County Agencies
Department of Public Works and Transportation
Vaughn Barkdoll, Director ..............
Delores Allison, Assistant to the Director for
Transportation ......................
Office of Property Management and Services
Phillips Schwartz, Associate Director ......
Office of Engineering
George C. Martin, Associate Director .....
Office of Roads and Bridges
Sylvester K. Helminiak, Acting Associate
Director .........................
Office of Urban Services
Alan Jones, Associate Director ..........
Office of Transportation
P. Michael Errico, Associate Director .....
Zoning Hearing Examiners
Barry S. Cramp .....................
Richard A. Romine ..................
Beautification Committee
R. Calvert Steuart, Chairperson ..........
Prince George's Historical and Cultural Trust58
Robert A. Crawley, Chairperson ..........
Inspection and Licensing
Department of Licenses and Permits
Eugene T. Laver, Acting Director .........
Construction Standards Division
Arthur W. Brown, Chief .............
Property Standards Division
Joseph T. Healey, Chief ..............
Animal Control Division
Daniel Yeeles, Jr., Chief ..............
Board of Registration for Master Electricians and
Electrical Contractors
Ralph N. Small, Jr., Chairperson .........
Vacancy, Vice-Chairperson ..............
Robert Miley, Secretary ................
Anthony Katsouros ..................
James E. Mills, Jr ...................
Board of Registration for Building Contractors
Lawrence Cartano, Chairperson ..........
Board of Registration for Heating, Air Condition-
ing. and Refrigeration Contractors
Allen A. Skogebo, Chairperson ...........
"Ch. 687, Acts of 1968.
Queen Anne's County/567
Plumbing Inspector
Lionel G. Norrington, Chief ............
Alcoholic Beverages
Board of License Commissioners
Robert S. Miller .................. 1983
Gerard F. Holcomb ............... 1984
Lee Roy Lee .................... 1985
Patricia A. Hincken, Administrator ........
Extension and Soil Conservation Services
Extension Agents
John J. Lancaster, Jr., Director ...........
David L. Conrad ....................
Mary E. Dallavalle ...................
G. Timothy Dyson ...................
Nancy Gaither ......................
Jacqueline Hill ......................
Viola F. Mason .....................
Leslie A. Rankin ....................
Richard B. Sterrett ...................
Robert F. Stewart ...................
Timothy W. Warman .................
Karol Westelinck ....................
one vacancy ........................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
Arnold Parreco, Chairperson ......... 1985
Kenneth E. Darcey, Vice-Chairperson ... 1984
Thomas C. Duley, Treasurer ......... 1986
R. Calvert Steuart ................ 1987
Clarence S. Britt (County appointee) .......
David L. Conrad, Extension Agent, Secretary
(non-voting) ........................
Virginia Wiltbank, Associate Member (non-vot-
ing) ..............................
David G. Bourdon, District Manager .......
County Seat: Centreville 21617
Origin: Erected by Chapter 3, Acts of 1706.
Name: Named for Queen Anne (1665-1714), who
ruled Great Britain and Ireland, 1702-1714.
Form of Government: County Commissioners
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws
of Queen Anne's County (1974) with supple-
Area: 401.06 sq. miles (371.86 land, 29.20 water)
Population 1900: 18,364
1950: 14,579
1960: 16,569
1970: 18,422
1980: 25,508
Dist. I, Dixon .................. 2,306
Dist. 2, Church Hill .............. 2,912