JOHN W. DOUGLASS, Democrat, District 45. Born in Princess Anne, Somerset County, March
19, 1942. Lincoln University, A.B., cum laude, 1964; The Johns Hopkins University, M.A., 1966.
General contractor; former insurance broker and instructor. Industrial consultant. Clerk, Baltimore
City Council, 1967-68. Recipient of many fellowships and awards. Member and past president,
American Chemical Society. Past president, Business Men's League of Baltimore; Beta Kappa Chi.
Member, Associated Builders and Contractors; Baltimore Chamber of Commerce; Business
Opportunities Administration. Member, Mt. Royal Democratic Club; New Democratic Club; New
Democratic Coalition; Young Democrats of Maryland. Vice-president, Eastside Democratic
Organization. Member, Model Cities Program; Alpha Phi Alpha; Adjacent Neighborhood
Improvements Association. Member of the House of Delegates since 1971; member, Appropriations
Committee. Chairman, Joint Budget and Audit Committee; member, Spending Affordability
Committee. District office: 2503 E. Preston St., Baltimore, 21213; tel. 342-4414. Annapolis office: 323
Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel. 841-3325.
CORNELL N. DYPSKI, Democrat, District 46. Bom in Baltimore, September 23, 1931. Baltimore
Polytechnic Institute; University of Baltimore. Administrative officer, Motor Vehicle Administration.
Recipient of numerous community and veterans citations. Recipient for four years. Community
Service Award for work as a chairman of United Charity Campaign. Married; 1 son. Member of the
Senate, 1975-83. Member, Constitutional and Public Law Committee; Election Laws Task Force.
Co-Chainnan, Legislative Committee on Port of Maryland. Member of the House of Delegates since
1987. Member, Environmental Matters Committee. District office: 638 S. Decker Ave., Baltimore
21224. Annapolis office: 316 Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel. 841-3303.
GEORGE C. EDWARDS, Republican, District 1A. Bom in Grantsville, April 9, 1948. Northern
High School, Accident, Fairmont State College, B.S. (business administration), with honors, 1970;
Frostburg State College, teacher certification, 1971-74. Personnel director Delta Industries, Inc.;
former teacher. Served in Maryland National Guard, 1970-76. Member, Grantsville Town Council,
1972-74, 1980-82; Garrett County Commissioner, 1974-78; Garrett County Development
Corporation, 1974-; Legislative Committee, Maryland Association of Counties, 1975-78. Member,
National Rifle Association; Vietnam Veterans Association; American Legion; Lonaconing Republican
Club; associate member, FOP Lodge 40; member, PTA; Lions Club (president, 1982-83); St. Paul's
United Methodist Church. Drafted by Baltimore Colts, 1970; NAIA Football All-American
Fullback. Married; 2 children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1983. Member,
Appropriations Committee (subcommittee on health and the environment). Chairperson, Garrett
County Delegation. District office: P.O. Box 8, Grantsville, 21536; tel. 895-5720, and 746-5831.
Annapolis office: 411 Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel. 841-3435.
ROBERT L. EHRLICH, JR., Republican, District 10. Bom in Baltimore, November 25, 1957.
Gilman School; Princeton University, B.A., 1979; Wake Forest University School of Law, J.D., 1982.
Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1983. Member, American, Maryland State, Baltimore City and District
of Columbia Bar Associations. Member, Exchange Club of Towson; Chesapeake Bay Foundation;
Baltimore County Chamber of Commerce; executive committee, Princeton University Alumni
Association of Maryland; Fellowship of Christian Athletes, 1976-79. Member of the House of
Delegates since 1987. Member, Judiciary Committee. District office: 5 Elphin Court, #102,
Timonium 21093; tel. 252-4181. Annapolis office: 309 Lowe Bidg., 21401; tel. 841-3350.