Dr. Myron H. Miller, Chief
Telephone: 841-3875
The Research Division researches factual issues
for use in the law-making process in response to
inquiries or requests from legislators, committees,
and their staff. These requests may cover any top-
ic of a nonlegal nature.
Research analysts are trained in technical disci-
plines and participate in a nationwide information
network of universities, governments, private lab-
oratories, research centers, and professional orga-
nizations. The Division also provides staff support
to special legislative committees, joint task forces
and commissions, and to the standing committees
and their subcommittees on specialized issues.
Michael C. Coffin, Director
Telephone: 841-3787
The Computer and Proofreading Services Divi-
sion operates data processing equipment for the
preparation of bills, the entry and maintenance of
data into the bill status system, and the prepara-
tion of several Departmental publications. These
publications include committee hearing schedules,
synopses of laws, and legislative indexes. The
work of the Division's proofreading staff comple-
ments the Division's data processing.
William S. Ratchford II, Director
Robert E. Brady, Director, Division of Budget
Joseph M. Coble, Director, Division of Fiscal
Legislative Services Building
90 State Circle
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 841-3761
Anthony J. Verdecchia, Legislative Auditor,
Division of Audits
Division of Audits
301 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-1400
The Department of Fiscal Services originated as
the Fiscal Research Bureau in 1947 (Chapter 605,
Acts of 1947). The Bureau was reorganized in
1968 as the Department of Fiscal Services (Chap-
ter 456, Acts of 1968). The Department is the fi-
nancial service arm of the General Assembly and
operates under the policies and directives of the
president of the Senate and the speaker of the
House of Delegates, the Legislative Policy Com-
mittee, and the Joint Budget and Audit Commit-
tee. The Department provides staff services to the
fiscal committees of the Legislature and to any
commissions or committees that the General As-
sembly or the Legislative Policy Committee may
appoint to study taxation or related questions.
Department duties also include the study and
review of the State's operating and capital budgets
during all phases of their development by the Ex-
ecutive and adoption by the Legislature, including
an annual analysis submitted to the General As-
sembly. The Department prepares fiscal notes on
all proposed legislation, an annual report on the
fiscal impact of each legislative session, and an an-
nual analysis of the State's bonded indebtedness.
The Department studies the operation, adminis-
tration, and effectiveness of State agencies and in-
stitutions, as well as State and local financial mat-
ters and fiscal interrelationships. It collects
financial data on local governments, publishes an
annual report on local governmental finances, and
prepares evaluation reports required under the
Regulatory Programs Evaluation Act of 1978.
The Department provides support services to
the General Assembly through printing, bill dis-
tribution, telecommunications, and the intern and
page programs. In addition, the Department ad-
ministers a public affairs program that includes
publications, audio-visual materials, the Maryland
Annual art exhibit, and the Legislative Handbook
The Office of Legislative Auditor was estab-
lished as the Office of the State Auditor in 1902
and 1929 (Chapter 257, Acts of 1902; Chapter
226, Acts of 1929). The Office of Legislative Au-
ditor is responsible for conducting post audits of a
compliance or performance nature of all depart-
ments, agencies, and institutions of State govern-
ment, including the offices of clerks of court and
registers of wills. Upon direction by the General
Assembly or the Joint Budget and Audit Commit-
tee, the Legislative Auditor may undertake a man-
agement audit of a State agency or program or an
audit of a private organization that receives State
funds. The Office also reviews the audit reports of