360/Maryland Manual
ment in the area served. Catonsville Community
College administers a Carroll County branch cam-
pus. Charles County Community College adminis-
ters branch campuses in both St. Mary's and
Calvert counties. Including the branch campuses,
community college services are available locally in
each of the State's political subdivisions, except for
Somerset County. In the Fall 1983, a total of
104,561 students were enrolled in degree and
certificate programs. An additional 192,599 Mary-
land residents registered for community college
continuing education courses in fiscal year 1983.
The two regional community colleges are on the
Eastern Shore. Chesapeake College at Wye Mills
was chartered in 1965. It serves Caroline, Dorches-
ter, Kent, Queen Anne's, and Talbot counties.
Wor-Wic Tech Community College at Salisbury
was established in 1975. It serves Worcester and
Wicomico counties as a community college with a
strong emphasis on vocational-technical programs.
The State Board for Community Colleges sub-
mits a State Plan each year to the Governor and
the members of the General Assembly. The Plan
incorporates elements of an annual report. The
Board also publishes special and continuing studies
on program evaluation, student follow-up, enroll-
ment, finance, and related policy issues. The
general policies of the Board constitute Title 13C
of the Code of Maryland Regulations. A monthly
newsletter, the SBCC Bulletin, is distributed to the
colleges and State officials. Other reports are
published as required (Code Education Article,
secs. 16-101 through 16-105).
Lewis J. Baker, Chairperson, 1985
Edward G. Ketchen, 1987; Allan S. Levy, 1989.
501 St. Paul Place, Suite 1110
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-2840
The Maryland State Board of Contract Appeals
was established by Chapter 775, Acts of 1980. The
Board, with expanded jurisdiction, replaced the
Department of Transportation Board of Contract
Appeals (Chapter 418, Acts of 1978).
The Appeals Board is empowered to adjudicate
all disputes concerning the formation of State
contracts, except those for procurement of archi-
tectural and engineering services. Contract forma-
tion disputes include those concerning the qualifi-
cation of bidders or offerers and the determination
of the successful bidder or offerer. The Board also
is empowered to adjudicate all disputes relating to
a contract that has been entered into by the State,
including those disputes involving the perfor-
mance, breach, modification, or termination of a
contract. Decisions of the Appeals Board arc
subject to judicial review, and any aggrieved party,
including a State agency, may appeal a final
decision or any part thereof. At the request of a
party to a proceeding, the Board may subpoena
witnesses and documents and may compel the
testimony of witnesses.
The Governor appoints the Board's three mem-
bers to five-year terms with the advice and consent
of the Senate. Members serve in a quasi-judicial
capacity and must have a thorough knowledge of
procurement practices and processes. They serve
full-time and receive compensation as provided for
in the budget. The chairperson is designated by the
Governor (Code 1957, Art. 21, sec. 7-202).
Chairperson: Charles L. Benton, Jr., 1988
Appointed by the Governor: Frank F. Cossentino,
1988; Dorothy G. George, 1988; Thomas J.
Martin, 1988.
Elected by the members: James R. Brown III,
1985; John Roycroft, 1985; E. Thomas Slonaker,
1985; Hans W. Werkmeister, 1985; Kenneth M.
Jones, 1987; Ben D. Walters, 1987; George P.
Reichenberg, 1988.
S. J. Domenick, President and Chief Executive
The S. J. Domenick Credit Union Bldg.
8501 LaSalle Road, Suite 318
Baltimore 21204 Telephone: 321-6641
The Maryland Credit Union Insurance Corpora-
tion was created by Chapter 658, Acts of 1973. It
was formed to promote the elasticity and flexibility
of the resources of credit union associations,
provide for the liquidity of member associations,
and insure the accounts of the member associa-
tions. Subject to the general supervision of the
Bank Commissioner, the Corporation may make
loans to member associations, insure their credit
accounts, and borrow, lend, and invest the funds of
member associations.
The Board of Directors consists of eight mem-
bers elected by the member associations and three
members appointed by the Governor for four-year