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Maryland Manual, 1985-86
Volume 182, Page 737   View pdf image (33K)
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Cumbo, Ruth T. ...................................... 560
Cumiskey, Thomas B. .............................. 483
Cummings, Alexander L. ......... 356, 423, 433, 642
Cummings, Elijah E. ................... 36, 49, 98, 334
Cummins, Paul Z., II ................................ 334
Cunningham, Lynda S. .............................. 393
Cunningham, Raymond .............................. 515
Cuomo, Mario ......................................... 417
Curcio, Frank G. ..................................... 502
Curfman, Eugene C. ................................. 525
Curlett, Royden R. ................................... 564
Curley, Francis F. .................................... 531
Curley, Thomas J. ........................ 432, 459, 502
Curran, A. Jeannette ................................. 177
Curran, Barbara M. .................................. 178
Curran, G. Richard .................................. 517
Curran, Gerald J. .................. 36, 38, 50, 98, 293
Curran, J. Joseph ............. 22, 130, 131, 321, 323,
324, 325, 329, 334, 373, 633
Curran, Martin E. .................................... 508
Curran, Robert W. .................................. 483
Curran, William ....................................... 636
Curry, Anna ........................................... 513
Curry, Anna A. ....................................... 373
Curry, Herrel, Jr. ..................................... 530
Curry, L. Ruffin ...................................... 567
Curry, Rupert G. ..................................... 389
Curtice, Joseph ........................................ 559
Curtis, Arthur V., Jr. ................................ 235
Curtis, Francis P. ..................................... 640
Curtis, Paul Douglas ................................. 295
Cushwa, Victor ..................... 29, 35, 45, 83, 336
Custer, Franklin ....................................... 542
Cutler, Paul L. ........................................ 581
Cyr, Robert A. ........................................ 201
Czech, Grover E. ............................... 335, 340

Dabney, Roy .......................................... 561
Dabney, Roy I. ....................................... 377
Dabrowski, Walter G. ............................... 227
D'Adamo, Philip G. ........................... 534, 535
Dade, Robert E. ...................................... 236
Daffin, James L. ...................................... 573
Daft, Jack R. .......................................... 263
Daiger, Joseph P. ..................................... 325
D'Aiuto, Michael P. ................................. 604
Daldakis, Peggy ....................................... 513
Dale, Laura H. ....................................... 556
D'Alesandro, Thomas J., Ill ....................... 654
D'Alesandro, Thomas, Jr. ............... 650, 651, 654
Dallam, Richard ...................................... 636
Dalsemer, Gordon H. ................................ 329
Daly, Maurice ................................... 539, 540
Daly, Owen, II ........................................ 368
Dancy, Bonita J. ................................ 330, 507
Daneker, Andrew M. ................................ 527
Daneker, David C. ................................... 434
Dangertield, Millicent S. ............................ 510
Daniels, Henry C. .................................... 262
Daniels, Lawrence .................................... 516
Darby, Albert D., Jr. ................................ 499
Darby, Elizabeth ...................................... 499
Darcey, Kenneth E. .................................. 562

Name Index/737

Darcey, Roland ....................................... 561
Darcy, Cornelius P. .................................. 330
Darlington, Anne T. ................................. 330
Damall, Donald J. ................................... 366
Darnall, John .......................................... 625
Damell, Nancy Ruth ................................ 368
Dasher, Irvin P. ...................................... 547
Dashiell, Marie A. ................................... 578
Dashiell, Norris A. ................................... 570
Dashiell, Robert F. ................................... 340
Dashiell, Shirley ....................................... 578
Daspit, Richard W. .................................. 572
Date, Donald R. ...................................... 539
Daugherty, James H. ................................ 362
Daugherty, John T. .................................. 177
Daugherty, Timmerman Tepel ..................... 375
Daugherty, William .................................. 570
Daughhetee, Scott .................................... 213
Daughtee, Julie ........................................ 532
Davenport, Dorothy .................................. 556
Davenport, John ...................................... 556
Davey, John P. ....................................... 559
David, Davidson ...................................... 634
Davidson, Janet ......................................... 29
Davidson, John .................................. 633, 634
Davidson, Rita C. ........................ 641, 642, 643
Davidson, Robert ..................................... 331
Davidson, Robert C. ................................. 654
Davidson, Sharon ..................................... 487
Davidson, Virginia .................................... 530
Daviess, Jacob G. .................................... 653
Davila, Sonia J. ....................................... 560
Davis, Alan ...................................... 562, 574
Davis, Alfred A. ...................................... 185
Davis, Alpha Joseph, Jr. ............................ 515
Davis, Angela ......................................... 611
Davis, Arrie W. .. 428, 448, 456, 466, 507, 605, 616
Davis, Charles D., Jr. ............................... 484
Davis, Clarence ......................... 37, 50, 99, 331
Davis, Delbert M., Jr. ............................... 579
Davis, Eddie ........................................... 568
Davis, Edgar L. ....................................... 382
Davis, Elijah ........................................... 638
Davis, Frederick E. ............................ 487, 533
Davis, Gregory A. .................................... 398
Davis, H. Chace, Jr. ................................. 513
Davis, Harold M. ..................................... 383
Davis, Harry J. ....................................... 556
Davis, Henry Winter ................................. 649
Davis, Herbert A. .................................... 516
Davis, John ............................................ 275
Davis, John J. ......................................... 366
Davis, John W. ....................................... 637
Davis, Joseph J. ...................................... 539
Davis, Joyce P. ....................................... 236
Davis, Lanny J. ....................................... 483
Davis, Louis E., Jr. .................................. 588
Davis, Lynda C. ................................. 42, 338
Davis, Margaret C. ................................... 581
Davis, Mary R. ....................................... 484
Davis, Olin S. ......................................... 552
Davis, Paul J. ................................... 294, 509
Davis, R. Cresap ..................................... 330
Davis, Richard F. .................................... 579


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Maryland Manual, 1985-86
Volume 182, Page 737   View pdf image (33K)
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