228'/Maryland Manual
Upon recommendation of the Secretary of
Health and Mental Hygiene, the Governor ap-
points the Board's eleven members for three-year
terms. Three members must be licensed practical
nurses and six must be registered nurses. As
vacancies occur the Maryland Nurses Association
and the Maryland Licensed Practical Nurses Asso-
ciation, as the case may be, submit to the Governor
and to the Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene
the names of five of its members from which the
Governor selects appointees. Two members are
consumers appointed by the Governor on the
recommendation of the Secretary of the Depart-
ment of Health and Mental Hygiene with the
advice and consent of the Senate.
Authorization for the Board continues until July
1, 1993 (Code Health Occupations Article, secs.
7-101 through 7-802).
Janet Epstein; Janet Monshower; Eileen Olesker.
Terms expire 1986. Telephone: 383-2084
Appointed by the State Board of Examiners of
Nurses, the Certified Nurse-Midwives Advisory
Council was created in 1983. The Council advises
the Board on matters relating to the practice of
nurse-midwifery. It consists of at least three certi-
fied nurse-midwives who serve three-year terms
(Code Health Occupations Article, sec. 7-504).
Jeanne Brinkley; Frank Kaltreider, M.D.; J.
Cortland Robinson, M.D.; Kathleen Sloane;
Linda Walsh; Annelise S. Zachary, M.D. Terms
expire 1986. Telephone: 383-2084
Created in 1983, the Joint Committee on Nurse-
Midwifery reviews and makes recommendations
on all written agreements between nurse-midwives
and physicians. The Committee consists of three
nurse-midwives and three physicians. The State
Board of Examiners of Nurses appoints Committee
members to three-year terms (Code Health Occu-
pations Article, sec. 7-504).
Chairperson: Elizabeth R. Baird, 1987
Vice-Chairperson: Karen J. Jones, 1985
Mary Agnes Fahrland, 1985; Benjamin S. Neufeld,
1985; John F. Richardson III, Ph.D., 1985; J.
Blaine Fitzgerald, M.D., 1986; Willie Runyon,
1986; Nancy E. Stocks, 1986; Juanita Mills,
R.N., 1987; Samuel Roberts, 1987.
Howard E. White, Executive Secretary
201 W. Preston St.
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2547
The State Board of Examiners of Nursing Home
Administrators was established in 1970 to exam-
ine, license, and register nursing home administra-
tors (Chapter 262, Acts of 1970). The Board
establishes reasonable fees for the issuance of
licenses and biennial registrations and enforces
standards. It also develops appropriate techniques
and procedures for the issuance of licenses and, if
necessary, may establish procedures for the revoca-
tion or suspension of any license. In addition, the
Board conducts a continuing study of nursing
homes and administrators of nursing homes. The
Board arranges for examinations and determines
the subjects to be included in examinations for
licensure as well as the training program necessary
for prospective administrators.
The Board consists of nine members appointed
by the Governor upon recommendation of the
Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene for three-
year terms. Membership includes four individuals
who are actively engaged in the management and
operation of a nursing home, four persons other
than nursing home administrators who are actively
engaged in professions concerned with the care of
the aged and the chronically ill, and two consumer
members appointed with the advice and consent of
the Senate who cannot have been trained as
nursing home administrators or have financial
interests in a related field. The Governor desig-
nates the chairperson and vice-chairperson, while
the Board appoints the executive secretary.
Authorization for the Board continues until July
1, 1993 (Code Health Occupations Article, secs.
8-201 through 8-502).
President: Thomas J. Filip III, 1986
Secretary: Bonnie Moy, 1985
Panelpha L. Kyler-Hutchison, 1985; Nancy H.
Rehmeyer, 1986; Elizabeth H. Hofrman, 1987.
201 W. Preston St.
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2709