198/Maryland Manual
Millie Tyssowski, 1983; Sheila Willett, 1983;
Gloria Carpeneto, 1984; Dorothy Council,
1984; E. Jane Hanks, 1984; Ethel Pace, 1984;
Sari Revkin, 1984; Mildred Bright, 1985; Rev.
Louis Foxwell, 1985; Ronald Harris, 1985; Ve-
ronica Johnson, 1985; Roberta Nevitt, 1985.
Ex officio members: Adele Wilzack, for the Secre-
tary of Health and Mental Hygiene; Pat
Panaggio, Jr., for the Secretary of Human Re-
The Medical Assistance Advisory Committee is
composed of health care provider representatives
and consumer representatives who meet six times
each year to discuss issues pertinent to the Medi-
cal Assistance Program. The Committee provides
expert consultation and advice to the Assistant
Secretary for Medical Care Programs. The Secre-
tary of Health and Mental Hygiene and the Sec-
retary of Human Resources, or their designees,
serve as ex officio members of the Committee.
The Committee holds general meetings during
the months of September, December, January,
February, March, and May. This schedule allows
the Committee maximum involvement in the leg-
islative process and the annual planning process.
Members are also required to serve on one of the
several subcommittees, which review pending leg-
islation, Five-Year Plan objectives, or special pro-
Stanley R. Platman, M.D., Assistant Secretary
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2686
The Assistant Secretary for Mental Health,
Mental Retardation, Addictions, and Develop-
mental Disabilities exercises overall responsibility
for the organization, funding, and general direc-
tion of the programatic and staff organizations
assigned. Included in the Assistant Secretariat are
the Mental Hygiene, Mental Retardation and De-
velopmental Disabilities, Drug Abuse, and Alco-
holism Control Administrations. The Office of
Education and Training for Addiction Services
and a Deinstitutional Staff and Preventive Law
Staff also report to the Assistant Secretary.
The Assistant Secretary coordinates the devel-
opment and implementation of policies, proce-
dures, regulations, and standards that assure de-
livery of improved health services. The Assistant
Secretary is expected to develop and promote a
high degree of collaborative working relationships
among the organizations and programs assigned as
well as with other elements within the Department.
Ludwig Lankford, Director
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-3690
The Office of Education and Training for Ad-
diction Services (OETAS) was created in 1976
(Code 1957, Art. 41, sec. 206D). It provides alco-
hol and drug abuse training for those who care
for substance abusers and for administrators who
interact with them. OETAS also works with the
State Department of Personnel to ensure that
qualified counselors are employed.
The Office's primary responsibility is to pro-
vide addiction training to agencies functioning
under the auspices of the Alcoholism Control
Administration and the Drug Abuse Administra-
tion. It also provides addiction training to other
State and local agencies, as well as to community
organizations such as local school systems. Such
training is offered in courses, workshops, semi-
nars, and specially designed agency programs.
Alp Karahasan, M.D., Ph.D., Director
Barbara Smith Hamer, Deputy Director
Sanford Bienen, Ph.D., Assistant Director for
Southern Maryland
Henry T. Hardin, M.D., Assistant Director for
Central Maryland
C. Van Eyk Grobler, Ph.D., Acting Assistant Di-
rector for Eastern Maryland
Robert R. Grooms, Ph.D., Assistant Director for
Western Maryland
201 W. Preston Street
Baltimore 21201 Telephone: 383-2695
The Administration, formerly the Department
of Mental Hygiene, was established in 1949 to su-
persede the Board of Mental Hygiene (Chapter
685, Acts of 1949). The Board, created by Chap-
ter 29, Acts of 1922, had carried on and
expanded the functions of the State Lunacy Com-
mission, established by Chapter 487, Acts of
1886, to inspect public and private institutions
for the insane and to advise their boards of man-