308/Maryland Manual
Article, secs. 12-101 through 12-209).
Welcome to Maryland, a pamphlet containing
information designed to aid new Maryland resi-
dents in obtaining a driver's license and vehicle
registration, is available free of charge from
MVA's Public Information Office. Interested per-
sons should call 768-7386.
Agnes Stoicos, Chief Deputy Administrator
Rebecca Cody, Director
Telephone: 768-7421
This Division is responsible for licensing motor
vehicle dealers, manufacturers, wreckers and
scrap processors, professional driving schools,
and title service agents. With the powers of li-
censing and investigation, the Division ensures
that dealers and others in the automotive business
honor their agreements and warranties. Consumer
complaints are handled by this Division.
Clarence W. Woody, Director
Telephone: 768-7395
This Division is responsible for titling and reg-
istering all passenger and commercial vehicles in
Maryland. The Division also collects the five per-
cent excise tax imposed on vehicles titled in the
State, the annual registration fees, and issues reg-
istration tags.
Lt. Col. Clifton E. Luber, Director
Telephone: 768-7254
The Division of Driver Examination and Li-
censing is responsible for conducting examina-
tions of all new drivers and renewing motor vehi-
cle operators' licenses.
Examinations include testing of the applicant's
visual acuity, knowledge of motor vehicle laws,
and the ability to operate a motor vehicle safely.
Maryland licenses are now classified according
to the type of vehicle the driver will operate and
are designated A, B, C, D, and E. Any class li-
cense will authorize the licensee to operate vehi-
cles in that particular class, except E, providing
the licensee meets the age requirements of the
several classes. The five classes are Class A—Re-
quired to operate tractor-trailers; Class B—Re-
quired to operate trucks over 20,000 pounds
gross weight; Class C—Required to operate bus-
es; Class D—Required to operate automobiles,
station wagons, and trucks up to 20,000 pounds
gross weight; and Class E—Required to operate
Examinations are conducted at the Glen Bumie
Headquarters and at the Regional Offices in
Baltimore City, Chesapeake City, College Park,
Cumberland, Forestville, Easton, Gaithersburg,
Hagerstown, Rockville, Salisbury, and Waldorf.
In addition, examining and licensing teams con-
duct driver examinations at fourteen other loca-
tions throughout the State. Three mobile van test-
ing units also are used to conduct Class A, B,
and C tests at large trucking, bus, or utility facili-
ties, including fire departments and schools.
These vans are equipped to enable examiners to
conduct vision screening and written law tests,
and to collect and account for applicable fees.
The Division also ensures that each school bus
is inspected for safety three times a year.
Woodrow B. Meek, Field Services Coordinator
Telephone: 768-7221
To make Motor Vehicle Administration ser-
vices more accessible to Maryland residents, re-
gional offices, in addition to the Glen Burnie
headquarters, are located at: Salisbury, Cumber-
land, Hagerstown, Rockville, Forestville, College
Park, Waldorf, Chesapeake City, Baltimore City,
Easton, and Gaithersburg.
These branches offer a full range of services, in-
cluding vehicle registration, license review hear-
ings, driver rehabilitation clinics, title and driver
record information, and tag sales. All offices, ex-
cept Baltimore City, also conduct license testing.
MVA regional and headquarters offices, and
other sources of information useful to the public,
are as follows:
Headquarters—Glen Burnie
Motor Vehicle Administration
6601 Ritchie Highway, N.E.
Glen Burnie 21062 Telephone: 768-7000
Baltimore City Regional Office
Metro Plaza Building
Mondawmin Mall
2000 Mondawmin Concourse
Liberty Heights and Reisterstown Rd.
Baltimore 21215 Telephone: 383-5880