254/Maryland Manual
Authorization for the Committee continues un-
til July 1, 1991 (Chapter 519, Acts of 1982).
Chairperson: C. Bounds Phillips, 1983
Thomas Aldrich, 1983; Hubert Jackson, 1983;
James Steele, 1983; Carolus Wade, 1983.
The Maryland Standardbred Race Fund Advi-
sory Committee was created by Chapter 771,
Acts of 1971. The Committee consists of five
members. Two of the members are operators of
Standardbred breeding farms, two are harness
track licensees, and one is a member of the Com-
mission. Members are appointed by the Maryland
Racing Commission with the approval of the Sec-
retary of Licensing and Regulation (Code 1957,
Art. 78B, sec. 17A(c)).
The Committee assists and advises the Mary-
land Racing Commission on the administration of
the Standardbred Race Program, the Standard-
bred Race Fund, and the Standardbred Sires
Stakes Program. The Standardbred Race Fund
was established by having each harness track li-
censee allocate to the Fund .50% of the mutuel
pool of all its races during the year. This Fund is
then used as a purse for races involving Standard-
bred horses (Code 1957, Art. 78B, sec. 17A).
Authorization for the Committee continues un-
til July 1, 1991 (Chapter 519, Acts of 1982).
Carolyn B. McGuire, Commissioner
Joseph M. Roggenkamp, Deputy Commissioner
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-6209
Toll Free: 1-800-492-7521
The Commissioner of the Division of Occupa-
tional and Professional Licensing is responsible
for the administrative direction, oversight, and
coordination for all licensing agencies within the
Division, and for coordinating and directing the
daily fiscal, administrative, and technical func-
tions of the agencies supervised. It also adminis-
ters all aspects of the licensing laws of thirteen
boards, two commissions, one agency, and an in-
vestigative unit.
Chairperson: Dorothy Meeker Wallace, 1983
Dorothy W. Tross, 1983; Esther G. Zander, 1983;
Jacqueline J. Vickers, 1984; Leora M. Hash,
Eunice R. Alper, Executive Director
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-6320
Toll Free: 1-800-492-7521
Created by Chapter 282, Acts of 1935, as the
Board of Hairdressers and Beauty Culturists, the
State Board of Cosmetologists received its present
name by Chapter 278, Acts of 1961. The Board
consists of five members appointed by the Gover-
nor with the advice of the Secretary of Licensing
and Regulation for three-year terms. Three mem-
bers of the Board must have had at least five
years practical experience in hairdressing or beau-
ty culture. They may not be affiliated with any
firm manufacturing or selling any merchandise or
commodity used in beauty shops, nor be directly
or indirectly connected with any school of beauty
culture. No two members shall serve at the same
time who are graduates of the same school of
beauty culture.
The Board examines, licenses, and regulates all
persons engaged in the operation, practice, and
teaching of beauty culture within the State. The
Board holds regular meetings each Tuesday and
conducts examinations at least twice weekly
throughout the year in Baltimore City (Code
1957, Art. 43, secs. 529-555).
Authorization for the Board continues until
July 1, 1991 (Chapter 519, Acts of 1982).
Chairperson: W. Robert Wallis, 1986
John L. Knott, Sr., 1983; Ernest Stokes II, 1984;
H. Morton Rosen, 1985; Milton Bates, 1986.
Thomas R. Hannon, Executive Director
501 St. Paul Place
Baltimore 21202 Telephone: 659-6309
Toll Free: 1-800-492-7521
The Maryland Home Improvement Commis-
sion, established by Chapter 133, Acts of 1962,
consists of six members appointed by the Gover-
nor with the advice of the Secretary of Licensing
and Regulation for four-year terms. Two mem-
bers must be from the construction industry, one
from the field of finance, and two from the gener-
al public.
The Commission licenses and regulates con-
tractors and salesmen in the home improvement