DONALD F. MUNSON, Republican, District 2C. Born in Hagerstown, December
21, 1937, and lived his early years in Hagerstown and Williamsport. Attended Wash-
ington County public schools; Capitol Page School, Washington, D.C.; The Johns
Hopkins University, B.S., 1968. Served in the U.S. Army Reserves. Page in the U.S.
House of Representatives under former Congressman DeWitt S. Hyde, 1953-1955.
Member, Washington County Historical Society; Washington County Association for
Retarded Citizens; Antietam Exchange Club; North American Rod and Gun Club;
Alsatia Club; Washington County Republican Club; District Committee, Mason-Dix-
on Boy Scout Council. Married to the former Margaret Calandrelle; one child,
Xanthy. Member of the House of Delegates since 1975; member, Economic Matters
Committee. District office: 28 W. Church St., Hagerstown 21740; tel. 791-4511. An-
napolis office: 422 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3447.
MARGARET H. MURPHY, Democrat, District 41. Bom in Baltimore. Attended
Baltimore public schools; Coppin State College, H.S., 1952, Master's Equivalent;
Morgan State University. Educational Associate, Office of Reading, Baltimore City
Public Schools. Member, Baltimore City Democratic State Central Committee,
1978—. Board chairperson. Vanguard Political Organization, Inc.; member, Ethland
Avenue Neighborhood Association; Forest Park Golf Course Neighborhood Associa-
tion; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.; Lamba Kappa Mu; Ten Plus Social Club;
Joyettes Social Club; Public School Teachers Association; National Education Associ-
ation; Red Cross; NAACP; board member, Threshold, Inc. Secretary, Maryland Leg-
islative Black Caucus; treasurer. Women Legislators of Maryland. Widowed; 3 chil-
dren. Member of the House of Delegates since 1978. Member, Environmental Matters
Committee. District office: 2914 Edmondson Ave., Baltimore 21223; tel. 362-6314.
Annapolis office: 319 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3283.
NANCY L. MURPHY, Democrat, District 12. Born in Baltimore, December 31,
1929. Attended Catonsville Senior High School; Catonsville Community College. Re-
altor. Elected in 1978 to Democratic State Central Committee. Member, Independent
Women's Democratic Club; Woodlawn Democratic Club; West Baltimore County
Democratic Club; NDC-1. Vice-president, Consolidated Democratic Club; West-
view/Edmondson Democratic Club. Member, League of Women Voters; Business and
Professional Women; Catonsville Historical Society. Director, Catonsville Business
Association. Member, Baltimore Board of Realtors; National Association of Realtors.
Three children. Member of the House of Delegates since 1983; member, Appropria-
tions Committee. First woman elected to represent District 12. District office: 1 New-
burg Ave., Baltimore 21228; tel. 747-0407. Annapolis office: 304 Lowe Bldg.; 21401;
tel. 841-3378.
ETHEL MURRAY, Democrat, District 35B. Bom in Bronx, N.Y., August 11, 1932.
Attended Catherine McAuley Academy, Brooklyn, N.Y.; University of Maryland;
Loyola College; Cecil Community College. Proprietor, State Line Liquors, Inc. Mem-
ber, American Cancer Society; Catholic Youth Organization; Crime Solvers of Cecil
County; Greater Elkton Chamber of Commerce; Ladies Auxiliary of Elkton Little
League; Women's Club of Elkton. Married; 6 children. Member of the House of Dele-
gates since 1983; member, Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee. District
office: Rising Sun 21911. Annapolis office: 403 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3545.