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Maryland Manual, 1983-84
Volume 181, Page 830   View pdf image (33K)
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830/Maryland Manual

the specific powers which the General Assembly of
Maryland is authorized to grant to the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore pursuant to this Article, and to
fully accomplish any and all of the purposes and ob-
jects contemplated by the provisions of this Article,
provided such additional power or authority is not in-
consistent with the terms and provisions of this Article
or with any other provision or provisions of the Consti-
tution of Maryland, except as provided in this Article.
The General Assembly may place such other and fur-
ther restrictions or limitations on the exercise of any of
the powers which it may grant to the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore under the provisions of this Arti-
cle as it may deem proper and expedient.



SECTION 1. The General Assembly of Maryland,
by Public Local Law, may authorize the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore:

(a) To make or contract to make financial loans to
any person or other legal entity to be used for or in
connection with the purchase, acquisition, construction,
reconstruction, erection, development, redevelopment,
rehabilitation, renovation, modernization or improve-
ment of buildings or structures, including any land nec-
essary therefor, within the boundaries of Baltimore
City, which buildings or structures are to be used or oc-
cupied for industrial purposes.

(b) To guarantee or insure financial loans made by
third parties to any person or other legal entity which
are to be used for or in connection with the purchase,
acquisition, construction, reconstruction, erection, de-
velopment, redevelopment, rehabilitation, renovation,
modernization, or improvement of buildings or struc-
tures, including any land necessary therefor, within the
boundaries of Baltimore City, which buildings or struc-
tures are to be used or occupied for industrial purposes.

(c) Any and all financial loans made by the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore; any and all guarantees
or insurance commitments made by the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore in connection with any of the
loans; and any and all money used or expended by the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore in connection
with the loans, guarantees, or insurance commitments,
pursuant to the power and authority hereinabove vested
in the municipality, and any and all acts performed by
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore in connection
with any powers which may be granted to the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore pursuant to this Article,
are all declared to be needed, contracted for, expended
or exercised for a public use.

(d) In the event of any conflict between the provi-
sions of this Article and those of Article XI, Section 7,
of the Constitution of Maryland, or any other provi-
sions of the Constitution, then the provisions of this
Article shall control.

i96 Added by Chapter 553, Acts of 1976, ratified Nov. 2, 1976.

Article XI-H

SEC. 2. The General Assembly of Maryland may
grant to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore any
and all additional power and authority necessary or
proper to carry into full force and effect any and all of
the specific powers which the General Assembly of
Maryland is authorized to grant to the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore pursuant to this Article, and to
fully accomplish any and all of the purposes and ob-
jects contemplated by the provisions of this Article,
provided such additional power or authority is not in-
consistent with the terms and provisions of this Article
or with any other provision or provisions of the Consti-
tution of Maryland, except as provided in this Article.
The General Assembly may place such other and fur-
ther restrictions or limitations on the exercise of any of
the powers which it may grant to the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore under the provisions of this Arti-
cle as it may deem proper and expedient.



SECTION 1. The Governor, the Comptroller of the
Treasury and the Treasurer, shall constitute the Board
of Public Works in this State. They shall keep a journal
of their proceedings, and shall hold regular sessions in
the City of Annapolis, on the first Wednesday in Janu-
ary, April, July and October, in each year, and oftener,
if necessary; at which sessions they shall hear and deter-
mine such matters as affect the Public Works of the
State, and as the General Assembly may confer upon
them the power to decide.

SEC. 2.197 They shall exercise a diligent and faithful
supervision of all Public Works in which the State may
be interested as Stockholder or Creditor, and shall ap-
point the Directors in every Railroad and Canal Com-
pany, in which the State has the legal power to appoint
Directors, which said Directors shall represent the State
in all meetings of the Stockholders of the respective
Companies for which they are appointed or elected.
They shall require the Directors of all said Public
Works to guard the public interest, and prevent the es-
tablishment of tolls which shall discriminate against the
interest of the citizens or products of this State, and
from time to time, and as often as there shall be any
change in the rates of toll on any of the said Works, to
furnish the said Board of Public Works a schedule of
such modified rates of toll, and so adjust them as to
promote the agricultural interests of the State; they
shall report to the General Assembly at each regular
session, and recommend such legislation as they may
deem necessary and requisite to promote or protect the
interests of the State in the said Public Works; they
shall perform such other duties as may be hereafter pre-
scribed by Law, and a majority of them shall be compe-
tent to act. The Governor, Comptroller and Treasurer
shall receive no additional salary for services rendered
by them as members of the Board of Public Works.

'"Amended by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, ratified Nov. 6,


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Maryland Manual, 1983-84
Volume 181, Page 830   View pdf image (33K)
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