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Name Index/73 5

Fineman, Paul J. ..............

...... .189, 223

Foard, Samuel B., Jr. .........

....... 496

Finkelstein, Esther ,..,,.......

.......... 495

Foelber, Charles H. ..........

... ........ 355

Finley, Washington ............

.......... 621

Fogarty, Walter P. .........

............. 300

Finlon, Mildred ..............

.......... 469

Fogg, Mary Jane ...........

............. 478

Finnesey, Lee R. ..............

.......... 336

Foley, James M. ...........

............. 509

Finney, Jervis S. ..............

.......... 328

Foley, John R. ............

............. 630

Pinney, Redmond C. S. .........

.......... 350

Folio, Leonard B. ..........

............. 462

Fintzell, William E. ............

.......... 456

Folk, James W. ............

............. 464

Fiocco, Vincent J., Jr. ..........

.......... 199

Fookes, Gary .............

............. 504

Fischer, Adam ...............

.......... 619

Fooks, James M. ..........

............. 620

Fischer, Gary C. ..............

.......... 300

Poor, Barbara A. ..........

............. 441

Fischer, Gloria B. .............

......'.... 375

Foos, Charles E. ...........

............. 347

Fischer, Robert F. .............

... 384, 404, 497

Foote, R. Eugene ..........

............. 154

Fischetti, Pasquale ............

.......... 491

Forami, Leo P. ............

............. 534

Piscus, Jane .................

.......... 452

Forbes, James .............

............. 622

Fisher, Charles ...............

.......... 346

Forbus, Arthur L. ..........

............. 307

Fisher, Charles 0., Jr. ..........

.......... 435

Force, Judson .............

............. 331

Fisher, Dorothy ..............

........... 517

Ford, C. Berkley ...........

............. 499

Fisher, Francis A. .............

.......... 441

Ford, Hilda ..............

............. 462

Fisher, Helen R. ..............

.......... 522

Ford, John Frank ..........

............. 618

Fisher, Herbert M. ............

.......... 465

Ford, John Linwood ........

............. 488

Fisher, Hopkins ..............

.......... 235

Ford, Leo P. .............

............. 194

Fisher, Huot ...............

........... 150

Ford, Mary Ann C. .........

............. 487

Fisher, Irving H. .............

, ... 388, 413, 507

Ford, Peggy B. ............

............. 517

Fisher, J. Walter .............

........... 149

Ford, Robert .............

............. 621

Fisher, Russell S. ............

....... .181, 460

Ford, Wilbur L., Jr. ........

............. 489

Fisher, Shirley M. .............

.......... 434

Ford, Yolande W. ..........

............. 504

Fisher, Thomas A. ...........

........... 230

Poreaker, William ..........

............. 440

Fishpaw, Herbert L. ..........

........... 326

Forehand, Jennie M. ........

........ 43, 76, 186

Fitch, Frances J. .............

........... 195

Foreman, Alan M. .........

............. 115

Pithian, Ronald H. ...........

........... 502

Foreman, Ben F. ...........

............. 459

Fitz, John B. ...............

........... 440

Forman, Larry ............

............. 469

Fitzgerald, Carroll J. ..........

....... .459, 462

Fornaro, Dominic N. ........

...... 141, 217,251

Fitzgerald, Donald M. .........

........... 488

Fomey, Karen ............

............. 501

FitzGerald, Howard C. ........

........... 106

Pornos, Werner H. .........

............. 621

Fitzgerald, J. Blaine ..........

........... 190

Forrer, Stephen E. .........

............. 359

FitzGerald, Jay ..............

........... 219

Porrest, Benjamin S. ........

............. 615

Fitzhugh, William ............

....... .615, 619

Porrest, George Benjamin, Sr. . .

............. 519

Fitzpatrick, James ............

........... 620

Forrest, lan J. ............

............. 465

Pitzpatrick, John G. ..........

........... 143

Forrest, James A. ..........

............. 515

Pitzsimmons, James C., Jr. ......

........... 457

Forrest, Uriah ............

...... 611, 623, 626

Fitzsimmons, Robert J. ........

........... 504

Forsyth, James A. ..........

............. 115

Fitzwater, Gary L. ...........

........... 440

Forsythe, Wm. H. ..........

............. 617

Flaherty, Edward P. ..........

........... 621

Forte, Regina .............

............. 149

Flaherty, Peter L., Jr. .........

........... 182

Fortier, William L. .........

............. 534

Flamer, Cecil F. .............

........... 142

Fortune, Jack .............

............. 575

Flanigan, Edward P. ..........

........... 356

Forwood, John ............

............. 612

Flatter, Charles H. ...........

........... 504

Fosen, Robert H. ..........

............. 258

Fleetwood, Harvey ...........

....... .471,472

Foster, George ............

............. 482

Fleisher, Risselle R. ...........

........... 333

Foster, Mary C. ...........

............. 519

Fleming, G. James ...........

........... 341

Poster, R. Scott ...........

............. 503

Fletcher, James C., Jr. .........

........... 333

Foster, Vemon R. ..........

.......... 134, 467

Fletcher, Janice F. ............

........... 500

Foust, Benjamin S. .........

............. 186

Pletcher, Merle ..............

........... 441

Fowler, C. Bernard .........

...... 273, 299, 468

Fletcher, Robert L. ...........

........... 475

Fowler, Clarence E. .........

............. 466

Pletcher, Verna M. ...........

........... 317

Fowler, David ............

............. 617

Fletcher, William R. ..........

........... 278

Fowler, Robert ............

............. 613

Fleury, Alexander A. ..........

........... 510

Fowlkes, Joseph M. .........

............. 195

Florestano, Thomas E. .........

........... 456

Fox, Diane ...............

............. 478

Flower, Edwin A. ............

........... 441

Fox, Earl R. ..............

............. 476

Flowers, Thomas A. ..........

........... 484

Fox, Evelyn J. ............

............. 355

Fluharty, Donna .............

........... 472

Fox, Hamilton P. ..........

............. 622

Flynn, Eileen ...............

........... 296

Fox, Louis J. .............

............. 357

Flynn, James P. G. ...........

........... 199

Fox, Paul M. .............

............. 489

Foard, John B., Jr. ...........

........... 329

Fox, Thomas M. ...........

............. 486


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