510/Maryland Manual
WILLIAM D. MISSOURI. District Court, District 5,
1985-. Born in Washington, D.C., September 4, 1940.
Bowie State College, B.S., 1975; University of Maryland
School of Law, J.D., 1978. Admitted to Maryland Bar,
1981. Member, American, J. Frankly n Bourne, Mary-
land State, Prince George's County and Monumental
City Bar Associations. Served in U.S. Air Force, 1958.
State's Attorney's Office, Prince George's County,
1978-85. Married; 5 children.
HENRY J. MONAHAN. District Court, District 6,
1981-. Born in New York City, November 15, 1932. St.
Thomas Seminary, Hartford, Connecticut, A.A., 1952;
Fairfield University and Walsh School of Foreign Ser-
vice, Georgetown University, B.S., 1955; Georgetown
University, LL.B., 1963. Admitted to District of Colum-
bia Bar, 1964, Maryland Bar, 1969. Served in U.S.
Army Counter Intelligence Corps, 1955-57. Member,
American, Maryland State, Montgomery County and
District of Columbia Bar Associations. Assistant U.S.
Attorney for District of Columbia, 1964-69. Past presi-
dent, Orchardale Citizen Association; past chairman,
Little Flower Parish Council. Member, Friendly Sons of
St. Patrick; CYO Board of Directors. Married; 3 chil-
DOUGLAS H. MOORE, JR. District Court, District
6, 1971-. Born in Washington, D.C., January 30, 1926.
Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School; George Washing-
ton University, B.S., 1950; George Washington Univer-
sity Law School, J.D., 1953. Admitted to Maryland Bar,
1954. Served in U.S. Army Air Corps. Member, Mary-
land State, Montgomery County and District of Colum-
bia Bar Associations; National Council of Juvenile
Court Judges; Maryland Council of Juvenile Court
Judges; Metro Area Council of Juvenile Court Judges.
Assistant corporation counsel, District of Columbia,
1956-58; assistant county attorney, Montgomery Coun-
ty, 1958-60; deputy county attorney, Montgomery
County, 1960-67. Judge, People's Court for Juvenile
Causes, 1967-71; judge-in-charge, Juvenile Division,
District Court, District 6. Chairman, Advisory Board of
Juvenile Services; Judicial Conference Committee on Ju-
venile and Family Law and Procedure, 1978. Member,
Benchbook Committee for Maryland Courts. Washing-
Ionian of the Year Award, Washingtonian Magazine;
Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce Presi-
dent's Award for Service to the Youth of Montgomery
County. Married; I child.
RICHARD 0. MOTSAY. District Court, District 1,
1978-. Born in Carbondale, Pennsylvania, May 26,
1925. Benjamin Franklin High School; University of
Baltimore; Boston College; University of Baltimore,
J.D., 1952; fellow, Institute for Court Management. Ad-
mitted to Maryland Bar, 1952. Served in U.S. Army Air
Corps. Member, American, Maryland State and Balti-
more City Bar Associations. Former appeals counsel,
Board of Liquor License Commissioners, Baltimore
City. Assistant state's attorney, Baltimore City; director,
Pre-Trial Release, Division of the Supreme Bench of
Baltimore City. Author of articles that have appeared in
journals of American and Maryland State Bar Associa-
tions, and of a study on the civil, criminal, and grand ju-
ry system in the Eighth Judicial Circuit of Maryland.
Received Heisler Honor Key from University of Balti-
more School of Law, and Afro-American Award of
Merit. Consultant on Pre-Trial Release with LEAA,
American University, and American Corrections Associ-
ation. Secretary to the Archdiocesan Holy Name Socie-
ty; American Legion judge advocate for the Department
of Maryland. Married; 8 children.
ROBERT C. NALLEY. District Court, District 4,
1981-; Administrative Judge. Born in Washington,
D.C., September 18, 1943. Attended parochial schools
in Charles and St. Mary's counties; Gonzaga High
School; Spring Hill College, B.S., 1965; Georgetown
University, J.D., 1969. Admitted to Maryland Bar,
1969. Served in U.S. Army, 1969-71. Member, Ameri-
can, Maryland State and Charles County Bar Associa-
tions. Assistant/deputy state's attorney, Charles County,
1971-75. State's Attorney, Charles County, 1975-80.
Associate judge, Seventh Judicial Circuit, 1980. Unmar-
C. PHILIP NICHOLS, JR. District Court, District 5,
1985-. Born in Cheverly, June 23, 1947. Attended Lau-
rel public and parochial schools; LaSalle Military Acad-
emy, Oakdale, L.I., N.Y., 1965; Georgetown University,
A.B., 1969; University of Baltimore School of Law,
J.D., 1973. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1973. Member,
Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors,
1985); Prince George's County Bar Association (board
of directors, 1982-); Maryland Association of Judges of
the Orphans Court (president, 1981-85). Judge, Or-
phans Court, Prince George's County, 1977-82 (chief
judge, 1982-85). Lt. Commander, U.S. Naval Reserve.
Rotary Club of Laurel (president, 1980). Honorary life
member, Laurel Volunteer Fire Department. Married; 1
THERESA A. NOLAN. District Court, District 5,
1985- Born in Washington, D.C., December 10, 1930.
St. Cecilia's High School, Washington, D.C.; University
of Baltimore, B.A., 1972; University of Baltimore School
of Law, J.D., 1975. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1976.
Chairperson, Prince George's County Cable Television
Commission, 1978. Master for Domestic Relations,
Prince George's County Circuit Court, 1980-85. Judi-
cial College, Reno, Nevada, 1982. Member, Child Sup-
port Enforcement Advisory Council, 1983-. Member,
District Advisory Board for the Public Defender Sys-
tem, District 5, 1984-. Member, Maryland State Bar As-
sociation (board of governors, 1985-); Prince George's
County Bar Association (president, 1985); and Women's
Bar Association. Instructor, paralegal program, Univer-
sity of Maryland, Prince George's Community College,
and U.S. Department of Agriculture. Divorced; 11 chil-
JOHN L. NORTON III. District Court, District 2,
1985-. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, January 18,
1951. Yale University, B.A., 1972; Boston University
School of Law, J.D., 1975; Admitted to Maryland Bar,
1975. State's Attorney, Dorchester County, 1979-83.
Member, American, Maryland State and Dorchester
County Bar Associations. Married; 2 children.