240/Maryland Manual
and supportive client services such as outreach
and intake, client assessment and job counseling,
job development, and matching job applicants
with available positions. State government is the
prime sponsor for the Eastern Shore and South-
ern Maryland counties. All other areas of the
State fall under the jurisdiction of local county or
city governments.
The Training and Employment Office is re-
sponsibile for meeting all federal grant applica-
tion requirements for the CETA program operat-
ed by the State prime sponsor and for imple-
menting the State prime sponsor programs at the
local level. As pan of these duties, the Training
and Employment Office provides staff support for
the Balance of State Planning Council, which is
appointed by the Governor. The council reviews
and makes recommendations on employment and
training program plans developed with CETA
funds for the Eastern Shore and Southern Mary-
land counties. The chairperson of the Balance of
State Planning Council is appointed by the Gov-
ernor and acts on his behalf in all matters rele-
vant to State prime sponsorship.
The Training and Employment office also
works with the Balance of State Private Industry
Council. The Council, along with the Balance of
State Prime Sponsor, is responsible for all pro-
grams and activities that are funded under Title
The Training and Employment Office also has
the responsibility for meeting all federal grant re-
quirements for implementing plans under the
CETA Special Grant to the Governor for voca-
tional education and statewide employment and
training services. Vocational Education services
for the Special Grant are developed by the State
Department of Education and prime sponsors
through jointly developed non-financial agree-
ments. These non-financial agreements are sub-
mitted to the Training and Employment Office
for review and funding. Generally speaking, voca-
tional services are classroom training in occupa-
tional areas that are in demand in local labor
markets. Funds for statewide employment and
training services are also allocated under the Spe-
cial Grant to provide administrative or client ser-
vices that are better served from the State per-
spective. Frequently, these funds are used to fund
experimental programs or projects that will en-
hance the cooperation and coordination of all em-
ployment and employment-related programs in
the State. As part of the federal requirements of
the Special Grant to the Governor, the Training
and Employment Office also serves as staff sup-
port to the State Employment and Training
Council. The Council is an advisory body ap-
pointed by the Governor to review the plans of all
prime sponsors and employment and employment-
related agencies and to make recommendations on
the coordination of all employment efforts in the
State. The chairman of the State Employment and
Training Council is appointed by the Governor
and acts on his behalf to fulfill all federal require-
ments under Section 110 of CETA.
In connection with its administrative role in
statewide programs, the Training and Employ-
ment Office also is responsible for all State agen-
cy public service employment positions funded by
local prime sponsors and makes arrangements for
the development of appropriate State public ser-
vice jobs, for the allocation of positions to State
agencies, and for the certification, recruitment,
and selection of personnel.
Frank W. Welsh, Executive Director
1123 N. Eutaw Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3718
The Maryland Office of Economic Opportunity
was created by Executive Order in 1964, made a
part of State government by Chapter 306, Acts of
1965, and renamed the Maryland Office of Com-
munity Services by Chapter 50, Acts of 1979.
The Maryland Office of Community Services
administers the federal Community Services
Block Grant Act (P.L. 97-35, Subtitle B) in the
State of Maryland. It provides the necessary
funds to Community Action Agencies through-
out the State to enable them to carry out their
work (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 205G). In addi-
tion, the Office provides technical and supportive
services to these agencies and other community-
based organizations.
The Office of Community Services is charged
with the responsibility of creating and participat-
ing in various youth and work training programs,
special programs to combat poverty in rural and
urban areas, employment and investment
incentive programs, work experience programs
and, in general, for providing assistance for the
economic betterment of the State (Code 1957,
Art. 41, Sec. 361-364).
The Office administers the Energy Assistance
and Information Program Act. This law autho-
rizes programs concerned with the energy prob-
lems of low-income Maryland residents (Code
1957, Art. 41, secs. 490-496).