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772/Maryland Manual







Sherrard, Margaret L. .........

........... 465

Siegel, Ernest ..........

................ 463

Sherrill, C. David ............

........... 298

Siewierski, R. Skip ......

................. 621

Sherwood, C. ...............

........... 620

Sigel, Madeleine ........

................ 503

Sherwood, George W. .........

........... 620

Sigman, Bernice ........

................ 197

Sherwood, John R., Ill ........

. . . . 133, 201, 269

Sigmon, William G. ......

................ 186

Sherwood, Suzanne R. .........

........... 355

Sigrist, Michael P. .......

................ 526

Shields, Wilfred H. ...........

........... 192

Sikorski, John F. ........

................ 161

Shifflet, Kenneth .............

........ 523, 524

Silber, Samuel L. .......

................ 462

Shiling, Reuben .....,.....,,

........... 200

Silbermann, Henry ......

............ .193, 233

Shilling, Calvin ..............

........... 457

Sills, G. Joseph, Jr. ......

................ 368

Shilling, Joseph L. ............

........... 317

Silver Edgar P. .........

.......... 384, 408, 458

Shillingburg, Hobert ..........

........... 491

Silver, Henry A. ........

................ 621

Shimer, Robert ..............

........... 452

Silver, Michael S. .......

................ 343

Shimizu, Hiroshi .............

........... 193

Silver, Seymour U. ......

................ 351

Shimonkevitz, Phyllis P. ........

........... 465

Silver, Stuart ..........

................ 171

Shipley, B. H., Jr. ............

........... 498

Silverman, Annette ......

................ 103

Shipley, E. Roderick ..........

........... 251

Silvennan, Jean M. ......

................ 296

Shipley, Frank M. ............

........... 199

Silverman, Marta L. . . . . .

................ 504

Shipley, Larry W. ............

........... 474

Silvers, R. Hal .........

................. 508

Shipley, Lester ..............

........... 474

Silverstone. Ruth -

................ 460

Shipley, Thomas .............

........... 472

Sim, Joseph ...........

................ 611

Shipley, William E. ...........

........... 455

Simiraglia, Carmalyn . . . . .

................ 197

Shipp, Harry S., Jr. ...........

........... 508

Simmen, Paul E. .......

................. 260

Shires, Hugh D. .............

............ 38

Simmons, Bruce ........

................. 472

Shirkey, Roy L. .............

........... 455

Simmons, Evelyn .......

................. 297

Shirley, Robert M. ...........

........... 477

Simmons, Everett, Jr. ...

................. 485

Shoap, Kitty ...............

........... 300

Simmons, Lawrence F. . . . .

................. 509

Shoch, Ann C. ..............

........... 510

Simmons, Luiz ........

............... 43,96

Shockey, Paul R. ............

........... 491

Simmons, Thomas B. ....

................. 501

Shockey, Richard L. ..........

........... 521

Simmons, Thomas W. . . . .

................. 613

Shockley, Alfred P. ...........

....... .315, 488

Simmons, William, Mrs. . . ,

................. 456

Shoekley, Bobby .............

........... 230

Simmons, William A. ...

................. 488

Shockley, Gertrude Williams .....

........... 367

Simms, Larry W. .......

................. 502

Shockley, tester D. ...........

........... 529

Simns, George Clifton . . . .

................ 501

Shockley, Lois L. ............

........... 185

Simns, Larry .........

................. 233

Shockley, Raymond C. ........

........... 527

Simon, Alvin L. .......

................. 233

Shockley, William E. ..........

........... 524

Simon, Sara ..........

................. 315

Shoemaker, Nancy ...........

........... 475

Simons, Arlene ........

................. 141

Shoenberg, Robert ...........

........... 359

Simons, Arthur C. ......

................. 489

Shofer, Lois Moses ...........

........... 200

Simons, Rodger .......

................. 452

Shook, H. Kenneth ...........

........... 351

Simpers, F. Vannort, Jr. . .

................. 500

Shope, John H. ..............

........... 305

Simpkins, Lloyd L. .....

. ...347, 382, 408, 517, 613

Shor, Norman ..............

........... 196

Simpkins, Tom .........

................. 517

Shore, S. Frank .............

......... 42,62

Simpson, D. William ....

.......... 385, 418, 524

Short, Cecil ................

........... 292

Simpson, James C. .....

. .... .34, 44, 63, 273, 297,

Short, Kathryn F. ............

........... 522



298, 299

Short, W. Cecil ..............

........... 336

Simpson, Robert S., Jr. . .

................. 481

Shortall, Paul L., Sr. ..........

........... 520

Simpson, Vivian V. .....

................. 613

Shoup, Gay Fiore ............

........... 509

Sims, Lawrence W. ......

................. 436

Showell, Ellen ..............

........... 609

Simsanan, Frances P. ...

.............. 193, 504

Shower, Jacob ..............

....... .620, 628

Sinclair, Richard .......

................. 469

Shpritz, Neil M. .............

........... 154

Sine, John M. .........

................. 392

Shreeve, Charles A., Jr. ........

........... 222

Singer, Marvin I. ......

................. 621

Shriver, Edward .............

........... 620

Singer, Ruth H. .......

.............. 168, 197

Shryock, Henry .............

........... 623

Singleton, Ann E. ......

................. 114

Shryock, Thomas J. ...........

........... 613

Singleton, Richard .....

................. 188

Shubin, Susan ...............

........... 349

Singley, Frederick J., Jr. . .

................. 617

Shufelt, Johnson T. ...........

........... 485

Sinsel, E. Paul ........

................. 481

Shukraft, Richard C. ..........

........... 523

Sirk, Michael S. .......

................. 515

Shults, John K. .............

........... 473

Sirota, Anne C. .......

................. 119

Shure, Irvin, Mrs. ............

........... 488

Sivertsen, Karen V. .....

................. 495

Sickles, Carlton R. ...........

.... 369, 622, 630

Skates, Zerita .........

................. 186

Sieder, Homer ..............

........... 520

Skilling, Mary Ann .....

................. 502

Sieg, Helmut ...............

........... 359

Skinner, Eugene L. .....

................. 485

Siegel, Dorothy G. ...........

....... .296, 336

Skinner, Hubert G. .....

................. 186


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