230/Maryland Manual
H. William Bauersfeld, Director
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2411
This Administration is responsible for plan-
ning, organizing, and directing the activities of
the divisions of Administrative Services, Dietary
Services, Engineering and Maintenance, and Re-
imbursements. The director and staff within this
administration provide support services in such
areas as supplies and procurement, space alloca-
tion, fleet management, service contract supervi-
sion, and capital construction. Coordination and
technical assistance are provided statewide to di-
etary, maintenance, and engineering projects. The
recovery of costs of health care provided by the
Department from legally responsible persons,
third party payers, and federal sources is another
major responsibility.
Don L. Spicer, Director
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-7130
This Administration is responsible for plan-
ning, organizing, and directing the activities of
the divisions of Personnel, Staff Development,
Nursing, Health Education, and Volunteer Ser-
vices. The director and staff within this Adminis-
tration develop, recommend, and implement pro-
grams, policies, and procedures for statewide
operations in personnel management, staff train-
ing, health education, nursing, and volunteer
services. The personnel management function in-
cludes manpower utilization and staff produc-
tivity responsiblities. The health education func-
tion can have major impact on the health of the
citizens of Maryland.
Elizabeth G. Bamard, Director
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2831
This Office is responsible for organizing and
directing department-wide planning. The director
and staff in this office annually prepare the Exec-
utive Plan, the Five Year Capital Improvement
Plan, the Master Facilities Plan, Three Year Unit
Plans, and twenty-seven individual facility plans.
Coordination of capital budget, funding priorities,
departmental goals, legislative mandates, and oth-
er agency initiatives are performed. The planning
of capital projects in this area relates directly to
public health institutional needs.
Loretta H. DeBusk, Director
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-4556
This office is responsible for the development
of department-wide management systems and or-
ganizational structures to ensure efficient opera-
tions. The development, coordination, and pro-
mulgation of internal operating policies is another
major function of this unit. It is also responsible
for planning and conducting systems and pro-
gram analysis and cost/benefit studies.