Tri-County Community Action Committee
Dana Jones, Director
Housing Officer
Patricia A. Roberts
Board of Parks and Recreation
Vacancy, Chairperson; Earie B. Knapp, 1986;
Frederick E. Davis, 1987; John R. Howie,
1987; Frederick C. Willett, 1987; Harry
Yankey, 1987; Hope Smith, 1984; one
vacancy; Melvin S. Bridgett, Director.
Planning, Building, and Inspections
Planning Commission
Thomas M. Middleton, Chairperson, 1985;
James W. Dutton, 1985; Harry T. Stine,
1986; Edward M. Blanchard, 1987; D. Brent
Owens, D.C., F.A.C.O, 1984; Eleanor F.
Carrico, County Commissioner; James E.
Redmond, Planning Director.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Gilbert 0. Bowling, Chairperson, 1985; C.
Stephen Trigonopolis, 1985; Ballenger S.
Goldsmith, 1986; Sandra D. Mitchell, 1986;
Elizabeth H. Bjorum, 1984.
Zoning Administrator
Linda W. Cooksey
Economic Development Commission
J. Blacklock Wills, Sr., Chairperson, 1985;
Raymond T. Tilghman, Director.
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board
Hugh C. Gardiner III, Chairperson
District Forestry Board
Dennis R. Bridge, Chairperson; Eleanor F.
Carrico; James Dunbar; Dr. Richard Tiller;
Dennis Woodruff.
Roads Supervisor
W. J. Kidwell
Department of Public Works
Roy E. Hancock, Director
Board of Electrical Examiners
Lawrence Potter, President, 1987; Charles
Gregg Taylor, 1989; Bernard R. Winkler,
Jr., 1990.
Inspections and Permits
Carl W. Riffle
Dorchester County/533
Alcoholic Beverages
Board of Liquor License Commissioners
Kathryn E. Bonifant, Chairperson, 1985; Carl
C. Hampton, 1986; Thomas F. Goldsmith,
Tidewater Affairs
Oystennen's Tongers Advisory Committee
Dallas R. Goldsmith; John Osakowicz; Wil-
liam L. Rice; Thomas Shymansky; Harry T.
Extension and Soil Conservation Services
Extension Agents
Martin R. Jones, County Director; Barbara
L. Cliff; H. Travis McPherson; Robert B.
Owen; M. Elizabeth Roberts; John E. Walsh;
Sandra E. Womack.
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
W. Mitchell Digges, Chairperson, 1985;
Leonard J. Rice, 1985; Walter L. Bender,
1986; Hugh C. Gardiner III, 1989; Carl G.
Walter (County appointee); Martin R. Jones,
Extension Agent, Secretary (non-voting). John
H. Kimmons, District Conservationist; Alan
Cruikshank, District Manager.
County Seat: Cambridge 21613
Origin: The exact date and the legal origin of the
county are unknown, but it was certainly in
existence by February 16, 1668/69, when a writ
was issued to the sheriff of the county by the
Lord Proprietary.
Name: Named for the Earl of Dorset, a family
friend of the Calverts.
Form of Government: County Commissioners
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws of
Dorchester County (1974).
Area: 660.97 sq. miles (593.22 land, 67.75 water)
Population. 1900: 27,962; 1950: 27,815; 1960:
29,666; 1970: 29,405; 1980: 30,623.
Principal Incorporated Places (1980 census):
Cambridge (11,703), Hurlock (1,690), Secretary