HARRY A. COLE. Court of Appeals, 1977—. Born in
Washington, D.C., January 1, 1921. Attended Baltimore
public schools; Morgan State College, A.B., 1943; Uni-
versity of Maryland School of Law, LL.B., 1949. Admit-
ted to the Maryland Bar, 1949. Member, National,
Maryland State, Baltimore City, and Monumental City
Bar Associations; American Judicature Society; member,
Executive Committee, Maryland Judicial Conference,
1971. Justice of the peace, 1951; substitute magistrate,
1952; assistant attorney general, 1953; associate judge,
Municipal Court of Baltimore City, 1967; associate
judge, Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, 1968-1977.
Maryland State Senate, 1954-1958. Alpha Phi Alpha
Fraternity; Board of Managers, YMCA; life member,
NAACP; Executive Committee, U.S. National Commis-
sion for UNESCO; first chairman, Maryland Advisory
Committee on Civil Rights to the U.S. Civil Rights
Commission; former member, Board of Directors, Mary-
land Multiple Sclerosis Society; Maryland Citizens Plan-
ning and Housing Committee; Board of Directors,
Baltimore Zoological Society; member, The Civitans;
board member, Union Memorial Hospital, Camp Fire
Girls, and Baltimore Museum of Art; chairman, Board of
Visitors, Morgan State College; president, University of
Maryland Law School Alumni Association. First Man of
the Year, Alpha Phi Alpha; First Alumnus of the Year,
Morgan State College; Man of the Year, NAACP; Man
of the Year, Maryland Beauticians; Man of the Year,
A.M.E. Church. Married; 3 children.
JAMES F. COUCH, JR. Court of Appeals, 1982—.
Born in Des Moines, Iowa, May 30, 1917. Attended
Western High School, Washington, D.C.; George Wash-
ington University (no degree); Washington College of
Law at the American University, J.D., 1941. Admitted to
the District of Columbia Bar, 1942. Admitted to the
Maryland Bar, 1950. Served in the U.S. Army,
1942-1946. Member, Maryland State and Prince
George's County Bar Associations. Judge, District Court
of Maryland, 1971-1972; Circuit Court for Prince
George's County, 1972-1977; Court of Special Appeals,
1977-1982. Married; 1 child.
JOHN C. ELDRIDGE. Court of Appeals, 1974—. Born
in Baltimore, November 13, 1933. Attended Gilman
School; Harvard College, B.A., 1955; Harvard Law
School; University of Maryland School of Law, LL.B.,
1959. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1960. Member,
Maryland Bar Association, Anne Arundel County Bar
Association and District of Columbia Bar; National
Lawyers Club. Member, Order of the Coif. Chief legisla-
tive officer. Office of the Governor, 1969-1974; assistant
chief, Civil Division, Appellate Section, U.S. Department
of Justice, 1967-1969. Married; 2 children.
LAWRENCE F. RODOWSKV. Court of Appeals,
1980—. Born in Baltimore City, November 10, 1930.
Attended St. Bernard School and Loyola High School;
Loyola College, A.B., 1952; University of Maryland
School of Law, LL.B., 1956. Admitted to the Maryland
Bar, 1956. Member, Maryland State and Baltimore City
Bar Associations; fellow, American College of Trial
Lawyers; Order of the Coif. Assistant attorney general,
1960-1962; member, Standing Committee on Rules,
Court of Appeals, 1969-1980. Member, Lawyers Round
Table; Rule Day and Wranglers Law Clubs. Married; 6
MARVIN H. SMITH. Court of Appeals, 1968—. Born
in Federalsburg, August 10, 1916. Attended Caroline
County public schools (Federalsburg); Washington Col-
lege, A.B., 1937, LL.D., 1980; University of Maryland,
LL.B., 1941. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1941.
Member, American, Maryland State, Caroline County,
and Second Judicial Circuit Bar Associations; American
Judicature Society. Served with U.S. Army Counter
Intelligence Corps, 1941-1945. Caroline County Board of
Education, 1951-1953 (president, 1952-1953); Commis-
sion to Revise the Criminal Law of Maryland, 1952;
assistant attorney general of Maryland, 1953-1955;