BARBARA OSBORN KREAMER, Democrat, District 34. Born in Baltimore, De-
cember 8, 1948. Attended Aberdeen High School; Washington College, B.A., 1970;
Johns Hopkins University, M.L.A., 1975; additional graduate courses at Johns Hop-
kins and Washington College. Member, Harford County Council, 1978-1982; Mary-
land Commission for Women, 1977—; Regional Planning Council (member, trans-
portation planning panel). Chairperson, Pension Committee, National Association of
Counties Labor and Employee Benefits Steering Committee; co-chairperson. Historic
Site Survey Committee of the Aberdeen Appearance and Preservation Committee.
Former president, Harford County Child Protection Council; former member,
Harford County Board of Estimates; former alternate representative, Maryland Asso-
ciation of Counties. Member, AAUW; NOW; Second District Women's Democratic
Club; Harford Democratic Club; Harford League of Women Voters. Chairperson,
Task Force on Comparable Worth, Maryland Commission for Women. Listed in
Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Married; 2 children. Member of the
House of Delegates since 1983; member, Constitutional and Administrative Law
Committee. District office: 100 Custis St., Aberdeen 21001; tel. 575-7034. Annapolis
office: 326 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3289.
LAWRENCE A. LaMOTTE, Democrat, District 5B. Born in Baltimore, March 14,
1949. Attended Baltimore City College; Community College of Baltimore; University
of Maryland Baltimore County, B.A., 1971, M.P.S., 1977. Pension consultant and fi-
nancial planner. Member, Baltimore County Charter Revision Commission, 1977-
1978; Maryland Medical Assistance Advisory Board, 1977-1980. Chairman, Baltimore
County Telecommunications Advisory Board (CATV), 1981-1982; Baltimore County
Children and Youth Council, 1979-1982. Legislative chairman, State Foster Cart Re-
view Board, 1981-1982. Member, UMBC Alumni Association Board, 1980-1982; 4th
District Democratic Club, Baltimore County; Baltimore Life Underwriters Associa-
tion; associate member, American Society of Pension Actuaries. Received executive ci-
tation, Baltimore County, 1982. Married; 1 child. Member of the House of Delegates
since 1983; member. Environmental Matters Committee. District office: tel. 461-5548.
Annapolis office: 306 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3371.
JOHN LEOPOLD, Republican, District 31. Born in Philadelphia, February 4, 1943.
Hamilton College, B.A., 1964. Research assistant to U.S. Senator Hugh Scott, of
Pennsylvania, 1965. Graduate studies in Mandarin Chinese at Seton Hall University
and the University of Pennsylvania, 1965-1966. Director of Planned Giving and Spe-
cial Resources, Loyola College, Baltimore. Oahu-At-Large Member, Hawaii State
Board of Education, 1968-1970; only Republican ever elected to Hawaii School
Board. Hawaii State Representative, 1970-1974. Hawaii State Senator, 1974-1978.
Member, National Advisory Council for the Education of Disadvantaged Children
(ESEA, Title I), appointed by President Gerald R. Ford. Delegate, Republican Na-
tional Conventions, 1976, 1980 (Platform Committee member, 1980). Married to the
former Leslie Peterson of Denver, Colorado. Member of the House of Delegates since
1983; member, Judiciary Committee. First Republican elected to House of Delegates
from District 31. District office: 106 Mountain Rd., 2-C, Glen Burnie 21061; tel.
760-4411. Annapolis office: 213 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3217.
THEODORE LEVIN, Democrat, District 11. Bom in Baltimore, August 29, 1944.
Attended Baltimore parochial and public schools; University of Maryland, B.A., 1966;
University of Maryland School of Law, J.D., 1969; The Johns Hopkins University,
M.L.A., 1973. Admitted to the Maryland Bar, 1969. Served in the U.S. Army. Presi-
dent, Student Government Association, University of Maryland, 1965-1966. Listed in
Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities. Member of Subur-
ban Orthodox and Beth Tfiloh Congregations. Married. Member of the House of Del-
egates since 1975. Legal counsel to Committee on Economic Matters, 1970-1974;
member, Constitutional and Administrative Law Committee, 1975-1978; Ways and
Means Committee, 1979—. District office: 114 Slade Ave., Baltimore 21208; tel.
486-0462. Annapolis office: 310 Lowe Bldg., 21401; tel. 841-3342.