liabilities, reserves and surplus or deficit of the State; (c) the debts
and funds of the State; (d) an estimate of the State's financial
condition as of the beginning and end of the preceding fiscal year;
(e) any explanation the Governor may desire to make as to the
important features of the Budget and any suggestions as to
methods for reduction or increase of the State's revenue.
(4)78 Each Budget shall embrace an estimate of all appropria-
tions in such form and detail as the Governor shall determine or
as may be prescribed by law, as follows: (a) for the General
Assembly as certified to the Governor in the manner hereinafter
provided; (b) for the Executive Department; (c) for the Judiciary
Department, as provided by law, certified by the Comptroller; (d)
to pay and discharge the principal and interest of the debt of the
State in conformity with Section 34 of Article 3 of the Constitu-
tion, and all laws enacted in pursuance thereof; (e) for the salaries
payable by the State and under the Constitution and laws of the
State; (f) for the establishment and maintenance throughout the
State of a thorough and efficient system of public schools in
conformity with Article 8 of the Constitution and with the laws of
the State; (g) for such other purposes as are set forth in the
Constitution or laws of the State.
(5)71' The Governor shall deliver to the presiding officer of each
House the Budget and a bill for all the proposed appropriations of
the Budget classified and in such form and detail as he shall
determine or as may be prescribed by law; and the presiding
officer of each House shall promptly cause said bill to be
introduced therein, and such bill shall be known as the "Budget
Bill." The Governor may, with the consent of the General
Assembly, before final action thereon by the General Assembly,
amend or supplement said Budget to correct an oversight, provide
funds contingent on passage of pending legislation or, in ease of
an emergency, by delivering such an amendment or supplement
to the presiding officers of both Houses; and such amendment or
supplement shall thereby become a part of said Budget Bill as an
addition to the items of said bill or as a modification of or a
substitute for any item of said bill such amendment or supplement
may affect.
(5a)'° The Budget and the Budget Bill as submitted by the
Governor to the General Assembly shall have a figure for the
total of all proposed appropriations and a figure for the total of all
estimated revenues available to pay the appropriations, and the
figure for total proposed appropriations shall not exceed the
figure for total estimated revenues. Neither the Governor in
submitting an amendment or supplement to the Budget Bill nor
the General Assembly in amending the Budget Bill shall thereby
cause the figure for total proposed appropriations to exceed the
figure for total estimated revenues, including any revisions, and in
the Budget Bill as enacted the figure for total estimated revenues
always shall be equal to or exceed the figure for total appropria-
(6)" The General Assembly shall not amend the Budget Bill so
as to affect either the obligations of the State under Section 34 of
Article 3 of the Constitution, or the provisions made by the laws
of the State for the establishment and maintenance of a system of
public schools or the payment of any salaries required to be paid
by the State of Maryland by the Constitution thereof; and the
General Assembly may amend the bill by increasing or diminish-
ing the items therein relating to the General Assembly, and by
increasing or diminishing the items therein relating to the
judiciary, but except as hereinbefore specified, may not alter the
said bill except to strike out or reduce items therein, provided,
however, that the salary or compensation of any public officer
shall not be decreased during his term of office; and such bill,
"Amended by Chapter 20, Acts of 1952, ratified Nov. 4, 1952.
"Amended by Chapter 20, Acts of 1952, ratified Nov. 4, 1952.
"Added by Chapter 745, Acts of 1973, ratified Nov. 5, 1974.
"Amended by Chapter 373, Acts of 1972, ratified Nov. 7, 1972.
Constitution of Maryland/689
when and as passed by both Houses, shall be a law immediately
without further action by the Governor.
(7) The Governor and such representatives of the executive
departments, boards, officers and commissions of the State
expending or applying for State's moneys, as have been designat-
ed by the Governor for this purpose, shall have the right, and
when requested by either House of the General Assembly, it shall
be their duty to appear and be heard with respect to any Budget
Bill during the consideration thereof, and to answer inquiries
relative thereto.
(8)82 Supplementary Appropriation Bill. Either House may
consider other appropriations but both Houses shall not finally
act upon such appropriations until after the Budget Bill has been
finally acted upon by both Houses, and no such other appropria-
tion shall be valid except in accordance with the provisions
following: (a) Every such appropriation shall be embodied in a
separate bill limited to some single work, object or purpose
therein stated and called herein a Supplementary Appropriation
Bill; (b) Each Supplementary Appropriation Bill shall provide the
revenue necessary to pay the appropriation thereby made by a
tax, direct or indirect, to be levied and collected as shall be
directed in said bill; (c) No Supplementary Appropriation Bill
shall become a law unless it be passed in each House by a vote of a
majority of the whole number of the members elected, and the
yeas and nays recorded on its final passage; (d) Each Supplemen-
tary Appropriation Bill shall be presented to the Governor of the
State as provided in Section 17 of Article 2 of the Constitution
and thereafter all the provisions of said section shall apply.
(9) Nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing the
General Assembly from passing at any time, in accordance with
the provisions of Section 28 of Article 3 of the Constitution and
subject to the Governor's power of approval as provided in
Section 17 of Article 2 of the Constitution, an appropriation bill
to provide for the payment of any obligation of the State within
the protection of Section 10 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the
United States.
(10)" If the Budget Bill shall not have been finally acted upon
by the Legislature seven days before the expiration of the regular
session, the Governor shall issue a proclamation extending the
session for some further period as may, in his judgment, be
necessary for the passage of such bill; but no other matter than
such bill shall be considered during such extended session except
a provision for the cost thereof.
(11)84 The Governor for the purpose of making up his Budget
shall have the power, and it shall be his duty, to require from the
proper State officials, including herein all executive departments,
all executive and administrative offices, bureaus, boards, commis-
sions and agencies, expending or supervising the expenditure of,
and all institutions applying for State moneys and appropriations,
such itemized estimates and other information, in such form and
at such times as he shall direct, except that an estimate for a
program required to be funded by a law which will be in effect
during the fiscal year covered by the Budget and which was
enacted before July 1 of the fiscal year prior thereto shall provide
a level of funding not less than that prescribed in the law. The
estimates for the Legislative Department, certified by the presid-
ing officer of each House, of the Judiciary, as provided by law,
certified by the Comptroller, and for the public schools, as
provided by law, shall be transmitted to the Governor, in such
form and at such times as he shall direct, and shall be included in
the Budget without revision.
(12)85 The Governor may provide for public hearings on all.
estimates and may require the attendance at such hearings of
"Amended by Chapter 416, Acts of 1966, ratified Nov. 8, 1966.
"Amended by Chapter 576, Acts of 1970, ratified Nov. 3, 1970.
"Amended by Chapter 971, Acts of 1978, ratified Nov. 7, 1978.
"Amended by Chapter 971, Acts of 1978, ratified Nov. 7, 1978.