Constitutional Offices and Agencies
H. William Bauersfeld, Director, General Services
Administration, Department of Health and Men-
tal Hygiene; Warren W. Brandt, Vice President
for General Administration. University of Mary-
land; Gary S. Connell, Fiscal Specialist, Board
of Trustees of the State Universities and Col-
leges; Sandra R. Koester, Secretary, Board of
Public Works; Dennis H. Parkinson, Acting Di-
rector Budget Analysis, Department of Budget
and Fiscal Planning; Herbert M. Sachs, Direc-
tor of Operations, Department of Natural Re-
sources; Robert L. Swann, Assistant State
Comptroller, Comptroller of the Treasury;
Douglas H. Wilson, Assistant Chief of Adminis-
trative Services, Department of Agriculture.
Co-Counsel: Allan B. Blumberg; Mary N.
Staff contact: Andrea Gentilcore
Room 309
State Treasury Building
Annapolis 21404 Telephone: 269-2375
At its September 3, 1981 meeting, the Board of
Public Works established the Procurement Advi-
sory Council pursuant to a recommendation
made to the Board by the Governor's Task Force
on State Procurement Regulations and in accor-
dance with the authority contained in Article 21,
sec. 2-102, Annotated Code of Maryland. The
Council is a temporary advisory body. It is
charged with providing advice and recommenda-
tions to the Board concerning the State's procure-
ment and contracting policies.
The Council consists of designees of Secretaries
of the procurement departments and selected us-
ing agencies. Five standing subcommittees have
been created by the Council to consider, among
other assignments, rule/regulation changes, State
training and vendor outreach programs, and revi-
sions to mandatory contract terms and condi-
tions. The subcommittee also will consider further
delegation of contract authority, compliance mon-
itoring, and examination of prior and present
Board of Public Works/137
practices, procedures, methods and processes for
the acquisition of human, social, cultural and ed-
ucational services.
Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 20755; Colonel
Dan Hill, Wing Commander The funds appropri-
ated are to pay the State's contribution to the
Maryland Wing, Civil Air Patrol, to be used for
basic operating expenses. Appropriations: 1982—
$27,500; 1983—$30,000.
TION, J. Francis Fatkin, Secretary, Route 1, Box
702, Frostburg 21532. The funds appropriated
represent the State's contribution to pensions that
may be paid to volunteer firemen or to their fami-
lies in certain instances and to provide education-
al benefits to the children of deceased or disabled
volunteer firemen (Code 1957, Art. 38A). Appro-
priations: 1982—$55,000; 1983—$815,000 (in-
cludes $675,000 for the Emergency Assistance
Trust Fund Program).
0. Box 11910, Iron Works Pike, Lexington, Ken-
tucky 40511; Brevard Crihfield, Executive Direc-
tor. The appropriation represents Maryland's pro-
portionate share of the Council's operating
expense. The Council is an umbrella group of
various organizations such as the National Con-
ference of State Legislatures, the National Associ-
ation of Attorneys General, and the National
Conference of Lieutenant Governors, among oth-
ers. The Council, founded in 1933, is a service or-
ganization that publishes a variety of books, pam-
phlets, and newsletters, conducts research ranging
from spot inquiries to in-depth analysis of issues,
and arranges meetings and seminars for the re-
gional branches of its affiliate organizations. Ap-
propriations: 1982—$49,900; 1983—$54,900.
The office of Secretary of State was created by a Constitutional Amendment in 1837 to replace the
Governor's Council. Appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate, the Secretary attests to
the Governor's signature on all public papers and documents as may be required (Const. 1867, Art.
II). The office is the repository for all executive orders and proclamations and is responsible for their