224/Maryland Manual
Chairperson: Ajax Eastman, 1986
Edmund M. Glaser, 1983; Robert B. Bartlett,
1984; Cyrus Blanchard, M.D., 1985; William
H. Walston, Ph.D., 1987.
The Council was originally created as the
Noise Pollution Control Advisory Council by
Chapter 709, Acts of 1973 and renamed the Envi-
ronmental Noise Advisory Council by Chapter
287, Acts of 1974. It advises the Department on
proposed environmental noise standards and
sound level limits.
The Council consists of five members
appointed by the Secretary of Health and Mental
Hygiene for terms of five years each. One mem-
ber is appointed from a list of three names sub-
mitted by the Acoustical Society of America. One
member must be a physician, specializing in hear-
ing, appointed from a list of at least three names
submitted by the Medical and Chirurgical Facul-
ty of Maryland. The third member is appointed
from a list of three names submitted by the presi-
dent of the University of Maryland. Two mem-
bers are appointed by the Secretary from sugges-
tions made by the Maryland State Chamber of
Commerce, the Maryland Transportation Federa-
tion, the Maryland Environmental Trust, and
such other environmental groups as he may se-
lect. Council members must be State residents.
The Secretary designates the chairperson, the
vice-chairperson, and the secretary (Code Health-
Environmental Article, Title 3, Subtitle 2).
Chairperson: Marilyn Reeves, 1988
Raymond E. Lloyd, Jr., 1984; David H. Shriver,
1985; Gary L. Smith, 1985; Thomas C. An-
drews, 1986; Dr. Ralph R. DiSibio, 1987; Nan-
cy H. Hill, 1987; Dr. Thomas G. Mitchell,
1987; Dr. Curtis M. Snow, 1987; Dr. David H.
Rosenblatt, 1988; Rocco J. Gabriele, State Fire
Marshal; two vacancies.
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3123
The Controlled Hazardous Substances Adviso-
ry Council was created by Chapter 618, Acts of
1976 as amended, to advise the State in matters
relating to the management of designated hazard-
ous substances. Chapter 550, Acts of 1981, in-
creased Council membership from ten to thirteen
and expanded the responsibilities to include ad-
vising and assisting in the development of rules
and regulations on low-level nuclear waste dis-
posal (Code Health-Environmental Article, Title
7, secs. 7-211 through 7-215).
Chairperson: Francis J. Colletta, 1984
Vice-Chairperson: Robert P. Digges, 1982.
Ex officio members: William B. Landis; Annelies
S. Zachary, M.D.; J. M. Joseph, M.D.; Marga-
ret Needham, Neil A. Holtzman, M.D.
Appointed by the President of the Senate: Julian
L. Lapides, 1983
Appointed by the Speaker of the House of Dele-
gates: Vacancy, 1983
Appointed by the Governor: Anne C. Zehner,
1983; Shirley R. Clinton, M.D., 1984; Marian
Scarborough, 1984; Marvin Comblath, M.D.,
Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland,
1985; Susan R. Panny, M.D., 1985; one va-
Cynthia DeLeaver-Coates, Executive Director
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-7035
The Commission on Hereditary Disorders was
created by Chapter 695, Acts of 1973. The Com-
mission aids in the gathering and the dissemina-
tion of information on the treatment of hereditary
disorders in the State. It also establishes and pro-
mulgates rules, regulations, and standards for the
detection and management of hereditary disor-
ders. On a continuous basis, it evaluates the need
for and efficiency of State programs on hereditary
disorders. The Commission also institutes and su-
pervises educational programs and counseling on
the subject of hereditary disorders and its treat-
ment and prevention for the public and providers
of health services. The Commission may use
existing programs and groups for its information-
al purposes, whether or not such programs and
groups are governmental.
The Commission evaluates the entire hereditary
disease program annually and reports such evalu-
ation along with recommendations to the Gover-
The Commission is composed of eleven mem-
bers appointed for terms of four years. No
member may serve more than two consecutive