This book goes to press as Maryland's 350th anniversary year draws to a close. Throughout 1984,
Marylanders in all parts of the state had an opportunity to enjoy special programs and participate in
commemorative events that helped remind us all of Maryland's long and proud history. The vision and
sacrifices of Lord Baltimore's first colonists and the settlements and institutions they established on the
bountiful shores of Chesapeake Bay are a tangible legacy for every Marylander.
Of preeminent importance in the development of Maryland was the provision in the Charter that
permitted representative government. The first General Assembly of Maryland convened at St. Mary's
City 350 years ago, in February 1635. Those stalwart adventurers who met in that first legislative session
could not have known, nor would they have dared dream, that their experiment in self-government would
last so long, or develop so fully, as we see in Maryland today.
In 1635 all freemen constituted the General Assembly. Government was close at hand. No one could
plead ignorance of the laws and institutions that defined the structure and purpose of the infant colony.
State government today is immeasurably more complex. A principal purpose of the Maryland Manual is
to detail biennially the structure, organization, and personnel of Maryland state and local government.
Government exists to serve the needs of the public, and the Maryland Manual is, above all, a reference
tool. But the Manual also serves as a benchmark of Maryland government, a record of its composition
and personnel at a given point in time. Successive editions guide the reader through the transformations
and redirection of Maryland government as it changes in response to the needs of its citizens.
Maryland government is for the people, but it is also of the people. This fact is abundantly
demonstrated in this volume. Early Maryland government was highly dependent upon citizens, not only
to serve in the General Assembly and other prestigious provincial and local offices, but also to do the host
of tasks that flesh out a vital, progressive government. Overseers of the roads and undersheriffs, coroners
and tobacco inspectors, weighers of hay and jurymen are only a few of the positions occupied by citizens
who gave freely of their time and talents to help make government function well. Hundreds of
Marylanders do the same today. They give of their time and expertise by serving on advisory boards,
commissions, and task forces, and by accepting a multitude of state and local offices to help develop
policy, monitor performance, and ensure the delivery of services. Hundreds of these individuals are
named in the Maryland Manual, and the size of the book in part, at least, attests to the altruistic services
of these citizen volunteers.
Altruism of a different sort requires acknowledgement from the compilers of this book. There is no full-
time staff budgeted for work on the Maryland Manual. Every two years those of us who work on the book
turn our attention from our other duties to a new edition. We solicit help on a grand scale, from people in
the smallest towns to employees of the largest state departments. Vexing exceptions occur, but most
people we ask for assistance respond to our questionnaires and phone calls promptly and fully. To a large
extent, the quality of the Maryland Manual, and its usefulness both as a reference tool and as a
benchmark of Maryland government, derive directly from the cooperation and consideration we receive,
often on a continuing basis, from these innumerable individuals throughout government and the private
Some individuals, because of their position in government or their specialized knowledge, receive a
disproportionate share of our pleas for help. We would be remiss if we did not acknowledge our particular
gratitude for their assistance and patience. Constance R. Beims of the Governor's Appointments Office
and her staff, consisting of Frances R. Smith, Patricia E. Joyce, Penny MacAdams, Charlene Cromwell,
and Debi Leon, kept us informed of appointments that occurred since the last Manual, and responded to
our frequent calls for additional information. Margaret Lee in the Governor's Central Files Office was, as
always, unfailingly helpful. Information on the General Assembly was supplied by Janet Davidson in the
President's Office and Susan McCahan in the Speaker's Office. F. Carvel Payne, director of the
Department of Legislative Reference, and Michael I. Volk, of the Legislative Division, as well as William
S. Ratchford II, director of the Department of Fiscal Services, also contributed substantially to the
General Assembly section. Nick Wilson of the Department of Fiscal Services kindly permitted us to use,
in altered form, the text and chart illustrating how a bill becomes a law, which originally appeared in
Your Voice in Annapolis. Finally, Elizabeth Buckler Veronis, of the Commission to Revise the Annotated
Code, pointed out the glaring omission, since 1976, of the State Department of Education as one of the