MELVIN A. STEINBERG, Democrat. District 11. Bom in Baltimore,
October 4, 1933. Attended Baltimore public schools; University of
Baltimore; University of Baltimore Law School, J.D., 1955. Admitted to
the Maryland Bar, 1955. Served with the U.S. Navy, 1952-1957. Member,
Drug Abuse Advisory Council; Task Force to Study Campaign Financ-
ing. Chairman, Committee on Family Law and Domestic Relations.
Member, B'nai B'rith; Junior Chamber of Commerce; Safety Traffic Club
of Maryland; American Judicature Society; American and Baltimore Bar
Associations; Masons; Golden Eagle Square and Compass Club of Mary-
land; Yedz Grotto; Greenspring Valley Synagogue. President, Baltimore
Association for Histadrut. Member, National Society of State Legislators.
Married. Member of the Senate since 1967. Former chairman, Joint Com-
mittee on Ethics; vice-chairman. Judicial Proceedings Committee; chair-
man, Finance Committee. President of the Senate since 1983. Co-chair-
man, Legislative Policy Committee; chairman. Rules Committee. District
office: 305 W; Chesapeake Ave., Suite 113, Towson, 21204; tel. 821-5516.
Annapolis office: President's Office, State House, 21401; tel. 841-3700.
ROSALIE SILBER ABRAMS, Democrat, District 42. Born in Baltimore. Attended
Sinai Hospital School of Nursing; Columbia University; The Johns Hopkins Universi-
ty, B.S., 1963, M.A., political science, 1969. Served in the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps.
Chair, Democratic State Central Committee of Maryland, 1978—. Chair, Humane
Practices Commission, 1973—. Member, Commission to Study Implementation of the
Equal Rights Amendment, 1973-1978. Member, Human Resources and Urban Affairs
Committee, Southern Legislative Conference, Council of State Governments. Member,
Democratic National Committee, 1979—; State-Federal Assembly Committee on Hu-
man Resources, National Conference of State Legislatures, 1977—. Past president,
Maryland Order of Women Legislators. Received numerous distinguished service
awards and citations. Member of the House of Delegates, 1967-1970. Member of the
Senate since 1970. Majority Floor Leader, 1978-1982. Member, Budget and Taxation
Committee, 1971-1982. Chair, Finance Committee, 1983—. District office: Suite 104,
6609 Reisterstown Rd., Baltimore 21215; tel. 764-3614. Annapolis office: 122 Presi-
dential Wing, James Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3648.
WILLIAM H. AMOSS, Democrat, District 35. Born in Baltimore, December 2,
1936. Attended Harford County parochial and public schools; Harford Community
College; University of Maryland—Overseas; Missouri School of Auctioneering. Auc-
tioneer and appraiser. Served in the U.S. Army, 1955-1958. Member, Maryland Farm
Bureau; Maryland and National Auctioneers Associations. Past director, Bel Air Jay-
cees. Married. Member of the House of Delegates, 1975-1982. Member of the Senate
since 1983; Finance Committee, Joint Committee on Budget and Audit. District of-
fice: 2037 Pleasantville Rd., Fallston 21047; tel. 838-7555. Annapolis office: 307 James
Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3603.