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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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Name Index/745

Hubbert, T. Sewell ........

.............. 485

Hynson, Carroll H., Jr. ......

............. 282



.............. 478

Hytche, William P. .........

...... 185, 316, 358

Hubley, George W., Jr. .....

.............. 195







.......... .615, 616





Huck, Peter Jay ..........

.............. 222



.............. 35

Huddles, Gary ...........

.............. 464



............. 392



.............. 535

Igoe, Kevin R. ............

............. 577



.............. 529



............. 499



.............. 461



............. 453



.......... .235, 357

Ingersoll, Daniel W., Jr. ......

............. 238

Hudson, Patrick R. ........

.............. 579



............. 603



.............. 248

Insley, H. Clifford, Jr. .......

............. 526

Hudson, Willis W. ........

.......... .316, 527



............. 526



.............. 501



............. 526

Huff, William L. ..........

.............. 392

Insley, Wade H., Mrs. .......

............. 525



.............. 488



............. 456

Hugel, David H. ..........

.......... .294, 354



............. 437



.............. 454



............. 391



.............. 475



......... .459,461

Hughes, Donald K. ........

............ 41,80

Ireland, Charles H. .........

............. 472



.............. 509



............. 621

Hughes, George W. ........

.............. 628



............. 499

Hughes, Harry ..... 15, 103,

104, 110, 147, 149, 251,



...... 295, 317, 331

277, 309, 316,

320, 325, 352, 365, 610



............. 617



.............. 610



............. 465



.............. 526



............. 471

Hughes, Robert L. ........

.............. 495



............. 472



.............. 619



............. 456

Hull, Ann R. ............

.............. 103



............. 474

Humbert, Clyde ..........

.............. 194



............. 457



.............. 492

Isbell, Florence B. ..........

............. 296



.............. 294



............. 504



.............. 312



.......... 323, 504



.............. 631



............. 366



.............. 114

Israel, Richard E. ..........

.......... .35, 114



.............. 481



............. 434



.............. 482







.............. 481





Hunt, Delores C. .........

.............. 326



............. 631

Hunt, Howard R. .........

.............. 291



............. 460



.............. 631



............. 460



.............. 200



............. 342

Hunter, H. tester .........

.... 147, 343, 491, 492



............. 437



.............. 487



............. 479

Hurley, Charles F. ........

.............. 536



............. 525

Hurley, Kirk L. ..........

.............. 440



......... .608, 610

Hurley, Robert Lee ........

.............. 435



......... .251,456

Hurlock, Philip M. ........

.............. 512



............. 499



.............. 319



............. 632



.............. 610



............. 608



.............. 485



............. 492



.............. 516



......... .150,350



.............. 437



............. 452

Hutchins, Ailene W. .......

.............. 468



............. 478



.............. 493



............. 455



272, 357, 464, 466, 622



............. 498

Hutkoff, Lionel ...........

.............. 192



............. 526

Hutt, Neva .............

.............. 472



............. 478

Hutton, Wallace E. ........

.............. 195



............. 528

Hyatt, Jerry H. ...........

..... .42, 80, 291, 294



............. 484



.............. 258



............. 356

Hyde, Bryden B. ..........

.............. 330

Jackson, William H. ........

............. 629

Hyde, DeWitt S. ..........

.............. 630

Jackson, William P. .........

......... .613, 625

Hyle, John C. ............

.............. 465

Jacobs, Curtis W. ..........

............. 620

Hymes, William R. ........

........... 347, 497

Jacobs, Jay Andrew ........

............. 141


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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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