Disabled Persons Review Board
Vacancy, Chairperson
Children's Council
Ronald Naso, Chairperson, 1985; Mary Ann
Banlett, 1985; Gary L. Cox, 1985; Judith
Rudolph, 1985; Eugenia Arnett, 1986; Tracy
Kilby, 1986; Cynthia L. Harbach, 1987;
Margaret H. Hindman, 1987; Bemadine M.
Malinoski, 1987; James W. Respess, 1987;
Ronald C. Smith, 1987; Shannon Weston,
1987; Sharon Wilson, 1987; J. Anita Stup,
County Commissioner.
Commission on Aging
Mrs. J. Arthur Thome, Chairperson, 1986;
Geneva Barthel; Mrs. Talmadge Beacht;
Shirley Brobst; Joseph J. Davis; Rev. John
L. Ford; Thomas I. Green; Alice D. Hill;
Margaret Huffer; Dr. Robert Jaques; Marjo-
rie Jefferson; Alma S. Jones; John R.
Kugler; Mildred Mobley; Jurgen Piper; Anna
Mary Roderick; S. Herman Say lor; Nelson
Strathem; Laura H. Stup; Gwendolyn
Swann; Duvall W. Sweadner; J. Anita Stup,
County Commissioner.
Human Relations Council
Robert J. Zentner, Chairperson, 1986; Peter
Chen, Jr., 1985; Steven Hill, 1985; Anna D.
Johnson-Winegar, 1985; Sue Shifflett, 1985;
Dr. Alex W. Barber, 1986; James Moore,
1986; Daniel V. Shackelford, 1986; Janet
Sykes, 1986; William R. Pailor, 1987;
Donald Garrett, 1987; Rosalind N. Nasher,
1987. Ex officio: Galen R. Clagett, County
Commissioner; Arlene Phillips, Frederick City
Job Training Agency
Michael Stovall, Coordinator
Planning, Building, and Inspections
Planning and Zoning Commission
Richard L. Grossnickle, County Commis-
sioner, Chairperson; 1986; Franklin S. Glad-
hill, 1985; David P. Gray, 1986; William S.
Pout, 1987; Bryan J. Moore, 1987; Daniel
C. Poole, 1988; Wilbur Ford, 1989; James
Shaw, Planning Director.
Planning and Zoning Department
James Shaw, Director
Board of Zoning Appeals
C. Gordon Smith, Chairperson. 1985; Wil-
liam G. Baker, 1986; Glenn F. Browning,
1987; Jane Bollinger, alternate, 1986.
Frederick County/539
Zoning Administrator
Frederick J. Lowndes
Economic and Community Development
William M. O'Neil, Chairperson, 1987; E.
Robert Bowlus, 1985; Robert W. Lebherz,
Jr., 1985; Alfred P. Shockley, 1985; R. W.
Wamer, 1985; Carl V. Weakley, 1985; John
Amery, 1986; Seaven Gordon, 1986; Mr.
Gail T. Guyton, 1986; Donna J. Lane, 1986;
Harold B. Wright, 1986; Donald M.
Fitzgerald, 1987; James H. Lee, 1987; Wil-
liam A. Simmons, 1987. Ex officio: Senator
Charles H. Smelser; Galen R. Clagett.
County Commissioner. Donald R. Date,
Housing and Community Development
Irene Dunn, Coordinator
Energy and Historic Preservation Department
Russell Schantz, Coordinator
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board
Royd R. Smith, Chairperson. 1986; Charles
E. Brauer, 1987; Harold L. Lenhart, 1987;
C. Lester Dudrow, 1988; Carrollee H.
Zecher, 1988; Charles C. Smith, County
Commissioner, ex officio.
District Forestry Board
Ruth E. Spurrier, Chairperson, 1985; Darrell
McCartney; Laurence Sharpe; Linda H.
Smith; Donald J. Wolf.
Maryland Potomac Water Authority
Charles C. Smith; Richard L. Grossnickle,
Department of Public Works
Lawrence W. Johnson, Jr., Director; Gilbert
Kingsbury, Parks and Recreation Director;
Ronald Linton, Highway Director; Maurice
Daly, Engineering Director.
Parks and Recreation Commission
Hubert G. Schneider, Chairperson, 1988;
Robert E. dark, 1985; Paul E. Spurrier,
1985; Steven R. Cohen, 1986; Margaret
Hruska, 1986; Sue Ann Yingling, 1986;
Ginny L. Crist, 1987; George A. Nicholson,
1987; Karl H. Noyes, 1988; Charles C.
Smith, County Commissioner; Gilbert Kings-
bury, Parks and Recreation Director.
Department of Permits and Inspections
Herbert E. Ramsburg, Director
Plumbing Board