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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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Name Index/749

Killmon, Eiton J. ......

................. 529

Kling, William ............

............. 512

Kilty, John ..........

............. .611, 614

Klohr, Walter R., Jr. ........

............. 350

Kilty, William ........


Klunk, Joseph A. ..........

............. 295

Kimball, Donna .......

................. 473

Knauer, Richard J. .........

............. 336

Kimball, L. A. ........

................. 281

Knecht, Louis B. ...........

......... .433,436

Kimberly, John R. .....

................. 365

Knehr, Elizabeth Hahn ......

............. 341

Kimble, E. Theodore ....

............. .513,533

Knighton, Albert L. ........

............. 231

Kimble, J. Wesley ......

................. 502

Knisely, Nancy ............

............. 116

Kimmel, John A., II ....

................. 495

Knopp, Cary .............

............. 518

Kimmel, William ......

................. 628

Knorr, Sheldon H. .........

. . . 104, 320, 321, 325

Kines, C. Rogers ......

................. 308

Knott, Francis X. ..........

............. 332

King, Bob ...........

................. 475

Knott, Henry J. ...........

............. 323

King, David ..........

................. 620

Knott, John L., Sr. .........

............. 226

King, David M. .......

....... 273, 440, 468, 469

Knotts, Harry D. ..........

............. 542

King, George M. ......

................. 457

Knowles, Lloyd G. .........

............. 497

King, Harrison ........

................. 506

Knox, Geraldine ...........

............. 490

King, John L., Jr. ......

................. 132

Knox, Rita ..............

............. 200

King, Patricia L. Salcido .

................. 150

Kober, Sherrie ............

............. 291

King, Paul F. .........

................. 440

Koch, John R. ............

............. 478

King, Stanley W. ......

................. 440

Kocsis, Stephen E. .........

.......... 147, 325

King, Terry W. ........

................. 440

Kodenski, Melvin J. ........

............. 222

King, Wilbur S. .......

................. 523

Koehler, Louis A., Jr. .......

............. 222

King, William E., Jr. ....

................. 522

Koenig, Jeffrey ............

............. 457

King, William I. .......

............. .132, 136

Koger, Earl, Sr. ...........

............. 622

King, William R. ......

............. .186,437

Kolb, Marvin .............

............. 492

Kingsbury, Gilbert .....

................. 489

Kolb, Richard J. ...........

............. 533

Kingsmore, John Mack . .

................. 465

Kolman, Ira H. ...........

............. 186

Kinnamon, Mary ......

................. 483

Kolman, Lester ...........

............. 465

Kinnard, William J., Jr. . .

................. 358

Komenda, Frank J. .........

........... 44,81

Kinzer, Harold ........

................. 522

Konig, George ............

............. 629

Kirby, George A., Ill ...

................. 441

Koonce, Sarah Ada ..........

.......... 258, 508

Kirby, Leroy E., Jr. .....

................. 285

Koontz, Charles E. .........

............. 292

Kircher, Martin A. .....

.......... 385, 415, 459

Koontz, David J. ..........

............. 186

Kirk, James W. .......

............. .494, 495

Koontz, Frederick S. ........

............. 114

Kirk, Lem E. .........

................. 233

Kopp, John ..............

......... .277, 281

Kirk, Mary Ann .......

................. 300

Kopp, Nancy K. ...........

. . 34, 42, 81, 292, 296

Kirk, Neville T. .......

................. 456

Koren, Steve .............

............. 152

Kirkland, Arthur W. ....

................. 622

Kom, Seymour .............

............. 355

Kirkland, Phyllis C. ....

................. 169

Kosakowski, Chester G. ......

............. 621

Kirkner, Pat ..........

................. 464

Koss, Helen L. ............

. . 32, 33, 43, 81, 277,

Kirkpatrick, Jeane ......

................. 300



298, 622

Kirsch, E. Nick .......

................. 502

Kossack, Nathaniel E. .......

............. 336

Kirwin, Robin M., II ...

................. 235

Kossiakoff, Alexander .......

............. 351

Kirwin, William F. .....

................. 466

Kostritsky, Margaret ........

............. 385

Kitch, Valerie .........

................. 215

Koterwas, Walter J. ........

............. 461

Kitchen, Burton J. .....

................. 217

Koudelka, Margery A. .......

............. 498

Kitchens, Claude E. ....

.......... 324, 522, 523

Kountz, Charles E. .........

........... 42,82

Kittle, Douglas G. .....

................. 439

Kountz, Lee ..............

............. 486

Klair, James G. .......

................. 113

Kowalczyk, Walter J., Jr. .....

............. 272

Klappenberger, M. L. ...

................. 499

Kozlakowski, Louis J., Jr. ....

......... .117, 298

Klasmeier, Harry W. ....

................. 455

Kozur, John L. ............

............. 535

Klasmeier, Jerome W. ...

.......... 157, 158, 298

Krager, John M. ...........

............. 465

Klauber, Marvin .......

................. 505

Krahnke, Betty Ann ........

.......... 373, 505

Klavan, Stanley .......

.......... 388, 415, 503

Kramer, Alexander W. ......

............. 305

Kleger, Tobie Weiss ....

................. 192

Kramer, Harold ...........

............. 505

Klein, Donald ........

................. 282

Kramer, Joanne ...........

............. 467

Klein, Ralph L. .......

............. .435,495

Kramer, Rose C. ..........

...... 366, 375, 505

Kleinwachter, Linda ....

................. 485

Kramer, Sidney ...........

..... 35, 43, 59, 329

Kleinwachter, William H. .

................. 473

Kranz, Frederick ..........

............. 505

Klemm, Robert .......

................. 472

Kratz, William ............

............. 470

Klier, Otto A. ........

................. 245

Kraus, Karen L. ...........

............. 439

Kline, Carol ..........

................. 487

Kravitz, Marvin L. .........

............. 496

Kline, Eunice .........

................. 296

Kreamer, Barbara Osbom ....

......... .214, 493

Kline, Richard R. ......

................. 321

Kreatchman, Charles A. .....

............. 159

Klinefelter, Harry ......

................. 170

Krehnbrink, Patricia K. ......

............. 285


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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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