Worcester County
Snow Hill MAC Multi-Service Senior Citizens
P. 0. Box 159
107 East Market St.
Snow Hill 21863 Telephone: 632-1289
A Long Term Care Division, reporting to the
State Director, directs the planning, implementa-
tion and evalation of long term care services for
the elderly managed by the Office on Aging and
other departments and agencies. The Division de-
velops policies and initiatives for promoting
State-wide long term care activities aimed at min-
imizing institutionalization of the frail elderly. It
also provides staff support to the Interagency
Committee on Aging Services.
The Administration area has three divisions;
Financial Management, Housing, and Public In-
The Financial Management Division is respon-
sible for budget planning and preparation, fiscal
analysis, accounting, and auditing.
The Housing Division develops, certifies, and
assists in the operation of sheltered housing for
the elderly. Such housing provides a residential
environment with assistance as needed for activi-
ties of daily living (Chapter 143, Acts of 1976).
The Division also certifies the organizational and
financial structure of continuing care facilties op-
erated by the private sector to provide long-term
shelter and care to elderly persons. It makes
available public information about such facilities
as a consumer protection to prospective residents
(Chapter 369, Acts of 1980).
The Public Information Division disseminates
public information and education on programs
and activities of the Office on Aging and on pro-
gram and policy issues of concern to the elderly.
The Division is the representative of the Office on
Aging in public information relationships with
the media and organized senior citizen groups.
The Administration area also includes activities
concerned with personnel administration, and in-
tergovernmental and community relations.
The Commission on Aging consists of thirteen
members appointed by the Governor. Each mem-
ber serves a four-year term and may serve a maxi-
mum of two consecutive terms. One Commission-
er must be a member of the Senate and one a
member of the House of Delegates. The remain-
ing eleven members are selected to reflect geo-
graphical representation and because of their in-
Independent Agencies/343
terest in the problems of the aging. Of the thir-
teen members, no less than seven must be fifty-
five years of age or over (Code 1957, Art. 70B).
Noel List, M.D.; Stephen J. Nolan; Rev. Dr.
John Sharp.
The Guardianship Advisory Board is authorized
to advise the State Director on Aging regarding
his responsibilities as the guardian of persons
(Code Estates and Trusts Article, sec. 13-707). Es-
tablished by Chapter 521, Acts of 1981, the Board
is appointed by the State Director on Aging. It
consists of three members, one of whom is re-
quired to be an attorney, another a physician, and
a third neither an attorney nor a physician.
Matthew L. Tayback, Sc.D., State Director on Ag-
ing. Chairperson
Charles R. Buck, Jr., Sc.D., Secretary of Health
and Mental Hygiene; Ruth Massinga, Secretary
of Human Resources.
The Interagency Committee on Aging Services
was established as part of the Executive Depart-
ment by Chapters 101 and 330, Acts of 1982. The
Committee is responsible for developing and
updating a plan to provide coordinated health and
social services to Maryland's elderly. It consoli-
dates planning and evaluation efforts at the State
and local levels. Annually, the Committee presents
to the Governor and the General Assembly a con-
solidated operating budget for aging services.
The Committee consists of the State Director
on Aging, the Secretary of Health and Mental
Hygiene, and the Secretary of Human Resources.
The State Director on Aging chairs meetings and
supervises activities of the Committee (Code
1957, Art. 70B, secs. 4A-4D).
Chairperson: Vacancy
City appointees: Howard Brickman, Ph.D.; T.
Norwood Brown; J. Eric Fredland, Ph.D.;
Robert Hammond, A.I.A.
County appointees: not yet appointed.
c/o Planning and Zoning Office
City of Annapolis
City Hall
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 268-0631