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Maryland Manual, 1981-82
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Name Index/74 3

Heron, James Gordon .........

........... 623

Hills, William D. .......

................ 199

Herr, John L. ...............

........... 533

Himler, Henry H. .......

................ 344

Herring, Devries .....'........

........... 475

Himler, Roger .........

................ 475

Herring, Robert .............

........... 536

Himmelrich, Alfred R., Jr. .

................ 198



........... 469

Himmelwright, G. 0, ....

................ 452

Herrman, Harriet ............

........... 504

Hincken, Patricia A. .....

................ 510

Hernnann, John 0. ...........

........... 391

Hindman, Edward ......

................ 613

Hersh, Lillian ...............

........... 495

Hindman, James ........

............ .611, 613

Hershfield, Brace ............

........... 172

Hindman, William ......

...611, 613, 622, 623, 626



........... 471

Hinebaugh, Jack E. ......

................ 535



........... 608

Hinebaugh, Lillian ......

................ 509

Hess, Lewis M., Jr. ...........

........... 466

Hines, Charles R. .......

................ 440

Hess, Marcia ...............

........... 466

Hines, Deborah K. ......

................ 118

Hess, Stanford D. ............

....... .228, 292

Hines, Gladys M. .......

................ 439

Hesse, H. A. (Hank) ..........

........... 152

Hines, J. Allen .........

................ 390

Hessey, Mahlon W. ...........

........... 357

Hines, Jesse K. .........

................ 616

Hettleman, Kalman R. ........

, 104, 126, 205, 212

Hines, Rudolph C. ......

................ 315

Hevelow, Edgar B. ...........

........... 480

Hines, W. Dorsey .......

................ 233

Hevner, Alice ...............

........... 492

Hinkel, J. William .......

......... 388, 414, 464

Hewitt, Frank L., Jr. ..........

........... 219

Hinks, Samuel .........

................ 631

Hewitt, Frank L., Ill ..........

........... 324

Hinkson, Howard .......

................ 479

Hewitt, Mary Ann ...........

........... 506

Hirsh, Benjamin K. ......

................ 501

Heyman, Charles B. ..........

........... 467

Hisley, Bruce ..........

................ 455

Heyman, I. Austin ...........

........... 504

Hitchcock, G. David .....

................ 457

Heyward, William, Jr. .........

........... 627

Hite, Harold P. ........

................ 453

Hickernell, Ronald B. .........

........... 464

Hixson, Sheila Ellis ......

.............. 43,79

Hickey, Charles H., Jr. ........

........ 336, 464

Hobbs, Addison S. ......

............ .213, 317

Hickman, Carter M. ..........

... 33, 45, 78, 622

Hobbs, Dorothy Raines . . .

................ 498

Hickman, Cashar J. ...........

........... 528

Hobbs, Henry .........

................ 613

Hickman, Ted A. ............

........... 217

Hobbs, J. Edwin ........

................ 525



........ 354, 474

Hobbs, Shirley Hager ....

................ 392

Hickman, Timothy R. .........

. . .42, 59, 201, 296

Hoblitzell, Fetter S. ......

............ .616, 628

Hicks, Henry C. .............

........... 607

Hoblitzell, Jacob ........

................ 621

Hicks, James M., Jr. ..........

........... 505

Hobson, Ruth H. .......

................ 294

Hicks, Thomas H. ............

........... 620

Hochberg, Roberta B. ....

................ 214

Hicks, Thomas Holliday .......

.... 607, 612, 624

Hockstra, Darrell .......

................ 456

Hiester, Daniel ..............

........... 626

Hodge, Gary V. ........

................ 273

Higdon, Thomas L., Sr. ........

........... 482

Hodges, Benjamin .......

................ 612

Higgins, Edward H. ..........

........... 233

Hodges, Gertrude .......

................ 189

Higgs, Daniel G. .............

........... 434

Hodges, James .........

................ 632

Higinbothom, Edward D. .......

. 347, 382, 405, 493

Hodges, Warren D. ......

......... 104, 338, 615

Hilbert, Edward D. ...........

........... 222

Hodous, Joan ..........

................ 495

Hildenbrand, Steven G. ........

........... 116

Hodson, John N. .......

................ 620

Hill, Alice .................

........... 488

Hodson, Levin .........

................ 621

Hill, Edward ...............

........... 603

Hodson, Thomas J. ......

................ 620

Hill, Evelyn ................

........... 517

Hoff, Georgia S. ........

................ 277

Hill, Frederick J. ............

........... 453

Hoff, Nathaniel ........

................ 341

Hill, Henny (Henrietta) Margaret .

........... 606

Hofferberth, Emma ......

................ 476

Hill, Jacqueline J. ............

........... 470

Hottman, Barbara .......

................ 433

Hill, John Philip .............

........... 629

Hoffman, Betty L. .......

................ 186

Hill, John W. ...............

........ 150, 359

Hofhnan, Burton R. .....

................ 522

Hill, Joseph F., Sr. ...........

........... 528

Hoffman, Ellsworth ......

................ 517

Hill, M. King, Jr. ............

............ 38

Hoffman, Ernest J. ......

................ 335

Hill, Richmond W. ...........

.... 332, 336, 519

Hoffman, Henry W. .....

................ 628

Hill, Ronald Edward ..........

........... 470

Hoffman, Irwin F. ......

.............. 39, 79

Hill, Wayne W. .............

........ 324, 452

Hoffman, Larry F. ......

................ 441

Hill, William B. .............

........... 613

Hoffman, Marion .......

................ 436

Hill, William C. .............

........... 185

Hoffman, Robert A. . . . . .

................ 440

Hill, William P. .............

........... 487

Hoffman, William H. . . . . .

................ 620

Hillen, C. Granville ...........

............ 38

Hogaboom, Robert E. . . . .

................ 150

Hillen, Solomon, Jr. ..........

....... .627,631

Hogan, Lawrence J. . . . . .

................ 630

Hilliard, Clinton .............

........... 506

Hogan, Lawrence J., Jr. . . .

......... 437, 507, 510

Hillman, Richard L. ..........

........... 455

Hogans, Franklin, Mrs. . . .

................ 501

Hillman, Robert S. ...........

........... 462

Hohenstein, Walter V.

................ 325

Hillman, Sandra S. ...........

........... 300

Hoke, Solomon Nathaniel .

................ 464


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