122/Maryland Manual
JOAN B. PITKIN, Democrat, District 23. Bom in New York City, May 11, 1932. University of
Vermont. Former director, Bowie Health Center; Bowie State College Fine Arts Society; Bowie
Cultural Arts Commission; charter member, Bowie Citizens Association; Bowie Women's Club. First
chairperson, PQ County Children's Commission. Member, PG County Parks and Recreation
Council; League of Women Voters; Business and Professional Women's Club; Soroptomists
International; Roosevelt Democratic Club; Bowie Democratic Club. Awards/Honors: Mental Health
Association; Prince George's School System; American Lung Association; Cancer Society; Maryland
Nurses Association; MNFPC FOP; WSSC Chesapeake Bay Program; League of Conservation Voters;
Prince George's Medical Society; Environmental Policy Institute. Governor's Advisory Committee
for Children and Youth, 1980-86; Governor's Council on Toxic Substances; White House Conference
on Aging; State Department of Education Task Force on Energy, 1980-82. Four children. House of
Delegates since 1979; Environmental Matters Committee; Special Committee on Drug and Alcohol
Abuse; Humane Practices Commission. Maryland Order of Women Legislators, 1983-84; National
Association of Women Legislators; Maryland Association of Elected Women. District office: 12005
Long Ridge Lane, Bowie 20715; tel. 262-0538. Annapolis office: 208 Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel.
858-3098, 841-3098.
D. BRUCE POOLE, Democrat, District 3A. Born in Hagerstown, June 17, 1959. Attended
Washington County public schools; Washington and Lee University, B.A., 1981; University of
Melbourne (international affairs), 1981; Washington and Lee University, J.D., 1985. Admitted to
Maryland Bar, 1985. Trial lawyer. First President, United Democratic Club of Washington County,
1985-86; site chairman, Washington County March of Dimes Walkathon, 1985-; secretary,
Washington County Bar Association, 1986. Member, Hagerstown Rotary Club, 1985-; member,
Hagerstown Jaycees, 1985-. Co-author, Best Brief in Nation, 1984, and ranked Eleventh Best
Advocate in Nation, 1984, Jessup International Moot Court Competition. Recipient, Rotary
International Graduate Fellowship, 1981; member, Omicron Delta Kappa, 1980-. Work and/or
travel experience on five continents. Member of the House of Delegates since 1987. Member,
Judiciary Committee; Special Committee on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. District office: Rt. 9, Box 357,
Hagerstown 21740; tel. 739-6409. Annapolis office: 319 Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel. 841-3451.
HOWARD P. RAWLINGS, Democrat, District 40. Born in Baltimore, March 17, 1937. Attended
Baltimore public schools; Morgan State University, B.S., 1958; University of Wisconsin, M.S., 1959;
Ph.D. studies, University of Maryland. College teacher; mathematician. Member, Governor's
Desegregation Task Force for Public Post-Secondary Education, 1973-74; Maryland Council for
Higher Education Committee for the Enhancement of the Black Colleges and Universities, 1974.
Vice-president for Programs, Maryland NAACF, 1978-79; president, Community Health Council of
Maryland, 1975-; chairman, University of Maryland Hospital Community Advisory Group, 1976-78;
board member, Antioch University, Homestead-Montebello Center, 1976-. Member, Governor's
Housing Task Force. Afro American Newspaper Honor Roll, 1972, 1974; Maryland NAACP Award
for Committee Leadership, 1977; UMES Chancellor's Award, 1978; Outstanding Service Award by
the Maryland Association of Equal Opportunity Personnel, 1978. Married; 3 children. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1979. Vice-Chairman, Appropriations Committee (chairman, subcommittee
on health and the environment). District office: 3502 Sequoia Ave., Baltimore 21215; tel. 466-4224.
Annapolis office: 131 Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel. 841-3407.
EILEEN M. REHRMANN, Democrat, District 34. Bom in Chester, Pennsylvania, November 30,
1944. Immaculata College, Philadephia. Former educator, municipal official, homemaker. Btl Air
Town Commissioner, 1979-82; president, Maryland Municipal League, 1981-82. Delegate, 1980
Democratic National Convention. Past president, Harford County League of Women Voters. Past
chair, Harford County Permanent Nominating Caucus; Harford County Child Protection Council.
Chair, Harford County Criminal Justice Advisory Board. Certificate of Distinguished Citizenship,
1982; Leadership Award, Maryland League of Women Voters, 1979; Honorary Citizen, Aberdeen,
1980; Soroptomist International of the Americas Women Helping Women Award. Married; 4
children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1983. Member, Appropriations Committee (law
enforcement and transportation subcommittee). Chair, Harford County Delegation. Member, Joint
Committee on the Management of Public Funds; Joint Committee on Ports; Joint Committee on
Federal/State Relations. Member, Private Sector Port Committee; Committee to Study Sentencing
and Correctional Alternatives for Women Offenders. Treasurer, Women's Caucus. District office; 103
N. Main St., Bel Air 21014; tel. 838-0123. Annapolis office: 326 Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel. 841-3289.