260/Maryland Manual
Secretary: Helen Burwell, 1983
Treasurer: Andrew Oravetz, 1983
Robert S. Collins, 1983; Elmer Doan, 1983; Da-
vid J. Granek, 1983; John E. Mertens, 1983;
Charles J. Morgan, Jr., 1983.
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-6322
Toll Free: 1-800-492-7521
The first board for the examining and licensing
of plumbers in Maryland was established by
Chapter 439, Acts of 1886, with jurisdiction lim-
ited to Baltimore City. The General Assembly es-
tablished the present Commission by Chapter
436, sec. 186, Acts of 1910, and enlarged its
membership by Chapter 675, Acts of 1965. Its ju-
risdiction includes all of the State. The Board is
composed of nine members appointed biennially
by the Governor with the advice of the Secretary
of Licensing and Regulation and the advice and
consent of the Senate for two-year terms. One
member must be from Southern Maryland, one
from the Eastern Shore, two from Baltimore City,
one from the area including Allegany, Washing-
ton, Garrett, Frederick, and Montgomery
counties, and two from the area including Car-
roll, Baltimore, and Harford counties.
The Commission examines and certifies jour-
neymen and master plumbers. It serves as the
regulatory agency for the plumbing trade and
business (Code 1957, Art. 43, secs. 329-338B).
Subject to the evaluation and reestablishment
provisions of the Program Evaluation Act (sunset
law), authorization for the Board continues until
July 1, 1993 (Chapter 773, Acts of 1982).
Executive Director: Judith A. Black
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-6322
Toll Free: 1-800-492-7521
In 1981 the General Assembly authorized the
Secretary of Licensing and Regulation to license
every individual dealer in secondhand precious
metals and gems in the State (Chapter 436, Acts
of 1981). This licensure was extended in 1982 to
cover pawnbrokers as well (Chapter 884, Acts of