County Agencies
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board
Nancy Shipley Moore, Chairperson ..... 1983
Robert J. Gray, Vice-Chairperson ...... 1983
Jack L. Runyan .................. 1984
Gene W. Mullinix ................ 1984
Robert Stansfield ................. 1984
Stewart H. Frazier ................ 1985
Ridgely Jones ................... 1987
Steven S. Koren .................. 1987
Dennis A. White, Executive Secretary ......
Historic District Commission
Roland R. Bounds, Acting Chairperson . . 1985
Susan Ikenberry .................. 1983
David R. Brasher ................. 1984
Mary Ann Marino ................ 1986
C. Edward Walter ................ 1987
Department of Public Works
George F. Neimeyer, Director ............
Bureau a/Engineering
William E. Riley, Chief ..............
Environmental Services
James Irvin, Chief ..................
Bureau a/Facilities
John Zitnyar, Chief .................
Traffic Division
James E. Kienker, Chief ..............
Bureau of Highways
Granville W. Wehland, Chief ..........
Bureau of Utilities
Robert M. Beringer, Chief ............
Public Works Board
Norman E. Moxley, Chairperson ....... 1985
Department of Inspections and Permits
M. Robert Gemmill, Chief ..............
Electrical Examiners Board
John K. Ward, Chairperson .......... 1986
Plumbing Code Advisory Committee
David O'Neill, Chairperson .......... 1986
Chief Plumbing Inspector
Hubert L. Cole .....................
Public Transportation Board
Robert L. Shipley, Chairperson ........ 1984
Alcoholic Beverages
Board of License Commissioners
C. Vernon Gray, Chairperson ............
County Council, ex officio ..............
Kent County/555
Extension and Soil Conservation Services
Extension Agents
L. Martin Hamilton, Director ............
Raymond V. Bosmans ................
William Jackson Corbett ...............
Jane A. Evans ......................
Hope M. Jackson ....................
Vivian G. Salters ....................
Cora Lee Tuck ......................
Soil Conservation District Supervisors
W. Lee McFarlane, Chairperson ....... 1986
J. Gordon Warfield, Jr., Vice-Chairperson . 1984
William P. Brendel, Treasurer ........ 1983
Merhle P. Pickett ................. 1985
one vacancy ........................
William Jackson Corbett, Extension Agent, Sec-
retary (non-voting) ...................
Jack Helm, District Conservationist ........
Robert W. Ziehm, District Manager .......
County Seat: Chestertown 21620
Origin: First referred to as a county in 1642 when
the Governor and Council appointed commis-
sioners for the Isle and County of Kent.
Name: Named for the English county of the same
Form of Government: Code Home Rule (1970)
County Code: See Code of the Public Local Laws
of Kent County (1968) with supplements.
Area: 303.64 sq. miles (278.34 land, 25.30 water)
Population 1900: 18,786
1950: 13,677
1960: 15,481
1970: 16,146
1980: 16,695
Dist. I, Massey .................. 2,889
Dist. 2, Kennedy ville .............. 1,796
Dist. 3, Worton (Betterton) ......... 2,258
Dist. 4, Chestertown .............. 3,949