648'/Maryland Manual
MeCreery,73 John Montgomery, Nicholas R.
Moore, Roger Nelson, Archibald Van Home.
1809. John Brown,74 Robert Wright, John
Campbell, Charles Goldsborough, Philip Barton
Key, Alexander McKim, John Montgomery,
Nicholas R. Moore, Roger Nelson,75 Samuel
Ringgold, Archibald Van Home.
1811. Charles Goldsborough, Joseph Kent, Philip
Barton Key, Peter Little, Alexander McKim,
John Montgomery,76 Stevenson Archer, Samuel
Ringgold, Philip Stuart, Robert Wright.77
1813. Stevenson Archer, Charles Goldsborough,
Alexander C. Hanson, Joseph Kent, Alexander
McKim, Nicholas R. Moore, Samuel Ringgold,
Philip Stuart, Robert Wright.
1815. Stevenson Archer, George Baer, Jr., Charles
Goldsborough, John C. Herbert, William
Pinkney,78 Peter Little, Alexander C. Hanson,79
George Peter, Nicholas R. Moore,80 Samuel
Smith, Philip Stuart, Robert Wright.
1817. Thomas Bayly, Thomas Culbreth, John C.
Herbert, Peter Little, George Peter, Philip Reed,
Samuel Ringgold, Samuel Smith, Philip Stuart.
1819. Stevenson Archer, Thomas Bayly, Thomas
Culbreth, Joseph Kent, Peter Little, Raphael
Neale, Samuel Ringgold, Samuel Smith, Henry
R. Warfield.
1821. Thomas Bayly, Jeremiah Cosden,81 Philip
Reed, Joseph Kent, Peter Little, Raphael Neale,
John Nelson, Samuel Smith,82 Isaac McKim,
Henry R. Warfield, Robert Wright.
73 Election unsuccessfully contested by Joshua Barney.
^Resigned in 1810 before the commencement of the Twelfth
Congress to which he had been elected; Robert Wright elected to fill
vacancy and took his seat December 3, 1810.
"Resigned May 14, 1810; Samuel Ringgold elected to fill vacancy
and took his seat December 7, 1810.
76 Resigned April 29, 1811, before Congress assembled; Stevenson
A-rcher elected to fill vacancy and took his seat November 4, 1811.
77 Elected to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of representa-
tive-elect John Brown in the preceding Congress.
78 Resigned April 18, 1816, having been appointed minister to
Russia; Peter Little elected to fill vacancy and took his seat
December 2, 1816.
"Resigned in 1816; George Peter elected to fill vacancy and took his
seat December 2, 1816.
80 Resigned in 1815, before Congress assembled; Samuel Smith
elected to fill vacancy and took his seat February 4, 1816.
"'Served until March 19, 1822; succeeded by Philip Reed, who
successfully contested Bayley's election and took his seat March 19,
"Resigned December 17, 1822, having been elected senator; Isaac
McKim elected to fill vacancy and took his seat January 8, 1823.
1823. William Heyward, Jr., Joseph Kent, John
Lee, Peter Little, Isaac McKim,83 George E.
Mitchell, Raphael Neale, John S. Spence, Henry
R. Warfield.
1825. John Barney, Clement Dorsey, Joseph
Kent,84 John C. Weems, John L. Kerr, Peter
Little, Robert N. Martin, George E. Mitchell,
George Peter, Thomas C. Worthington.
1827. John Barney, Clement Dorsey, Levin Gale,
John L. Kerr, Peter Little, Michael C. Sprigg,
George C. Washington, John C. Weems,
Ephraim K. Wilson.
1829. Elias Brown, Clement Dorsey, Benjamin C.
Howard, George E. Mitchell, Benedict J.
Semmes, Richard Spencer, Michael C. Sprigg,
George C. Washington, Ephraim K. Wilson.
1831. Benjamin C. Howard, Daniel Jenifer, John
L. Kerr, George E. Mitchell,85 Charles S. Sewall,
Benedict J. Semmes, John S. Spence, Francis
Thomas, George C. Washington, John T. H.
1833. Richard B. Carmichael, Littleton Purnell
Dennis,86 John N. Steele, James P. Heath,
William Cost Johnson, Isaac McKim, John T.
Stoddert, Francis Thomas, James Turner.
1835. John N. Steele, James Alfred Pearce, James
Turner, Benjamin C. Howard, Isaac McKim,
George C. Washington, Francis Thomas, Daniel
1837. John Dennis, James Alfred Pearce, John T.
H. Worthington, Benjamin C. Howard, Isaac
McKim,87 John P. Kennedy, William Cost
Johnson, Francis Thomas, Daniel Jenifer.
1839. John Dennis, Philip Francis Thomas, John
T. H. Worthington, Solomon Hillen, Jr., James
Carroll, William Cost Johnson, Francis Thomas,
Daniel Jenifer.
1841. Isaac D. Jones, James Alfred Pearce, James
W. Williams,88 Charles S. Sewall, John P.
Kennedy, Alexander Randall, William Cost
83 Elected to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of representa-
tive-elect Samuel Smith in the preceding Congress.
84 Resigned January 6, 1826, having been elected governor; John C.
Weems elected to fill vacancy and took his seat February 7, 1826.
85 Died June 28, 1832; Charles S. Sewall elected to fill vacancy and
took his seat December 3, 1832.
'"' Died April 14,1834; John N. Steele elected to fill vacancy and took
his seat June 9, 1834.
"Died April 1, 1838; John P. Kennedy elected to fill vacancy and
took his seat April 30, 1838.
88 Died December 2, 1842; Charles S. Sewall elected to fill vacancy
and took his seat January 7. 1843.