mandatory use of seat belts; tighter regulations on
the savings and loan industry; creation of a sports
authority; new housing programs; a victim's bill
of rights; programs to discourage teen
pregnancies; restrictions on development along the
Chesapeake Bay; and increased education aid.
Among bills that failed or were vetoed were
those that concerned slot machines for non-profit
groups; tax amnesty; home teaching guidelines;
dog-racing; and repeal of Sunday closing laws.
Twenty-five Constitutional Amendments were
considered and 4 were approved by the General
Assembly and ratified by the voters.
There were no vetoed bills to be considered dur-
ing the 1986 session. Those bills that the Gover-
nor vetoed from the 1985 Regular Session and
1985 First Special Session already had been con-
sidered during the 1985 Second Special Session.
Budget and Taxation Committee
Laurence Levitan, Chairperson
Francis X. Kelly, Vice-Chairperson
William H. Amoss; Raymond E. Beck; John A.
Cade; Bernie Fowler; Barbara A. Hoffman;
Nathan C. Irby, Jr.; Frank J. Komenda; Julian L.
Lapides; Ida G. Ruben; Charles H. Smelser;
Decatur W. Trotter.
Room 100, James Building Telephone: 841-3690
Considers legislation relating to State operating
and capital budgets, including revenues and
expenditures; supplementary appropriations; State
and county bond authorizations; legislative
budgetary procedures; taxation and property
assessments; and proposals requiring significant
Economic and Environmental Affairs
Clarence W. Blount, Chairperson
Arthur Dorman, Vice-Chairperson
John N. Bambacus; Troy Brailey; Michael J.
Collins; John W. Derr; Idamae Garrott; Paula C.
Hollinger; Frederick C. Malkus, Jr.; S. Frank
Shore; Gerald W. Winegrad.
Room 200, James Building Telephone: 841-3661
Considers legislation relating to agriculture and
land preservation; natural resources; alcoholic
beverages; mobile homes; elections; veterans and
defense; education; fire prevention and safety;
procurement; environmental health; local
government; administrative law; State government
reorganization and procedures; and business and
occupational licensing and regulation (including
health occupations).
Finance Committee
Catherine I. Riley, Chairperson
Thomas Patrick O'Reilly, Vice-Chairperson
Joseph S. Bonvegna; Thomas L. Bromwell; Victor
Cushwa; George W. Delia, Jr.; Leo E. Green;
Edward J. Kasemeyer; Lewis R. Riley; James C.
Simpson; Michael J. Wagner.
Presidential Wing, James Building
Telephone: 841-3677
Considers legislation relating to banks and
financial institutions; credit regulation and
consumer financing; commercial law; economic
and community development; insurance;
horseracing; lottery and gambling; health;
pensions and retirement; State personnel; social
services; transportation; utility regulation; labor
and employment; unemployment insurance; and
worker's compensation.
Judicial Proceedings Committee
Walter M. Baker, Chairperson
Norman R. Stone, Jr., Vice-Chairperson
F. Vemon Boozer; John C. Coolahan; Howard A.
Denis; Philip C. Jimeno; Michael B. Mitchell;
John A. Pica, Jr.; Margaret C. Schweinhaut;
Albert R. Wynn; Thomas M. Yeager.
Room 300, James Building Telephone: 841-3623
Considers legislation relating to legal aspects of
alcoholic beverages; commercial law; consumer
protection; corporations and associations; crimes
and punishments; criminal and civil procedures;