544/Maryland Manual
Planning and Zoning Department
James Shaw, Director .................
Board of Zoning Appeals
C. Gordon Smith, Chairperson ....... 1985
William G. Baker ................ 1983
Glenn F. Browning ............... 1984
Paul C. Fry, alternate ............. 1983
Zoning Administrator
Frederick J. Lowndes ..................
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board
Royd R. Smith, Chairperson ......... 1986
C. Lester Dudrow ................ 1983
Carrollee H. Zecher ............... 1983
Charles E. Brauer ................ 1987
Harold L. Lenhart ............... 1987
Charles C. Smith, County Commissioner, ex of-
ficio .............................
District Forestry Board
Darrell McCartney ............... 1983
Economic and Community Development Commis-
Caleb C. Ewing, Jr., Chairperson ...... 1984
John Amery .................... 1983
G. Bernard Callan, Jr. ............. 1983
Seaven Gordon .................. 1983
Mr. Gail T. Guyton .............. 1983
James D. Lakin ................. 1983
Donald M. Fitzgerald ............. 1984
Robert W. Lebherz, Jr. ............ 1984
James H. Lee ................... 1984
William M. O'Neil ............... 1984
William A. Simmons .............. 1984
E. Robert Bowlus ................ 1985
Alfred P. Shockley ............... 1985
R. W. Wamer ................... 1985
Carl V. Weakley ................. 1985
Senator Charles H. Smelser, ex officio ......
Senator Edward P. Thomas, ex officio ......
Galen R. Clagett, County Commissioner, ex of-
ficio .............................
Donald R. Date, Director ..............
Housing and Community Development
Irene Dunn, Coordinator ...............
Energy and Historic Preservation Department
Russell Schantz, Coordinator ............
Maryland Potomac Water Authority
Charles C. Smith ....................
Richard L. Grossnickle, alternate .........
Department of Public Works
Lawrence W. Johnson, Jr., Director ........
Gilbert Kingsbury, Parks and Recreation Direc-
tor ..............................
Ronald Linton, Highway Director .........
Maurice Daly, Engineering Director ........
Parks and Recreation Commission
Margaret Hruska, Chairperson ........ 1986
Michael Mullen .................. 1983
George A.-Nicholson .............. 1983
Hubert G. Schneider ............... 1984
Carl G. Schuster ................. 1984
Paul E. Spurrier .................. 1985
Gail T. Bowerman ................ 1986
Steven R. Cohen ................. 1986
Charles C. Smith, County Commissioner .....
Gilbert Kingsbury, Parks Director .........
Department of Permits and Inspections
Herbert E. Ramsburg, Director ...........
Plumbing Board
James Murphy, Chairperson ........ 1984
Harold W. Kefauver ............ .1984
Grayson H. Mercer, Sr. ........... 1984
Martha T. Schipper , M.D. ......... 1984
Bob Waltz ................... .1984
Charles C. Smith, County Commissioner, ex
officio ..........................
Building Code Board of Appeals
John F. Stann, Chairperson ......... 1986
Lemuel D. Keller ............... 1983
Carl L. Culler ................. .1984
William R. Stroh ............... 1985
Merlin H. Porter, ............... 1987
Vacancy, alternate ..................
Electrical Board
James E. Sundergill, Chairperson ..... 1987
J. Bernard Vallandingham ......... 1983
John D. Wetnight ............... 1984
Howard J. Jennings .............. 1985
Anthony J.Sos ................. 1986
Roads Board
Austin L. Dutrow, Chairperson ....... 1983
Francis E. Moser, ................. 1984
Edith E. Tucker .................. 1985
James M. Musselwhite, Jr. .......... 1986
Bernard H. Boyle ................ 1987
Charles C. Smith County Commissioner .....
Ronald Linton, Department Head .........
Maurice Daly, Chief Engineer ............
Maintenance Department
Larry Myers, Supervisor ................
Custodial Services Department
Jon M. Maupin, Chief Custodian ..........
Alcoholic Beverages
Liquor License Commissioner
Ellis G. Carty ................... 1983
Alcoholic Beverage Inspector
Louis V. Myers, Jr. ............... 1983