Congressional Delegation/473
ROYDEN P. (ROY) DYSON, 1st Congressional District, Democrat. Born in
Great Mills, November 15, 1948. Attended University of Baltimore; Montgom-
ery Junior College; University of Maryland. Legislative assistant and research
director for Congressman William D. Ford of Michigan. Special assistant,
Subcommittee on Agricultural Labor, U.S. House of Representatives. Former
assistant director of Operations, Democratic National Committee. Member,
Knights of Columbus, Elks, Moose Lodge, Fraternal Order of the Police,
Maryland Farm Bureau. Outstanding Young Man of the Year, 1977. Delegate to
the 1978 Democratic National Conference; presidential elector to the 1976
Electoral College from the First Congressional District. Member of the
Maryland House of Delegates, 1975-1981. Member of U.S. House of Representa-
tives since 1981. Elected first president of the 1981 Freshman Democrats Class.
Member, House Armed Services Committee and House Merchant Marine and
Fisheries Committee. District offices: Waldorf Five Center, Suite 105, Route 5,
P.O. Box 742, Waldorf 20601. tel. 645-4844; One Plaza East, Salisbury 21801,
tel. 742-9070; 38 W. Bel Air Ave., Aberdeen 21001, tel. 272-7070. Washington
office: 224 Cannon Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515, tel. 225-5311.
MARJORIE S. HOLT, 4th Congressional District, Republican. Born Septem-
ber 17, 1920, in Birmingham, Alabama. Attended Jacksonville Junior College
(now University), Jacksonville, Florida; University of Florida; University of
Florida College of Law, J.D., 1949. Attorney. Admitted to the Maryland bar,
1962. Clerk, Anne Arundel County Circuit Court. 1966-1972. Chairwoman,
Republican Study Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, 1975-1976;
member, Board of Visitors, U.S. Naval Academy, 1973—; vice-chairman,
Platform Committee, Republican National Convention, 1976 and 1980; vice-
chairman, Office of Technology Assessment, 1977. Distinguished Alumnae,
University of Florida, 1977. Married to Duncan M. Holt; 3 children. Member of
the U.S. House of Representatives since 1973; member, Joint Economic
Committee, 1983—; House Armed Services Committee, 1973—; House Admin-
istration Committee, 1976-1977; House Budget Committee, 1977-1980; Office of
Technology Assessment, 1976-1977. District offices: 101 Grain Hwy., Arundel
Center North, #509, Glen Burnie 21061, tel. 261-2008 or 768-8050; 6178 Oxon
Hill Rd, 5 Star Bldg., #303, Oxon Hill 20745, tel. 567-9212. Washington office;
2412 Rayburn Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515, tel. 225-8090.
STENY H. HOYER, 5th Congressional District, Democrat. Born June 14, 1939,
in New York, NY. Attended Suitland High School; University of Maryland,
B.S., 1963; Georgetown University Law Center, J.D., 1966. Admitted to the
Maryland Bar, 1966. Attorney. Member of Maryland Senate, 1966-79 (presi-
dent, 1975-79). Member. Maryland State Board for Higher Education, 1978-81.
Man of the Year, Washington Psychiatric Society, 1983. Legislator of the Year,
Maryland State's Attorneys Association, 1977; Distinguished Alumnus Award,
University of Maryland Alumni Association, 1976; Outstanding Young Mary-
lander, Maryland Jaycees, 1975. Member, Board of Trustees, Baltimore Museum
of Art; member, Baltimore Council of Foreign Relations; Professional Advisory
Council, Mental Health Association of Prince George's County; honorary
member, District Heights Fire Department; Omicron Delta Kappa; Sigma Chi
Fraternity; Kalegathos Society; Member, Board of Trustees, University of
Maryland Alumni Association. Member of U.S. House of Representatives since
1981. Member, House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Labor,
Health and Human Services and Education, and Subcommittee on Treasury,
Postal Service and General Government; National House Democratic Caucus
Board of Advisors; co-chair, Democratic House and Senate Council; Committee
on Party Effectiveness; Environment and Energy Study Conference; Caucus on
Women's Issues. Married; 3 children. District office: 4351 Garden City Drive,
Suite 625, Landover 20785, tel. 436-5510. Washington office: 1513 Longworth
Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515, tel. 225^1131.