Congressional Delegation/'521
The U.S. House of Representatives consists of 435 members. The number of members for each state is
determined by the state's population in the federal census. Maryland has eight representatives elected to
HELEN DEUCH BENTLEY, 2nd Congressional District, Republican. Born in Ruth,
Nevada, November 28, 1923. University of Missouri, B.A. in journalism, 1943; George
Washington University. Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission, 1969-1975. Report-
er and maritime editor, Baltimore Sun: former TV producer and syndicated columnist.
International business consultant. Recipient of honorary degrees from University of
Michigan; University of Maryland; University of Alaska; Long Island University;
Ooucher College. Married to William R. Bentley. District office: 200 East Joppa Rd.,
Towson 21204, tel. 337-7222. Washington office: 1610 Lon'gworth Bidg., Washington,
D.C. 20515, tel. (202) 225-3061.
BEVERLY B. BYRON, 6th Congressional District, Democrat. Born July 27, 1932, in
Baltimore, Maryland. Attended National Cathedral School, Washington, D.C.; Hood
College. Chairman, State Commission on Physical Fitness; Board of Visitors, U.S. Air
Force Academy; Board of Directors, American Hiking Society; Board of Associates,
Hood College; Board of Directors, Hood College; Board of Trustees, Mount St. Mary's
College; Trustee, Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs; Frederick County Landmarks
Foundation; John F. Kennedy 50-Mile Memorial Hike. Named Healthy American Pit-
ness Leader by U.S. Jaycees, 1982. Remarried April 1986 to B. Kirk Walsh; 3 children.
Member of U.S. House of Representatives since 1979; member, House Armed Services
Committee (Subcommittees: Chairman, Military Personnel and Compensation; Investi-
gations); House Interior and Insular Committee (Subcommittees; Public Lands and
National Parks; Water and Power Resources; and Alaska Lands); House Select Com-
mittee on Aging. District office: 10 E. Church St., Frederick 21701, tel. 662-8622.
Washington office: 2430 Raybum Bidg., Washington, D.C. 20515, tel. (202) 225-2721.