County Agencies
Board of Supervisors of Elections
Leon E. Lewis, Sr., Chairperson ....... 1983
Rudolph C. Aaron ............... 1983
Donna T. James ................. 1983
Elizabeth J. Mahon ............... 1983
Paul W. Nichols ................. 1983
Permanent Board of Registry
Peggy R. Rurak .....................
Barbara G. Spicer ....................
Public Safety
Emergency Management and Civil Defense Agency
Otto B. Cheesman, Director .............
Deputy Medical Examiner
John Mace, Jr., M.D. .................
Board of Health
Board of County Commissioners, ex officio . . .
Health Department
Eugene H. Guthrie, M.D., Health Officer ....
E. Wayne Asplen, Environmental Health
Director ...........................
Mental Health Advisory Committee
Vacancy, Chairperson ..................
Drug Abuse Advisory Council
Vacancy, Chairperson ..................
Physical Fitness Commission
Vacancy, Chairperson ..................
Board of Education
Dr. Jay Harper .................. 1983
Mary Holcheck, President ........... 1984
Rufus M. Todd .................. 1985
Kathleen H. Wise ................ 1985
Herschel Johnson ................ 1986
Russell Brinsfield ................ 1987
Superintendent of Schools
William J. Cotten ....................
Board of Library Trustees
Hubert H. Wright IV, President ...... 1984
Dr. Peter Van Huizen, Vice-President ... 1985
Arthur A. Kamens, Treasurer ........ 1983
Betty Bright Nelson, Secretary ....... 1985
Mrs. Edward Conway ............. 1983
Alberta Pumell .................. 1983
Francis H. Royer ................ 1983
Dr. Fred Tidwell ................. 1983
John H. Barber .................. 1984
Mrs. G. Philip Feldman ............ 1984
Mrs. Calvin Harrington ............ 1984
Anita Moore ................... 1984
Dorchester County/539
Mrs. E. T. Meyers ................ 1984
Barbara Chinery ................. 1985
Paul N. Winn, Jr. ................ 1985
John Hammond, Director ...............
Social Services
Social Services Board
Betsy Apple, Chairperson ........... 1984
Robert Briggs ................... 1983
Mary Farnell ................... 1983
Paul Phillips .................... 1983
Amelia Mills ................... 1984
Rev. Edwin Ellis ................. 1985
John Marshall .................. 1985
Rev. Thomas Welsch .............. 1985
Philip G. D'Adamo, County Commissioner 1986
Director of Social Services
Jeanne Cook ........................
Foster Care Review Board
Betsy Apple, Chairperson ...............
Disabled Persons Review Board
Madeline Kramer, Chairperson ...........
Children's Council
Susan Bishop, Chairperson ..............
Commission on the Aging
James Michael, Chairperson .............
Human Resources Commission
James Michael, Director ................
Board of Recreation & Parks42
Harold E. Carr, Jr., Director .............
Planning and Building
Planning & Zoning Commission
Fred Eberspacher, Jr., Chairperson ..... 1984
Michael DuBuque ................ 1983
T. Sewell Hubbert ................ 1983
Hubert Applegarth ............... 1986
Harold Eskridge ................. 1986
James Handley .................. 1987
Edward Watkins ................. 1987
Linda Nabb, County Planner, Executive Secre-
tary ..............................
Board of Appeals
Warren McWilliams, Chairperson ...... 1984
James R. Jones III ............... 1983
Harry Heckler .................. 1985
Everett Simmons, Jr. .............. 1985
Ernest Suhr .................... 1985
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board
G. Steele Phillips, Chairperson ............
" Chapter 499, Acts of 1963.