502/Maryland Manual
Mental Health Advisory Committee
Bertram Lazarus, M.D., Chairperson .......
Drug Abuse Advisory Council
Board of Health
Physical Fitness Commission
0. Delbert Proudfoot, Chairperson ........
Ray Kiddy, Vice-Chairperson ............
Albert D. Darby, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer ....
Bruce W. LeFew ....................
Jay Steger .........................
Nursing Home Governing Board4
Edward Dressman, Chairperson ..........
Michael Stevens, Vice-Chairperson .........
School Board5
0. Delbert Proudfoot, Chairperson ..... 1983
R. Margaret Hamilton ............. 1983
Mary M. Robb .................. 1983
Dale R. Lewis ................... 1985
R. Neil Williams ................. 1985
Superintendent of Schools
H. William Mitchell ............... 1986
Allegany Community College
Donald R. Alexander, President ..........
Allegany Community College Board of Trustees
Miriam D. Sanner, Chairperson ....... 1984
Thomas B. Finan, Jr., Vice-Chairperson . . 1983
Stan Zorick ..................... 19.85
Howard A. Buchanan .............. 1986
Margaret W. Long ................ 1987
Ivan A. Hall .................... 1988
David H. Miller .................. 1988
James Avirett, Board Attorney ...........
Board of Library Trustees
Bemice Friedland ................. 1983
John Searles .................... 1984
David R. Willets ................. 1984
Terry Stephens ................... 1985
Jerry Raible ..................... 1986
John Byrd ...................... 1987
Robert L. Neal .....................
Social Services
Social Services Board
Arthur T. Bond, County Commissioner .....
John McGreevy .................. 1983
William Van Newkirk .............. 1983
Norman Wallace ................. 1983
4 County Commissioners' Resolution 80-5, Jan. 11, 1980.
' Chapter 491, Acts of 1974.
Evelyn Powell ................... 1984
Frank Tomko ................... 1984
Anita Comfort ................... 1985
James Donahue .................. 1985
James White .................... 1985
Director of Social Services
Richard Paulman ....................
Foster Care Review Board
Tony Crosby, Chairperson ..............
Disabled Persons Review Board
Georgia Meyers, Chairperson ............
Children's Council
Sue Ottmar, Chairperson ...............
Commission on the Aging
Frank Tomko, Chairperson .............
Human Resources Development Commission
M. Jane Rees, Executive Director .........
Community Action Agency
Vacancy, Director ....................
Community Action Board of Trustees
Vacancy, Chairperson .................
Planning and Building
Planning and Zoning Commission
James Cotton, President ............ 1987
Linda A. Golden, County Commissioner ....
Alvin R. Pence .................. 1984
Leslie Brinkman .................. 1985
David G. Dilling ................. 1985
Mrs. Harry Gilbert ............... 1986
Planning Director
Benjamin R. Sansom ..................
Board of Zoning Appeals
Robert Hamilton, Chairperson ........ 1984
Edward J. Farrell ................ 1983
Ray L. Wilt .................... 1985
Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board
Kent Fuller, Chairperson ...............
District Forestry Board
Dr. William Cones ............... 1983
Florence Oster .................. 1983
Sanitary Commission
George K. Steiner, Chairperson ....... 1987
Francis Deremer, Vice-Chairperson ..... 1983
Nat Workman .................. 1983
Harold P. Hite .................. 1985
James N. Long .................. 1985
James C. Bauer .................. 1987
Joseph Kyle .................... 1987
Joseph E. Strickland, Administrator and Secre-
tary-Treasurer .......................