said Riv-
er, and following the same on the West and South, unto a cer-
tain place called Cinauack, situate near the Mouth of the said
River, where it disembogues into the aforesaid Bay of Chesa-
peake, and thence by the shortest line unto the aforesaid Prom-
ontory or Place called Watkin's Point; so that the whole Tract of
Land, divided by the Line aforesaid, between the Main Ocean,
and Watkin's Point, unto the Promontory called Cape-Charles,
and every the Appendages thereof, may entirely remain excepted
for ever to US, our Heirs and Successors.
IV. also we do grant, and likewise confirm unto the said
Baron of BALTIMORE, his Heirs, and Assigns, all Islands and
Islets within the Limits aforesaid, all and singular the Islands,
and Islets, from the Eastern Shore of the aforesaid Region, to-
ward the East, which have been, or shall be formed in the Sea,
situate within Ten marine Leagues from the said Shore; with all
and singular the Ports, Harbors, Bays, Rivers, and Straits be-
longing to the Region or Islands aforesaid, and all the Soil,
Plains, Woods, Mountains, Marshes, Lakes, Rivers, Bays, and
Straits, situate, or being within the Metes, Bounds, and Limits
aforesaid, with the Fishings of every kind of Fish, as well of
Whales, Sturgeons, and other royal Fish, as of other Fish, in the
Sea, Bays, Straits, or Rivers, within the Premisses, and the Fish
there taken: And moreover all Veins, Mines, and Quarries, as
well opened as hidden, already found, or that shall be found
within the Region, Islands, or Limits aforesaid, of Gold, Silver,
Gems, and precious Stones, and any other whatsoever, whether
they be of Stones, or Metals, or of any other Thing, or Matter
whatsoever: And furthermore the patronages, and advowsons
of all churches which (with the increasing Worship and Religion
of CHRIST) within the said Region, Islands, Islets, and Limits
aforesaid, hereafter shall happen to be built, together with Li-
cence and Faculty of erecting and founding Churches, Chapels,
and Places of Worship, in convenient and suitable Places, within
the Premisses, and of causing the same to be dedicated and con-
secrated according to the Ecclesiastical Laws of our Kingdom of
England, with all, and singular such, and as ample Rights, Juris-
dictions, Privileges, Prerogatives, Royalties, Liberties, Immuni-
ties, and royal Rights, and temporal Franchises whatsoever, as
well by Sea as by Land, within the Region, Island, Islets, and
Limits aforesaid, to be had, exercised, used, and enjoyed, as any
Bishop of Durham, within the Bishoprick or County Palatine of
Durham, in our Kingdom of England, ever heretofore hath had,
held, used, or enjoyed, or of Right could, or ought to have, hold,
use or enjoy.
V. and WE do by these presents, for US, our Heirs and Suc-
cessors, make, create and constitute him, the now Baron of
BALTIMORE, and his Heirs, the true and absolute lords and
proprietaries of the Region aforesaid, and of all other the
Premisses (except the before excepted) saving always the Faith
and Allegiance and Sovereign Dominion due to US, our Heirs,
and Successors; to have, hold, possess, and eniov the aforesaid
Region, Islands, Islets, and other the Premisses, unto the afore-
said now Baron of BALTIMORE, and to his Heirs and Assigns,
to the sole and proper Behoof and Use of him, the now Baron of
BALTIMORE, his Heirs and Assigns, forever. To HOLD of
US, our Heirs and Successors, Kings of England, as of our Cas-
tle of Windsor, in our County of Berks, in free and common Soc.
cage, by Fealty only for all Services, and not in Capite, nor by
Knight's Service, YIELDING therefore unto US, our Heirs and
Successors, two indian arrows of those Parts, to be delivered at
the said Castle of Windsor, every Year, on Tuesday in Easter-
week: and also the fifth Part of all Gold and Silver Ore, which
shall happen from Time to Time, to be found within the afore-
said Limits.
VI. Now, That the aforesaid Region, thus by us granted and
described, may be eminently distinguished above all other Re-
gions of that Territory, and decorated with more ample Titles,
KNOW YE, that WE, of our more especial Grace, certain
Knowledge, and mere Motion, have thought fit that the said Re-
gion and Islands be erected into a PROVINCE, as out of the
Plenitude of our royal Power and Prerogative, WE do, for Us,
our Heirs and Successors, erect and incorporate the same into a
PROVINCE, and nominate the same MARYLAND, by which
name WE will that it shall from henceforth be called.
VII. and forasmuch as WE have above made and ordained
the aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE, the true lord and
proprietary of the whole province aforesaid, KNOW YE there-
fore further, that WE, for Us, our Heirs and Successors do grant
unto the said now Baron, (in whose Fidelity, Prudence, Justice,