168/Maryland Manual
Ex officio members: Walter A. Frey III, Charles
W. Gilchrist, Harold Manekin, Richard Map-
pin, Ronald N. Young.
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3176
The Economic and Community Development
Advisory Commission provides general advisory
assistance to the Secretary on all matters relating
to the functions of the Department of Economic
and Community Development. Members are
appointed by the Secretary with the approval of
the Governor. The Commission has broad geo-
graphic representation from all parts of Maryland
and from various elements of the private sector.
The full Commission meets four times a year at
the call of the Secretary (Code 1957, Art. 41, sec.
Luther B. Miller, Director
2525 Riva Road
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2711
Created in 1981, the Maryland Energy Financ-
ing Administration administers a program of fi-
nancial assistance for energy conservation and so-
lar energy projects (Chapter 497, Acts of 1981).
Gerald L. McDonald, Assistant Secretary/or Eco-
nomic Development
1748 Forest Drive
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3944
The Division of Economic Development has its
genesis in the former Department of Economic
Development (Chapter 185, Acts of 1959). In
1970, the Department of Economic and Commu-
nity Development was created to reflect a broad-
ened mandate by the Maryland General Assem-
bly (Chapter 527, Acts of 1970). In this
restructuring, the former Department became the
Division of Economic Development.
The Assistant Secretary for Economic Develop-
ment directs six programs in this Division: the
Office of Business and Industrial Development,
Office of Business Liaison, Office of Industrial
Training, Office of Tourist Development, Office
of Seafood Marketing, Maryland Industrial De-
velopment Financing Authority, and Maryland
Small Business Development Financing Authori-
ty. The goal of the Division is to create jobs, in-
crease income and generate new tax revenues. The
Division acts to facilitate the expansion of resi-
dent business and industry, and the development
of new business and industry.
The Division publishes reference and promo-
tional materials and conducts advertising in na-
tional, regional, and trade publications, which de-
tail Maryland's business and industrial advan-
tages and opportunities, tourist attractions, and
seafood delicacies.
The Division's programs are briefly described
Michael S. Lofton, Program Director
1748 Forest Drive
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-3514
The Office of Business and Industrial Develop-
ment (BID) creates and implements an aggressive
marketing program to solicit new economic activ-
ity for the State. This program provides advice
and assistance to business and industry on plant
location and expansion, with particular expertise
on such matters as sites, buildings, labor, indus-
trial training, taxes, and financing. It also admin-
isters the Maryland Industrial Land Act (MI LA),
which helps the local political subdivisions of the
State acquire and develop industrial land and de-
velop shell buildings and parks. BID operates in-
ternational satellite offices in Brussels, Belgium
and Tokyo, Japan in order to encourage capital
investment in Maryland by foreign corporations.
H. Gordon Byrd, Jr., Program Director
1748 Forest Drive
Annapolis 21401 Telephone: 269-2621
Established in 1972, the Office of Business Li-
aison (OBL) is designed to enhance the growth
and expansion of resident business and industry.
It is Maryland's "ombudsman" to business in
need of government services and expertise. The
Office works in close conjunction with each of
the State's twenty-four jurisdictions. Its main
function is to reduce government red tape and
time-consuming delays.
The Office of Business Liaison provides person-
al assistance related to financing from private and
government sources, sites and buildings, State
rules and regulations affecting business, export-