506/Maryland Manual
Physical Fitness Commission
Joseph DiRenzo, Chairperson ............
Board of Education
John C. Wobensmith, President ....... 1987
Dr. John L. Wisthoff, Vice-President ... 1985
Barbara R. MacCoy .............. 1983
Jane L. Simon .................. 1984
Dr. Patsy Baker Blackshear ......... 1985
Patricia Huecker ................. 1986
Katherine Kaiser Frantum .......... 1987
Russell Brown, student member ....... 1983
Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Edward J. Anderson ...............
Anne Arundel Community College
Dr. Thomas E. Florestano, President .......
Anne Arundel Community College Board of
Vincent A. Mulieri, Chairperson ...... 1987
Irene E. Newhouse, Vice-Chairperson . . . 1985
Dr. Thomas E. Florestano, Secretary .......
H. Stafford Bullen ................ 1983
Lila A. Schwartz, M.D. ............ 1984
Robert J, DiAiso ................ 1986
Richard A. Gillespie .............. 1988
Walter S. Mills .................. 1988
Daniel Olson, student member ........ 1983
Department of Libraries
Edward B. Hall, Administrator ...........
Annapolis and Anne Arundel Public Library Sys-
tem Board of Trustees
Elmer M. Jackson, Jr., President ...... 1983
Dr. Winston B. Lewis, Vice-President . . . 1984
Shirley Heintz, Secretary ........... 1984
William R. Woodfield, Treasurer ...... 1985
John G. Rouse, Jr., Counsel .............
Bohdan Bulawka .....................
Kitridge A. Buritsch ..................
Ann Hammersia .....................
Dr. John W. Houston .................
Doris Jackson .......................
Claudia R. Johnson ...................
Neville T. Kirk ......................
Rev. James F. Madison ................
Ronald C. McGuirk ..................
Barnett L. McKown ..................
James F. McNatt ....................
John J. Nelson ......................
William Padfield .....................
Sylvia Richardson ....................
Admiral Maurice Rindskopf .............
Hazel Sanner .......................
Marian Satterthwaite ..................
Anne Simmons ......................
Elizabeth Wemer ....................
Commission on Culture and the Arts
Lila A. Schwartz, M.D., Chairperson .......
Social Services
Department of Social Services
Edward R. Bloom, Director .............
Social Services Board
Frances Maney, Chairperson ......... 1985
Mr. Jean Carlton, Vice-Chairperson .... 1983
Jay M. Haddad .................. 1983
Francis Noel ................... 1983
Jean Richter .................... 1983
Joyce Cramer ................... 1984
Gary Kolb ..................... 1985
Robert Washington ............... 1985
James Lighthizer, County Executive, ex officio .
Children's Council
Dale R. Mumford, Chairperson ....... 1984
Carl G. Holland ................. 1983
Susan Kesler ................... 1983
Libbie Gutsche .................. 1984
Harvey Martini .................. 1984
Mark Good .................... 1985
David Larom ................... 1985
Faith M. Loudon ................ 1985
Edward Miller .................. 1985
Arnold L. Osborn ................ 1985
Foster Care Review Board No. 1
Harley H. Williams, Chairperson ...... 1986
Heidi M. Katz, Vice-Chairperson ...... 1984
Clare Berryman ................. 1984
Cheryl D. Lynch ................. 1984
Pamela J. Wilson ................ 1984
James T. Chase .................. 1986
David Harris ................... 1986
Delores A. Howard ............... 1986
Arthur G. Strissel, Jr. ............. 1986
Carol L. Wicker ................. 1986
Foster Care Review Board No. 2
Nancy Kraus, Chairperson .......... 1984
Laura Deane, Vice-Chairperson ....... 1984
June Allen ..................... 1984
Ann Bast ...................... 1984
Gladys A. Bishop ................ 1984
T. Sue Gladhill .................. 1984
Eleanor M. Harris ................ 1984
Gertrude B. McGowan ............ 1984
Emily R. Legum ................. 1986
Dorothy A. Boyle, Assistant Director, Foster
Homes ............................
Disabled Persons Review Board
Annis Gazaway, Chairperson ......... 1982
Rev. William Bamett .............. 1983
Alfred J. Bryan, Jr. ............... 1983
Dr. Roger Harris ................ 1983
Kathy Sloman .................. 1983