4'/Maryland Manual
State Parks and Recreation Areas. Thirty-five
operational State parks covering 71,732 acres; 89
lakes and ponds open to public fishing; 9 State
forests and portions of 14 State parks open to
public hunting; 32 wildlife management areas,
covering 78,842 acres, open to public hunting; 5
natural environment areas containing 13,533
Labor Force, Employment and Unemployment
(1981). Civilian labor force, 2,164,000; total em-
ployment, 2,007,000; unemployment, 157,000, or
7.3 percent. Non-agricultural workers (in thou-
sands): Manufacturing—durable goods, 129.2;
non-durable goods, 101.8. Non-Manufacturing—
services and mining, 376.6; retail trade, 315.6;
State and local government, 287.0; federal gov-
ernment, 134.9; construction, 95.9; finance, insur-
ance, and real estate, 93.3; wholesale trade, 89.9;
transportation, communication, and public utili-
ties, 85.9. Total non-agricultural employment,
Manufacturers, 1978. Number of establishments,
3,937 (1977 census); total employees, 252,600; to-
tal payroll, $3,786.5 million; total value added by
manufacturers, $7,739.2 million. Most important
manufactures: food and kindred products; electric
and electronic equipment; primary metals; ma-
chinery, except electrical; chemical and allied
products; and transportation equipment.
Selected Industries. Maryland's ten largest em-
ployers: Bethlehem Steel Co.; C & P Telephone
Co.; Westinghouse Corp.; Baltimore Gas & Elec-
tric; Montgomery Ward & Co.; Giant Food;
Sears Roebuck & Co.; General Motors; Western
Electric; Marriott Corp.
Agriculture, 1981. 18,200 farms covering
2,800,000 acres. Total farm receipts
$1,100,000,000. Most valuable farm products:
broiler chickens, $326,000,000; field crops,
$288,000,000; dairy products, $233,000,000. Most
valuable crops: corn, $80,000,000; soybeans,
$60,000,000; tobacco, $58,000,000. Workers on
farms, 31,000.
Mineral Production, 1980. Stone, 18,960,000
short tons, value $77,431,000; sand and gravel,
10,732,000 short tons, value $33,625,000; bitumi-
nous coal, 3,760,000 tons, approximate value
$97,760,000; clays (excludes ball clay), 733,000
short tons, value $2,267,000; natural gas, as, 68
million cubic feet, approximate value $27,000;
peat, 4,000 short tons; lime, 12,000 short tons;
value of mineral production that cannot be item-
ized, $71,703,000; total value of all mineral pro-
duction, $282,813,000.
Seafood Production, 1981. Fish, 18,070,830
pounds, dockside value $4,580,301; crabs,
60,117,524 pounds, dockside value $18,566,064;
oysters, 2,459,195 bushels, dockside value
$21,003,604; clams, including soft-shell, hard-
shell, and surf, 21,553,078 pounds, dockside value
$11,970,901. Maryland leads the nation in oyster
production and ranks second in blue crabs.
Port of Baltimore, 1981. One of the leading ports
in the United States, handling nearly 58,000,000
tons of cargo in 1981. Foreign commerce totaled
36.4 million tons. Baltimore is the second-ranked
container cargo port on the East Coast of the
United States, with more than 4.4 million tons
moved during 1981. Baltimore also is one of the
largest ports of entry for the importation of auto-
mobiles in the world, with more than 260,000
units arriving during the year. Other chief im-
ports are ore, chemicals, petroleum products,
gypsum rock, lumber, rolled and finished steel
products, fertilizers and materials, unrefined cop-
per, inedible molasses, sugar, and general cargo.
Chief exports are grains, machinery, coal and
coke, iron and steel scrap, iron and steel semifin-
ished products, earth moving equipment, fertil-
izers, and general cargo. The World Trade Center
in Baltimore, headquarters for the Port, serves as
the center of international commerce for the re-
State Airports. The State owns and operates two
airports, Baltimore-Washington International
(BWI) and Glenn L. Martin State Airport. BWI
has grown significantly, both in air service and
passenger traffic. BWI reported 4,114,798 com-
mercial passengers in FY 1982, an increase of 8.2
percent over the previous fiscal year. Twenty-five
passenger airlines now serve the facility with over
350 flights a day. BWI also handles approximate-
ly 59 percent of the air freight in the Baltimore-
Washington region, a total of 132,386,902 pounds
in FY 1982. With several airlines now offering
both passenger and cargo flights to a variety of
international destinations, BWI is becoming a
gateway airport for the United States, as well as
serving the air transportation needs of the region.
Glenn L. Martin State Airport is the largest gen-
eral aviation facility on the East Coast. Handling
primarily private and corporate aircraft, Martin is
also the main base for Maryland's two air nation-
al "uard squadrons and the Maryland State Po-
lice Aviation Division (MEDEVAC).
State Railroads. The State currently runs four
commuter and nine freight lines. The commuter
lines include two Baltimore-Washington lines, one
Brunswick-Washington line, and the "Chesa-
peake" line connecting Pennsylvania, Delaware,