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Name Index/769

Roy, Anne .............

............... 606

Rybikowsky, Michael J. .....

.............. 440

Roy, Robert H. ...........

........ 300, 332, 365

Rymer, Thomas A. ........

... 33, 45, 93, 273, 294

Royal, Martha ..........

............... 154

Ryscavage, Jerome J. .......

.......... 324, 491

Roycroft, John ..........

.............. .313





Royer, Earl L. ..........

............... 525





Royer, Francis H. ........

.............. 484

Sabatier, Kathleen H. .......

.............. 189

Royer, James ...........

.............. .291

Sabatini, John ...........

.............. 325

Ruark, Bruce W. .........

............... 525

Sachs, Joseph ............

.............. 291

Ruark, Elmer F. .........

........... 316, 541

Sachs, Ronald ...........

.............. 509

Ruark, Richard F. ........

............ 537

Sachs, Stephen H. .........

. 21, 113, 257, 258, 267,

Ruben, Ida G. ..........

............. 43,92



268, 309, 314, 328, 336,

Ruben, L. Leonard .......

........ 388, 418, 503



354, 579, 619

Rubin, Gilbert V. ........

........ ..... .461

Sader, Margaret ..........

.............. 463

Rubin, Shifra M. .........

.............. .150

Sadler, R. Russell .........

....... 388, 418, 497

Rudlin, Barbara .........

............... 498

Salabes, George, Jr. ........

.............. 466

Rudnick, Mark ..........

............... 367

Saladin, John S. ..........

.............. 235

Rudnick, Robert .........

............... 503

Salett, Stanley ...........

.............. 498

Rudy, Fred W. ..........

. ............ 489

Sallitt, Robert B. .........

.............. 513

Rudy, Irvin R., Jr. ........

............... 492

Salmon, Patrick ..........

.............. 470

Ruffo, Francis A. ........

............... 528

Salvatore, John ...........

.............. 522

Ruhl, Donald L. .........

........... 324, 491

Samet, Naomi F. .........

.............. 118

Ruhl, Kenneth James ......

.... ...... 434

Sanborn, Leiand ..........

.............. 494

Ruhl, William A., Sr. ......

............... 323

Sanchez, Guillermo ........

.............. 481

Rummage, Frederick C. ....

.... .32, 33, 44, 92, 298

Sanders, Calvin R. ........

.... 384, 408, 503, 579

Rumsey, Benjamin ........

. . . . .605, 616, 617, 622

Sanders, John H. .........

.............. 477

Rumsey, David K. ........

............... 507

Sanders, Ralph W. ........

.......... .308, 331

Rundell, Walter ..........

............... 295

Sanders, Shaun ...........

.......... .241, 492

Runyan, Jack L. .........

...... ..... .499

Sandier, Paul Mark ........

.............. 465

Rupert, Edmund W. ......

............... 345

Sands, Douglas B. .........

........... 103, 341

Ruppersberger, William L. . .

.............. .136

Sands, George A., Jr. ......

.............. 472

Rurak, Peggy R. .........


Sands, George W. .........

.............. 620

Rush, Charles H. .........

............... 224

Sands, Leigh ............

.............. 471

Rush, Karol ............

............ 492

Sanger, Elaine ...........

.............. 345

Rush, William ...........

......... .41, 93, 622

Sanner, Charles S. V., Mrs. . .

.............. 489

Rusk, Harry W. .........

.............. .628

Sanner, Miriam D. ........

.............. 452

Russ, James A. ..........

............... 509

Sanner, Robert J., Mrs. .....

.............. 456

Russell, Charles .........


Sansom, Benjamin R. ......

.............. 453

Russell, Esther ..........

............... 472

Santanelo, Francis J., Sr. ....

............ 44, 93

Russell, G. Darrell, Jr. .....


Santucci, Herbert C. .......

.............. 520

Russell, George L., Jr. .....

............... 392

Sapp, Mary Virginia .......

.............. 515

Russell, Geraldine F. ......

........... 478

Sappington, John .........

.............. 620

Russell, Naomi S. ........

............... 272

Sappington, Thomas .......

.............. 615

Russell, R. Patterson ......

....... 197

Saquella, Thomas .........

.............. 292

Russell, Robert ..........

.............. 509

Sarbanes, Paul S. .........

....... 423, 625, 630

Russell, Robert B., 11 ......

.............. .338

Sargeant, John ...........

.............. 338

Russell, Thomas .........

............... 620

Sartorius, William .........

.............. 312

Russell, William R., Jr. ....

... ....... 366

Sasajima, Delores M. .......

.............. 493

Russum, George Mitchell . . .

.............. .617

Sasscer, Lansdale G. .......

....... 615, 629, 630

Ruter, Gerald C. .........

.............. .353

Sasser, Pearl .............

.............. 298

Ruth, H. Stephen ........


Satterfield, Jack ..........

.............. 365

Ruth, Katherine .........

...... .513

Satterfield, Jane ..........

.............. 191

Ruther, Helen E. .........

........... 272, 499

Satterfield, John ..........

.............. 285

Rutherford, Allan D. ......

.............. .618

Satterthwaite, Edward J., Mrs.

.............. 456

Ruths, Ernest W. ........

........... .455

Satterthwaite, Marion ......

.......... .319, 392

Rutledge, Irvine H. .......

.............. 523

Sauerbrey, Ellen R. ........

............ 40, 94

Rutledge, James B., Jr. . . . . .

............ .135

Sauerhoff, Jack R. .........

.............. 434

Ruwet, Vincent L. ........

... ...... .487

Sauers, John .............

.............. 331

Ryan, Barbara Ann .......

............... 509

Sauerwein, Doris A. .......

.............. 495

Ryan, Charles J. .........

. . ..... 44, 93

Saulsbury, A. Orrell, Jr. . . . . .

.............. 310

Ryan, E. Lorraine ........

.............. .291

Saum, Susan K. ..........

.............. 442

Ryan, James A. ..........

. . ....... 479

Saunders, A. E. Vernon . . . . .

.............. 516

Ryan, John L. ...........

.... ....... 307

Saunders, Charles N. .......

.............. 333

Ryan, Robert J. .........

.............. .391

Saunders, Elijah ..........

.............. 197

Ryan, William J. .........

.............. .277

Saunders, John S. .........

.............. 614

Rybczynski, Edward B. . . . .

.............. .621

Saunders, Monroe, Sr. ......

.............. 460


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