Assistant Secretaries, and four staff support units:
Principal Counsel, Special Projects, Personnel,
and Affirmative Action/Contract Compliance.
Jerome W. Klasmeier, Deputy Secretary
301 W. Preston St.
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225^956
The Deputy Secretary advises the Secretary,
manages strategic planning, performs special as-
signments, and has overall responsibility for fiscal
control of the Department. Under the general di-
rection of the Deputy Secretary is the Special
Projects Unit, Personnel Office, Affirmative Ac-
tion/Contract Compliance Units, the Asbestos
Unit, and the Office of Administrative and Fiscal
Vacancy, Administrator
Telephone: 225^294
This unit is responsible for the coordination and
development of the Department's Resource Re-
quirements Report and Annual Report, and the
preparation of the Department's rules and regula-
tions. This unit is also assigned special projects by
the Secretary and Deputy Secretary.
Louis V. LaRicci, Personnel Administrator
Telephone: 225^985
The Personnel Office administers all phases of
personnel management, including recruitment, po-
sition classification, employer-employee relations,
orientation, and salary administration. The Office
also provides advice on personnel issues to man-
agement and to all General Services employees in
both Baltimore and Annapolis.
Ricardo Robinson, Affirmative Action Officer
Avon J. Evans, Contract Compliance Officer
Telephone: 225^270
The Affirmative Action Unit administers the in-
ternal and external execution of the Governor's
Executive Order relating to the Code of Fair
Practice. The Contract Compliance Unit adminis-
ters General Services' Minority Business Enter-
prise Program to help minority businesses identify
contract opportunities with the Department of
General Services and the State of Maryland.
Leroy A. Phillips, Administrator
201 W. Preston St.
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225-4700
The Asbestos Unit is responsible for managing
the State's comprehensive survey of all State-
owned buildings to locate asbestos and identify its
condition. Survey results will provide documenta-
tion to support the State's litigation against forty-
seven manufacturers and installers of asbestos.
The Asbestos Unit develops specifications to re-
move asbestos-containing materials (ACM) from
areas which have been identified as imminent
health hazards. The Unit also develops specifica-
tions and bidding projects to abate ACM in areas
to be demolished or renovated by the Depart-
ment's Office of Engineering and Construction.
The Unit is organized into four sections: Survey
Management, Litigation Support, Public Rela-
tions, and Contracts.
John C. White, Director
301 W. Preston St., Room 1400
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 225^212
The Office of Administrative and Fiscal Services
provides the Department with capability in the ar-
eas of accounting, budgeting, contract awards,
agenda preparation, casualty claims, data systems,
and word processing. The Office is organized into
three operating sections—Fiscal Services, Infor-
mation Services, and Contract Services—and two
staff units, one for Casualty Claims and one for
Data Systems Administration.
Basil Lambros, Chief Telephone: 225-4230
The Fiscal Services Division maintains all ac-
counting records of the Department; formulates
accounting policies, procedures, and internal con-
trol standards; and monitors compliance with
such policies, procedures, and standards. Re-
sources of the Division are organized to process