236/Maryland Manual
Susan S. Uhlig, 1985; Lynn Witherspoon, 1985;
Rodger Reed, 1987.
300 West Preston St.
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 576-5200
The Social Services Administration was origi-
nally established as the State Department of Pub-
lic Welfare by Chapter 99, Acts of 1939, to su-
persede the Board of State Aid and Charities
established by Chapter 679, Acts of 1900. By
Chapter 148, Acts of 1967, the General Assembly
modernized the law, bringing it into conformance
with practice and clarifying the responsibilities of
the boards and directors of the State and local
departments. The name of the agency was
changed to the Department of Social Services by
Chapter 702, Acts of 1968. The Administration
adopted its present name by Chapter 96, Acts of
1970 (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 205F (b)).
The Executive Director of Social Services is
appointed by the Secretary of Human Resources
and serves at his pleasure. The Executive Director
is responsible for the organization and adminis-
tration of the Social Services Administration and
for the appointment, under the Merit System
Law, of all its personnel (Code 1957, Art. 88A,
sec. 2).
The State Board of Social Services is composed
of nine members appointed by the Secretary of
Human Resources with the approval of the Gov-
ernor, one of whom the Secretary designates as
chairperson. All members serve six-year terms, so
arranged that three terms expire on June 30 of
every second year. The State Board gives advice
and counsel and makes recommendations to the
Secretary of Human Resources, the Executive Di-
rector of the Social Services Administration, and
the Executive Director of the Income Mainte-
nance Administration.
In Baltimore City, the Mayor appoints nine cit-
izens to a local social services commission for
staggered six-year terms. The Mayor and the
Commissioner of Health serve as ex officio mem-
bers. In each county, members of the local board
of social services are appointed by the local
governing authority. Each of these boards con-
sists of nine members. One of these members
must be a member of the local governing body,
designated on July 1 of each year to serve as the
ex officio member of the local social services
board. Members of the local social services
boards are appointed for three-year terms and no
appointee may serve more than two consecutive
terms (Code 1957, Art. 88A, secs. 1, 2, 4, 14,
The Social Services Administration is the cen-
tral coordinating and directing agency of all so-
cial service activities in the State, including Child
Welfare Services (adoption, foster care, protective
services to children and families), Child Day Care
Services, Adult and Family Services (protective
services to adults, homemaker services and com-
munity home aides, services to families with chil-
dren, services to single parents, referrals to the
Work Incentive Program, and family planning).
In Baltimore City and in each county there is a
local department of social services whose director
administers these social services activities within
the respective locality subject to the supervision,
direction, and control of the State Administra-
The Social Services Administration is responsi-
ble for the development and coordination of its
services, for determining the factors that seem to
contribute to social and family problems, and for
recommending changes or new programs to meet
some of the problems. In carrying out this re-
sponsibility, the Social Services Administration
calls upon the local social services departments
for leadership within their communities and for
participation in statewide activities.
The Social Services Administration supervises
all public and private institutions that have the
care, custody, or control of dependent, aban-
doned, or neglected children, except those placed
under the supervision of another agency. It li-
censes agencies and institutions having the care
and custody of minors, and registers private
homes giving day care services to children. The
Social Services Administration maintains a central
registry of reported child abuse cases.
Chairperson: Carolyn Wainwright, 1986
Sharon Jandorf, 1984; Nancy S. Scull, 1984;
Howard Bluth, 1986; Dianne Fox, 1986; Ra-
chel M. Petty, 1986.
Alice P. Williams, Administrator
Charles Cooper, Assistant Administrator
101 West Read Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 659-6342
The Maryland Citizen Board for Review of
Foster Care for Children was established July 1,
1978 (Chapter 980, Acts of 1978). Authorizing
legislation created the agency as a State Board to
coordinate the activities of local citizen review
boards. The State Board promulgates policies and
procedures relating to the functions of local re-